The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 533 The soft-hearted lady

Inside the Lord's Mansion in Tacoma County.

Sophia cried bitterly while holding her daughter, but Guiweinil was very happy holding her mother, but she also looked a little disappointed.

Because Hardy said on the road that she now has good governance skills and returned to Tacoma to help her mother with things.

Although Sophia also has a certain level of management, after nearly a year of training, Gui Wenir's ability has surpassed that of her mother.

Moreover, Hadi's governing philosophy is different from that of traditional French lords. She has studied under Hadi for more than a year and can better understand Hadi's intentions.

Hardy asked mother and daughter to express their feelings to each other, while he went to the study and sat down to wait.

More than half an hour later, Sophia, whose mood had stabilized, came in with her daughter Gui Wenir.

Sophia was very beautiful, and her expression when she looked at Hadi showed both a woman's longing and a sense of shame.

"Although I know the general outline of the matter, it would be better for you to tell me the details." Hardy said in a calm tone: "Why all of a sudden, the seaport tax can no longer be collected."

Sophia took a deep breath, and then told the details of the matter.

This is more than an hour.

After listening, Hardy sat quietly and thought about the matter in his mind.

In fact, things are not too complicated. Due to the recent wartime management regulations, the shipment volume here at the seaport has almost halved, which has reduced the income of many people.

Then it caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Including but not limited to hard workers, citizens, big businessmen, etc.

Then people with ulterior motives took the opportunity to join forces and cut off the tax revenue from the seaport unless the lord reopened the restrictions on the port.

"Since we already knew the signs, why didn't we take measures early on?" Hardy asked.

"I...I think they are so pitiful." Sophia said timidly.

"Are they too pitiful, or are many of them your acquaintances, so it's hard for you to take action?" Hardy asked with a smile.

Sophia was silent.

In fact, she had the intention to solve this problem at the beginning.

But many best friends, relatives, etc. came to my door, offering various lobbyists and friendships, pleading for mercy and begging to be let go.

After a while, they united and managed the harbor as a monolith.

But at this time, Sophia went to them to reason and talk about feelings, but those people talked to her about their strength.

Seeing the beautiful woman's silent expression, Hardy knew that he was right.

Gui Wenir knew at a glance that Hardy was unhappy. She wanted to plead for her mother, but she didn't know how to speak.

Hardy sighed softly, looked at the girl next to him, and said: "I will leave this matter to you. I will lend you the power mobilized by a hundred Blade Knights. If the problem is solved, you can use it to your heart's content. "

Gui Wenir looked happy and said, "I promise to handle this matter well, so don't worry."

"Sir Hardy, Gui Wenir is still young, she can't handle it well."

Hardy looked at Sophia: "You are not young, but you have made a great situation what it is now. Should you leave it to you?"

Sophia was speechless, with a hurt expression on her face.

Hardy ignored her and said to Gui Wenir: "Go and do the work, and invite some undead officials over."

Guiwenier left the study happily.

Sophia stood aside, not knowing what to do.

Not long after, eight more players appeared in the study room.

Hardy looked at them and asked, "Do you know anything about the harbor?"

All eight people nodded.

When they looked at Hardy, they felt as if they were facing the company boss in reality.

Somewhat timidly afraid.

There's nothing you can do about it, that's what taking people's money is all about.

"Then how do you do things, don't you have any credit for Sophia?" Hardy asked in confusion.

The male player standing at the front smiled bitterly and said: "We have advised you many times, but the lord's wife has not listened to it."

Hardy turned to look at Sophia and asked, "Really?"

Sophia hesitated for a moment, then nodded.


Hardy sighed softly: "From now on, you will assist Ms. Gui Wenir, do you understand?"

Sophia's face turned pale.

Several players nodded indifferently.

It's no problem to let them help anyone, they will do their best.

Whose money is not money anyway!

Then several players left. Hardy looked at Sophia who turned pale and asked, "Are you not convinced?"

Sophia was silent for a while and shook her head.

Hardy smiled softly, picked him up and took him to the inner room of the study.

When a woman is angry, it's actually very simple, just 'teach her a lesson' and then she will be convinced.

In fact, Sophia is a bit 'unconvinced' now, because Hardy has not had a relationship with her in the past year.

Women... always want more 'pampering' from men.

Hardy still had more to say, but Sophia couldn't bear it anymore.

She hugged Hadi with blurry eyes and said, "You embarrassed me in front of your daughter and subordinates as soon as you came here. You are too bad."

"I didn't throw you out of the lord's house, I already gave you a lot of face." Hardy said calmly: "If it were any other lord, I would have sold you."

The tax revenue of the entire seaport, even if it is only half of that in peacetime, is still an exaggerated amount.

Sophia's eyes widened: "Do you really want to throw me out of the lord's mansion?"

"Because you are my woman, I have given you preferential treatment."

Sophia was stunned. She could feel that Hardy was telling the truth.

While feeling a little uncomfortable, she was also a little happy.

Fortunately, I am Hardy's woman, and fortunately, I did not do anything extreme.

It’s also thanks to his daughter Gui Wenier who followed Hardy.

With fear in her heart, she subconsciously hugged Hadi tightly: "Then I won't care about anything anymore, just leave it to Gui Wenir."

"It's good to know." Hardy patted her butt.

At this time, the harbor was surrounded by a large army.

One hundred silver-winged knights, two hundred infantry, and fifty archers.

This configuration is almost enough to capture a small city, and it is more than enough to surround the port of Kotama.

Gui Wenir was wearing a brown leather coat, a leather helmet on his head, and a stabbing sword hanging on his waist. He looked heroic.

She studied under Hardy for a year.

Mainly to learn the ability to govern the place, but also to learn the skills of the Silver Moon Witch from Sophie and Tiana.

Although it took him a year to become a professional, his talent was not very good.

But becoming a professional means that she has a certain fighting ability.

Three or five ordinary soldiers really couldn't defeat her.

She stood on the cliff by the sea, staring at the harbor below, looking at the crowded ships in the dock, and said with a sneer: "Let the infantry attack first, the Blade Knights are on standby, and the archers have rockets. If the ships in the dock dare to escape, launch an attack immediately." The rockets burned them."

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