The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 519 The pattern of being a superior

Legendary druids have the ability to open the dream world.

If the dream ability is stronger, it can in turn affect reality.

In fact, there is a saying that this world is the dream mirror image of the god-level Druid, World Tree.

Of course, this is just a statement, and not many people believe it.

Because no one wants to be an illusion in someone else's dream.

Entering the rotating portal, my eyes were filled with purple mist. After a few seconds, my eyes returned to clarity.

Although his sight was restored, his body felt a little strange.

It's very light, like floating in water, with very little 'gravity'.

He looked around and found himself standing under a lavender tree. At first he thought it was a small world tree, but then he discovered that it was still an oak tree.

It's just that the color changed from green to purple.

And there are still acorns on it.

Underfoot is the green grass, which is full of life and stretches to the sky, seemingly endless.

Hardy walked out from under the huge tree canopy. The sky here was blue and there were white clouds.

There were also gusts of light wind blowing by, causing the grassland to stir up waves of 'silver' waves.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"How does my heart look like the world?"

A pleasant female voice came from behind Hardy.

Hardy turned around, not knowing when an elf appeared behind him.

The other person is very long and beautiful, with a typical elf style, tall and slender body, but with a flat chest.

The appearance is also very delicate.

But Hardy soon discovered something was wrong. The other party's head actually stayed on his neck.

She does not hold her head in her arms like other headless horsemen.

As if sensing Hardy's doubts, she walked forward with a chuckle and said: "My dream here, whatever I want will happen."

She raised her hand high and gently moved it in a semicircle. As her hand moved across it, the sun set in the sky and the full moon rose.

The moon is very bright, and there are also many stars, which are twinkling and look very beautiful.

But in fact, this is unreasonable. The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. Only in dreams can the bright moon and a large number of stars appear at the same time.

It was night here, and there was the sound of insects chirping all around, as well as the occasional breeze blowing across the grassland.

It looks extremely quiet.

"Hello, leader of the Headless Horseman, Lord of Dreams." Hardy greeted the other party: "I am Hardy, Lord of France."

"But I don't think you introduced yourself clearly." The beautiful female elf walked up to Hadi and said with a smile: "I smell the smell of the same race on you, to be precise, the smell of the royal family. You are the wife of the current queen. The man you choose?”

Hardy hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Then there is nothing more to say." The female elf said with a smile: "Although I have become the Headless Horseman, my soul is still an elf. I will prefer the elves without touching the interests of the headless horseman. One side. So Your Excellency, please tell me what your request is."

"At least I need to know your name first, ma'am."

The female elf sat down cross-legged. She formed a five-color flower crown in her hand and put it on her head. She looked particularly charming and naive: "I am Luo Qilado - Fanhua."


When Hardy heard this last name, his expression changed a little.

The other party noticed and asked with a smile: "My name makes you feel uncomfortable?"

"That's not true." Hardy said with some embarrassment: "I know two ladies from the Flower Family."

At this time, Rocherado showed a thoughtful smile.

Hadi would be happy if he had a close relationship with his people.

But Hardy's expression was very subtle. There were only two possibilities.

One is a hostile relationship, but this is impossible.

The Fanhua family is considered a branch of the royal family. If Hadi can become the royal husband, the so-called prince, the Fanhua family will definitely have no objection.

Then there is only one other possibility.

Hardy has an unclear relationship with someone in the Flower family.

For Luo Qiladuo, this is very interesting.

"That would be better. Our relationship should be closer." Another five-color flower crown appeared on Luo Qiladuo's hand, and then she gently put it on Hadi's head: "You I already know your purpose of coming. Publicly and privately, our Headless Horseman has a very close relationship with you. Logically speaking, I should agree to you immediately, but as a leader, I still have to ask the matter clearly. OK."

"As a matter of course, please ask."

Rochila nodded with satisfaction. She looked at Hadi's handsome face and smiled: "First of all, it's Princess's question. I heard about what happened between you yesterday. Can you forgive her?"

Hardy was silent.

This matter was still a bit difficult for him to accept.

"I think you can treat Princess as another person." Rochilado said slowly: "She died and grew up, and she also knew she was wrong. You can't treat a girl like this Too harsh on her."

Hardy still said nothing.

Luo Qiladuo moved slightly and sat in front of Hardy. The two were very close. Luo Qiladuo's emerald green eyes were like two pure gems, staring into Hardy's eyes: " As a lord, as a superior, you must look forward. Gratitude and grudges are personal matters, but as a leader, you cannot be too willful."

Hardy looked at Rochelado and asked: "If I don't agree to let Princess go, does that mean you won't agree to form an alliance with France?"

"No." Rochilado said decisively: "I will personally use my power to force all the Headless Horsemen to cooperate with you. After all, I am an elf and you are our prince."

Hardy knew that the other party still had something to say.

"But... I can't guarantee whether some of them will leave after they complain, or whether it will cause a split in the Headless Horseman group."

What Rosellado said was truly from the bottom of her heart.

Even with Rochilado's relationship, Hardy was able to form an alliance with the Headless Horsemen.

But the problem is that if Princess is really hacked to death again, the other headless horsemen will definitely have a lot of opinions.

Rocherado's concerns are very reasonable.

Hardy thought for a while, took a deep breath, and said, "I agree to let Princess go, but she cannot appear in front of me."

"With your words, I feel relieved. Thank you very much for your tolerance and concession." Luo Qiladuoji laughed happily, and then she hugged Hadi gently: "Let's talk next Details of the alliance."

About half an hour later, Hardy emerged from the vortex.

A large group of headless horsemen gathered in front of him, all looking at him expectantly.

Hardy smiled at them: "We will be allies from now on."

After a moment of silence, the Headless Horsemen burst into laughter.

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