The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 520 You can call me another name

To celebrate the alliance, Hardi Oasis stayed here for two more days.

Either drinking or drinking.

Most of the Headless Horsemen don't like to drink much, and there are some fruits in the oasis. They turned them into fruit wine and saved a lot.

Then I finished it in two days.

He was unusually drunk and in a daze, and it seemed like there were many beautiful headless snakes rubbing around him.

I don’t know if it’s real or illusory.

It wasn't until the evening of the next day that the astral teleportation automatically took effect and Hardy was teleported away.

Watching Hardy disappear into the light, a large group of headless horsemen let out a disappointed sigh.

After many years, a man finally appeared in their oasis.

And he's so handsome.

Even if they can't eat, it doesn't stop them from looking at and having fun.

Shortly after Hardy disappeared, Rochilado walked out of the illusion holding her head.

Wearing a green dress, she put her head in front of her belly and smiled happily: "Sisters, starting from today, we have to clean up and bow."

"What's wrong?"

"what's going on?"

The Headless Horsemen started asking questions.

"We are going to live in the human world." Rochilado smiled happily: "Prince Hadi approved a piece of land for us, a large piece of land."


After a brief silence, the Headless Horsemen almost went crazy.

They rushed to Rochilado, surrounded her, and kept asking what was going on.

Is it real.

The noise was so loud that Luo Qiladuo's head almost exploded.

She waved her back and shouted, "Stop talking."

The Headless Horsemen fell silent.

Don't blame them for this.

After all, the environment in the demon world is too harsh. Although the oasis is a good place, no matter how good it is, it cannot be compared with the human world.

Besides, the scope of the oasis is really not that big.

The smell of other places in the demon world is too unpleasant. As the headless horsemen, they usually don't have enough space for them to run wildly.

But if there is a gathering place in the human world, the meaning is different.

Someone asked: "Is the land allocated to us by Mr. Hadi big?"

"Big!" Luo Qiladuo pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's very big. I've seen the map. It's enough for us to run for a whole day."


All the headless horsemen were shouting loudly.

Someone asked: "How can we ensure that Mr. Hardy can always fulfill this agreement?"

Princess, who was in the crowd, got angry and shouted: "Hardy will definitely keep his word."

A group of women started teasing her.

"As expected of the girl who just turned into the Headless Horseman, and still loves the man who killed her so much."

"I'm so envious. I have lived for more than three hundred years, and I have forgotten what the man who killed me looks like."


A group of headless horsemen burst into laughter.

Princess looked embarrassed.

Because this is indeed true. Because they have lived too long, their ideal people have gradually faded from their minds.

At this time, the headless horseman who had always been calm asked: "Rochelado, although it is not good to say this, we really have no way to guarantee that Mr. Hardy can fulfill our agreement for a long time. As you know, Men are fickle creatures."

"There is this!"

Rochilado pulled out a scroll from her clothes, still emitting a faint milky white light.

"What's this?"

"Our contract with Mr. Hardy." Rochilado said with a smile: "The witness is the goddess of light."

As soon as these words came out, the noisy scene immediately became quiet.

Someone exclaimed: "The goddess of light is willing to help us witness?"

After all, they are creatures of darkness, born to hide from the light.

Luo Qiladuo looked strange.

She had already 'smelled' the scent of sunshine on Hardy's body. Except for those who were favored by the goddess of light, no one had such a strong and bright aura.

Elf women like this smell the most.

To them, the smell is almost special catnip.

The kind that makes you intoxicated when you take a whiff.

"The goddess of light is not willing to help us witness." Rochilado smiled strangely: "She is just helping Hardy witness, and she doesn't want us to violate the agreement with Hardy."

The Headless Horsemen looked at each other.

Having said that, Mr. Hardy seems to have a very good background.

At this time, Rochilado looked at Princess and said, "Mr. Hardy said that he can let you go, but there is a condition. From now on, Princess cannot appear in front of him again."

Princess's face suddenly turned pale.

She was quite happy just now, but now there was a look of despair in her eyes.

A black mist emerged unconsciously from his body.

This is dark magic, which will appear when the Headless Horsemen are sad or angry.

Rochilado looked at her helplessly and cursed: "Why are you so stupid? Mr. Hardy only said that Princess Princess could not appear in front of him, but he did not say anything about Lax, Alice, or It's some other 'Si' that can't go see him."

Princess's eyes gradually regained their luster, and she asked cautiously: "What do you mean..."

"Stupid, think for yourself." Luo Qiladuo laughed and scolded: "Okay, everyone will pack up their belongings in the next few days. In five days, we will pack up and leave for the human world."

"how to get to?"

"Of course it will be teleported there." Rochilado turned to look at the oak tree behind her: "As long as I am sacrificed in the dreamland, we can all teleport to the human world."

A headless horseman shouted: "No, that's the magic power you have accumulated for more than a thousand years. If you do this, your strength will be greatly reduced."

"It's okay." Luo Qiladuo said nonchalantly: "As long as I can return to the human world, as long as I can gain a foothold there, my strength will be restored soon. Okay, everyone, take action, we don't have much time, and this matter It must be kept secret and no outsider can know.”

The Headless Horsemen immediately took action.

Sophie had also left the oasis at this time. She could not teleport directly back to the human world like Hardy did. She had to go through the teleportation magic circle.

At this time, Hardy had returned to his lord's mansion.

Although this trip to the devil world was very short, it still accomplished two practical things.

Killed a kobold dragonborn and negotiated an alliance with the Headless Horseman.

But there are also some small surprises.

The scale sword in his hand disappeared.

To be sure, when he was teleported back to the human world, the scale sword disappeared by itself.

It was as if he had a sense of autonomy and flew away.

Hardy felt that it had returned to its original owner.

Thinking of the owner of the scale sword, Hardy thought of the mirage.

Thinking about it now, he always felt that the other party was weird.

Whether it's his attitude towards himself or his behavior of giving a sword to someone he meets.

At this time, Petola walked in: "According to intelligence, the exiled queen of Kirolos has come to our north. It is estimated that she will come to our territory in more than half a month."

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