The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 534 Women are so cruel

Tacoma's harbor is huge.

Hardy asked the player 'Life is Short' to more than double the size of the seaport, and the cargo volume brought was also extremely high.

Now even under wartime administration, the supplies that can be shipped out are only about 60% of what they were before.

Although the income of seaport-related personnel has been halved, compared with citizens in other industries, the average salary is still higher, but it is not as exaggerated as before.

Far from being unable to survive.

It’s just that the vast majority of people are greedy.

After eating enough, I want to eat meat. After eating enough meat, I want to hug a girl. After I have a girl, I want a more beautiful girl.

Then comes more wealth, higher status and power.

The same goes for the seaport now. The people working here are used to having a lot of money coming into their accounts every day, but now that their income is half, they are very unhappy.

Then wartime taxes were raised four points higher than before, and they were even more unhappy.

Seeing how little money they had received, they became restless.

In the tallest stone building in the harbor, a meeting was taking place.

This is a large round table with fourteen people sitting in it.

The golden main seat faces a large window, and outside the window is the blue ocean.

From time to time, the sound of seagulls and waves came from outside.

The man at the main seat was very old, about sixty years old, with a head full of white hair and a white beard.

He looked at the people around him and said, "Hardy has arrived in Tacoma City. How do you think he will deal with us?"

"Why should he deal with us?" A man sitting on the west side shouted: "This is Tacoma. It was not his territory in the first place. He stole it secretly."

Someone next to him said with a smile: "Indeed, he also took advantage of someone else's orphaned daughter and widowed mother, no matter what. He doesn't even know how bad his reputation is here."

Everyone laughed.

However, a woman next to him sighed: "He just has a bad reputation among us nobles, but a high reputation among the common people."

"What can common people do?" The man who just spoke tsked: "Without the help of our nobles and big businessmen, how could he manage Tacoma to what it is now? What kind of wartime management regulations are there? This is not the north. , and will not be threatened by the demons, no one will make any money from doing this, and he knows nothing about territorial management."

Everyone chuckled.

Someone next to him answered: "It's just that he didn't understand, so he gave the management rights to the former lord's wife, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with us."

Now everyone laughed louder.

The old man on the main seat pressed his hands and said: "Okay, no more nonsense. We need to figure out how to deal with Hardy now. We finally got it here at the port, and we must not let it out again."

Everyone nodded.

"I have transferred four hundred private soldiers here, fifty of them are in armor." The old man at the head of the throne said in a calm tone: "You also have to transfer your own family members. Only if we unite as one can we win from the enemy." Take advantage of Hardy."

"This is natural." One of the middle-aged businessmen with a big belly said: "Hardy is a nightmare knight after all. I heard that he is very powerful in combat, so you should be careful."

"You really believe those rumors." A man with a mustache who looked like an aristocrat laughed exaggeratedly: "We nobles always exaggerate when doing things. If we can hunt a rabbit, we will say that we have hunted a lion. , Anyone who can hunt a green gray wolf will say that he has hunted a dragon-blooded species! Hardy could only go to the battlefield and kill a few slave soldiers, and then boast himself as a strong man who killed four tribes."

Everyone was laughing so hard.

Just when the man at the head of the table was about to say something, the door of the conference room was violently pushed open.

A young man in colorful clothes appeared at the door. His face was full of panic: "Grandpa, we are surrounded."

The old man's face immediately changed. He stood up suddenly, walked to the balcony opposite and took a look, and found that the entrance to the harbor had been sealed.

One hundred silver-armored cavalry stood at the very back, reflecting the brilliance of the sun.

In front of the silver-armored cavalry was a phalanx of archers, and further ahead were more than a hundred armored infantry.

"How dare you come here with less than 300 people?" The old man felt a little incredible: "Does Hardy want to fight us? How dare he!"

At this time, his eyes swept to the cliff on the opposite left, where the terrain was almost the same as their floor.

Although the old man was old, he had good eyesight. He immediately saw clearly that the person standing on the cliff was a girl.

And he looked very familiar, she was his niece and a distant relative.

"Gui Wenir?" The old man's expression changed: "Hadi only sent a little girl here? Even Sophia is not willing to send over to negotiate with us?"

A feeling of irritation at being slighted came over him.

At this time, an attendant came in from outside. He held a letter in his hand and said, "Your Excellency Schwano, this is the letter sent by someone from the other side."

The old man walked over and took the letter directly. After a quick glance, he said angrily: "It's too much to bully someone."

"What's written on it?" someone asked.

"Let us surrender immediately and pay three times the tax, otherwise we will all be killed." The old man Schwano crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it to the ground.

When everyone heard this, they were angry.

One of the nobles suggested: "Fight, we must fight. More than 300 people dare to negotiate terms with us, and are they still so arrogant? Together, we can station at least 2,000 troops here. Is there something wrong with that boy Hadi's brain?" ?”

In the conference room, everyone was angry.

Even so, there seems to be some bluff in it.

Schwano clapped his hands and said: "Gather all the troops, we will directly counterattack, occupy the city lord's palace, and capture Hadi alive."


Everyone roared.

Guiwenier, who was waiting on the cliff, was condescending and soon saw the enemy mobilizing troops.

She was stunned for a moment, looked at the staff next to her, and said with a smile: "Your plan is quite powerful. It's just a letter, and they actually started to counterattack. How dare you!"

"They are just a group of businessmen and small nobles. They don't understand what a battlefield is at all. They think that whichever side has more people is more powerful." The staff next to him shook his head helplessly and said: "They only have a hundred armored elite soldiers at most, even if there are two thousand more The militia is useless, not to mention that we still have the advantage of high ground."

War science is also a very important knowledge, which is only in the hands of a few people. Not to mention ordinary people, even many small nobles are not qualified to learn it.

Not to mention a group of businessmen.

Gui Wenir sighed and said: "Give orders to the soldiers. Archers guard the pass. Show me the Dead Sea ships. Don't let one get away. The infantry and cavalry advance to meet the enemy. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed. No need to survive."

The staff member suddenly said: "Miss, I have to remind you that one of your relatives, Mr. Schwano, is also inside."

Gui Wenir pondered for a moment and said: "He has plotted against our family before, and now he dares to rebel. Hardy doesn't like him either, so let's kill him."

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