The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 537 Stabilizing the rear

Sophia looked at her daughter in disbelief.

"You mean..." Sophia's voice was trembling: "Hardy is testing us? He won't have such serious thoughts, no."

In Sophia's eyes, Hardy is a very good boy.

He saved his mother and daughter from fire and water, and doted on him very much.

It is absolutely impossible for him to have scruples about his mother and daughter, let alone test himself. He is not that kind of person.

Gui Wenir looked at Sophia's appearance, and said with a bit of hatred: "Mother, since Hadi is so important to you, you can react like this to his slightest emotion, and you can't accept it. Why do you still have to deal with someone You are a disaster to our family, and you are extremely unfriendly to Hadi, a distant relative, and you value him so much. Aren’t you trying to please both sides and want both sides?”

Sophia's face suddenly turned pale.

Gui Wenir said what she thought.

She wanted both.

"Hadi has given you a lot of face." Gui Wenir hugged Sophia and said in a low voice: "He asked me to handle it because I am not familiar with Schwano and I can do it. If he lets you How are you going to deal with it? Can you do it? Or, facing you, will the current Schwano hold back, or will he be willing to be captured by you? What if he fights back?"

The string of questions made Sophia's mind shake violently.

Every word her daughter said made Sophia feel cold.

"So mother, just let this matter go. Tacoma is no longer ours, it belongs to Hardy. You should accept this reality as soon as possible."

Sophia burst into tears.

The mother and daughter talked quietly all night.

Sophie hid in the shadows and listened to all these words.

In the morning, she came to see Hadi and spent more than an hour eating some energy to fill her stomach.

Then she recounted what she heard to Hardy.

After hearing this, Hardy smiled and said: "Gui Wenir is really talented in politics and has obviously grown up."

"Yes." Sophie also sighed softly: "When she first came here, she didn't understand anything. But in less than two years, she has been able to see many things clearly."

"Then it is reasonable to hand over Tacoma County to her management."

Sophie smiled and said: "I agree with's just that when did you want Gui Wenir?"

"She's still too young, give it another year." Hardy thought for a moment and said.

Sophie thought for a while and said, "Aren't you afraid that she will be abducted by others this year, and then she will have to row away even if she wants Tacoma? After all, you also said that things are unpredictable."

"Investment is always risky." Hardy waved his hand nonchalantly: "Gui Wenir will indeed become a good politician in the future, and this is also a test for her, and she will understand it."

"I feel that you have changed a lot." Sophie gently stroked Hadi's face: "Three years ago, although you were very smart and mature, you would not have set up such a winding thing. In fact, this You must have been quite tired for several years."

"Tired? That's not the case." Hardy sighed and said, "These are just growing pains. No one can be innocent and kind forever."

In the next few days, Hardy was in charge of the Lord's Mansion, led by Gui Wenir, and coordinated by several players and officials, and carried out a shocking house raid in Tacoma.

Twenty-three local families confirmed to have actually participated in the 'rebellion' had their homes confiscated.

The leader was hanged directly in the central square for public display. After Hadi deprived him of his identity, the remaining tribesmen drove out of Hadi's territory with little property.

Where they go is no longer Hardy's business.

Rebellion is a very high-reward thing, but it is also a very high-risk thing.

It's natural to be happy if you succeed, but you have to accept your fate if you fail.

If this rebellion is suppressed, a period of stability will be guaranteed for at least ten years.

The war is imminent, and stability in the rear is a top priority.

That's why we have to deal with this matter seriously.

Hardy stood on the balcony, looking at the boxes of gold coins that were moved to the lord's mansion, and said, "Those people are really rich."

He didn't expect that twenty-three families could actually steal more than four thousand gold coins.

This is still pure gold coins, not including other real estate or gems.

Sophia was next to Hardy's body, looking like a little bird clinging to him.

After talking to Gui Wenir that day, she became much more sensible.

She used to like and like Hardy very much, but she was still a little arrogant in her heart.

After all, she was originally the lord's wife of Tacoma, and it seemed natural that Hardy had asked her to manage this territory.

But now, she could see her position pretty well.

A canary.

Without that little thought in her mind, she focused on Hardy, which made her even more loved by Hardy.

She is a beautiful woman in her own right, she is slimy and looks at you with admiration in her eyes, which will make you confused for a while.

Guiweinil was a little jealous because of this.

After half a month in Tacoma, Hardy is leaving.

Next, he has to lead the undead army to Enoria.

Before leaving, Gui Wenir hugged Hadi and cried until she died, feeling very reluctant to part with him.

The clothes on Hardy's chest were all wet from her crying.

Hardy then returned to Louisiana County.

As soon as she got home, Petola ran directly to the study to find him.

"Hardy, as you expected, Queen Yejieka did a lot of things."

A document is placed on the table.

After Hardy picked it up and looked at it, he smiled and said: "It's almost the same trick as I expected, but her donation for the banquet is really interesting!"

Petola crossed her arms and sighed: "This is the most shameless queen I have ever seen. Where does she put the status of the royal family?"

Hardy smiled: "Some people don't care about this."

But Hardy also shook his head and didn't think much of Queen Yejieka's operation.

Petola was still sitting in Hadi's arms as usual, and then said slowly: "She has gathered more than three hundred 'immortals' now. If she adds two to three hundred more, she will be able to become a force." .”

"It can't be done." Hardy shook his head: "The big brother and the dog licker... I guess the number is only this many. And these people are not soldiers, so they are inherently difficult to control. If there are more, they will be exposed."

"Are you so sure?" Petola asked curiously, with bright eyebrows and biting her lips from time to time, looking uncomfortable.

Hardy said calmly: "It has been almost three years since these undead people appeared. I have been in contact with them and know enough about them."

"Actually, their personalities and behaviors are quite similar to yours." Petola said with emotion: "If your soul hadn't been entangled with the power of the God of Time and Space, I would have suspected that you were one of them."

When Hardy heard this, he chuckled with a look of approval on his face. (End of chapter)

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