The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 538 Ye Jieka’s Banquet

In the official game forum, the most discussed one is Queen Yejieka of Louisian County.

Players have already sorted out all her deeds.

She is obviously a princess, but she is sent to live in a remote and poor place. Her parents don't care about her, and her grandma doesn't love her.

And because the royal family of Kievan Rus was also very poor, she had to be 'sold' to a prince of a small country as his wife when she was sixteen years old.

It would be easy to say that the prince looked normal, but it happened that the prince was forty years old, a sick dwarf, and covered with scars from sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexually transmitted diseases in this world are actually very easy to deal with. Priest of Light has at least three magical skills that can treat various sexual diseases.

But even so, the dwarf's body was still covered with the marks left by these things, which was very ugly.

You can imagine how serious his style problem is, he is an absolute lover of heavy taste.

Then Ye Jieka became angry.

The poor wind and snow environment of Kievan Rus has nurtured the strong femininity here.

She rebelled...killed her father, killed all her brothers and two blind sisters, and successfully became the queen of Kievan Rus.

After ascending the throne, although her private life was very chaotic, her political ability and ability to govern the country were also good. In just a few years, she managed Kievan Rus's prosperity.

It can be said that if the demons did not suddenly appear, Kievan Rus would threaten the countries in the Alopa region in another ten years.

It is possible to unify the Aroba region.

But there are not so many ifs.

The demons appeared, and the rise of Kievan Rus was interrupted.

These evaluations are not Hardy's judgment, but the players' judgment.

So when Queen Yejieka appeared in Louisian County, the players were excited, especially the male players.

The emergence of several pictures of Queen Yejieka's balcony springtime pushed this "noisy" to a peak.

A true queen.

Although in exile.

But if the exiled queen hadn't fallen into the mortal world, how could they have contacted each other.

Outside the 'temporary palace', on the opposite side of the street, there were crowds of players watching the excitement.

Squatting beside the wall with his hands folded in his sleeves was a player from the northwest region.

Standing at the front, squeezing around and politely greeting each other's parents in Wu Nong's soft language, were the players from the Central Plains region.

Those who climbed up the trees to watch the show were players from Guangdong and Guangxi.

They were watching who entered the banquet hall opposite.

"Oh, it was the boss of the Zongheng family who walked in. How much did he donate?"

"Here comes another one. He seems to be the second-in-command of Tianshen Villa? Hey, didn't you say he is gay? Why is he here too?"

"The beautiful vice-president of Zixuan Guild? No, what is a woman doing in this banquet hall?"

"Men are allowed to be gay, but women are not allowed to be gay?"

"Ye Jieka is so beautiful and dashing, and women like her very much."

"Speaking of the queen... If anyone has a balcony set, I'll give you a private one, and I'll give you fifty."

"I do, you go ahead and date me twenty to see your integrity."

"Why don't you send me a picture first?"

"No, one picture is enough for you to cast the spell!"

"The stakes are so high, then I'll give you money first."

On the street, the hot topic of discussion gradually became distorted.

These are ordinary players, or lone wolf players. Although their abilities are not very strong, they all like to join in the fun of major events in the game.

This is the fourth banquet held by Ye Jieka.

In the banquet hall, the guests were obviously divided into two large groups.

The local aboriginal gentlemen are one group, and then the undead are another group.

Of course, among these two large groups, there are also a few Sheniu masters who can go back and forth between each other and can take advantage of both sides.

At this time, Ye Jieka was sitting in the bedroom, wearing elven silk pajamas, and her body seemed to appear.

She lay lazily on her side on the edge of the bed, looked at the one-eyed dragon opposite, and said with a smile: "How much time is left until the banquet starts?"

"About half an hour."

"Then help me choose an outfit."

"Okay." The one-eyed dragon began to rummage in the closet.

It didn't take long before she took out a set of long elven dresses that looked similar but were actually very low-key and luxurious.

The average height of elven women is about 1.7 meters, and Yejieka is 1.73 meters tall, which is more than enough for wearing this long skirt.

Even...she looks more charming in it.

After all, the elves are all flat-chested, so after she put it on, she could hold up this long skirt even more.

"So your taste has become like this now." Queen Yejieka stood up and said to the one-eyed dragon with a half-smile.

Then in front of the one-eyed dragon, he opened the straps on his shoulders.

The pajamas fell to the ground. She walked up to the one-eyed dragon naked, picked up the skirt and put it on herself.

"Aren't you going to wear some underwear?"

Ye Jieka shook her head: "No, those undead people are all perverts. They like this unique temptation."

The one-eyed dragon's eyes were dim.

The noble queen actually reduced herself to the point of entertaining people with sex, which made him suffer from severe angina.

Seeing the one-eyed dragon's expression, Ye Jieka smiled and said: "When I was seventeen, my situation was much more difficult than it is now. How come it's different? Don't worry, as long as you sit in a high position, no one cares about what you have done before. ."

The one-eyed dragon nodded slightly.

Yejieka sat in front of the mirror and put on light makeup at will.

She is very beautiful and has great benefits of youth. This kind of natural beauty is the most attractive.

Then she spun around in a circle, her long skirt floated up, and the consequences of not wearing underwear were endless springtime.

Seeing the beautiful scenery of white jade flashing before his eyes, full of ultimate temptation, the one-eyed dragon had tasted this body religiously more than ten times, but still instinctively shed a nosebleed.

"Haha, after all these years, you still look like this worthless person."

Ye Jieka rolled her eyes at the one-eyed dragon charmingly, then walked out of the bedroom and came to the observation deck on the second floor.

She leaned generously on the railing and looked down at the guests below.

The players were all professionals. They noticed Ye Jieka's appearance immediately, and almost everyone turned their attention away.

Afterwards, almost everyone looked shocked.

Because they all saw the curves that fit the body under the seemingly simple long skirt.

And they also saw the ‘sudden point’.

This scale can be said to be very large.

One player muttered in a low voice: "Why do I feel that she is half-exposed like this, which is more disturbing than that set of pictures of spring scenery on the balcony."

The beautiful vice president from Zixuan Guild looked at Ye Jieka with admiration in her eyes.

She heard the muttering of the player next to her and said disdainfully: "What do you know? This is called being generous and unpretentious. Ordinary people cannot understand the behavior of royal family members."

The male player ignored her and was concentrating on controlling the system camera and taking screenshots.

Yejieka looked at the surprised atmosphere below with satisfaction. She smiled and said: "Welcome to the banquet I hosted, and thank you for your support. After the restoration of Kievan Rus in the future, your contribution will not be forgotten. Yes, the banquet begins now, please enjoy yourself and don't be polite." (End of Chapter)

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