The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 542 My reinforcements are behind the enemy’s rear

Sophie is very powerful.

It can be said that if they did not transform into Nightmare Knights, the two Hardys would not be Sophie's opponents.

After all, she was a serious general of the Demon Clan back then. To be able to become a general among the Demon Clan that worshiped strength, she couldn't do it without some skills.

Moreover, Sophie has been absorbing Hardy's high-quality essence recently, and her strength is growing rapidly.

He is much stronger than when he was a demon general.

But even so, she was actually injured?

Hardy waved his hand and said: "You go back and rest first, and we will set off to the front line tomorrow. Also, the security measures at night must be done well."

Several player generals saw the wound on Sophie's neck and nodded cautiously.

They know Sophie's strength. After all, in their system vision, Sophie is an NPC with the 'elite' logo on her head. If such an NPC is placed in a dungeon, it must be a medium-sized group of at least ten people to win. .

But now... he was actually hurt.

This matter has to be taken seriously.

After the players all left, Sophie fell limply into Hardy's arms.

Hardy checked and found no signs of poisoning or curse on her body.

It seems that he must have lost his strength.

So they kissed him.

Sure enough, after a deep kiss, Sophie's condition was much better.

Hardy casts the 'healing spell'.

Although he is not specialized in this spell, and the effect is far inferior to that of a priest, it is still better than nothing.

There was a large blood stain on Sophie's right chest, and she looked seriously injured.

There was a shallow but long wound on her neck.

It was pulled diagonally from the right neck to the left chest. In fact, this was only a minor injury.

Sophie felt a little more energetic. She lay in Hadi's arms, sighed softly, and said, "Don't worry, I just met an old acquaintance, so I suffered a little loss."

"Old acquaintance?" Hardy asked.

Sophie nodded: "She used to be a demon general and an assassin. Just now I faced her on the periphery of the demon army."

"what kind of person?"

As a demon general, it is impossible for Hardy not to explore the opponent's intelligence.

She buried herself in Hadi's arms and said, "A two-armed naga."

Naga with two arms?

Hardy was stunned for a moment.

As we all know, the more arms the Naga race has, the stronger it is.

Normal four-armed Nagas are already elites, six-armed Nagas are already very rare, and eight-armed Nagas are king-level figures.

But a double-armed Naga becoming a general...isn't it a bit counter-intuitive?

Even without looking at Hardy's expression, Sophie knew what the other person was thinking at this time.

She twisted her waist and began to formally absorb Hadi's essence to heal herself. At the same time, she said: "She was abandoned when she was born. She was hungry since she was a child, malnourished and almost died. She has no way to receive treatment, so her body is weak. Suffering from irreversible damage, I only have one pair of arms, and the back arm will never grow back."

"But she has become more talented. With only one opponent, she can beat almost all six-armed Nagas." Sophie's eyes showed a trace of admiration: "She even became a demon. Clan General, I also became friends with her during that time.”

At this point, Sophie stopped.

Hardy asked curiously: "What then?"

"Then the former hero Tiger went to the demon world and fought against four demon generals without losing. Then he snatched me away and took over the human world."

Speaking of Tiger, Sophie's eyes were filled with hatred.

Needless to say what happened next, Hardy also knew roughly.

"In other words, that Naga is the commander of the demon clan?" Hardy asked.

Sophie shook her head and said, "Probably not. Although she is very good at assassination, she lacks a sense of the overall situation. Although I haven't seen who the commander is, I guess based on common sense, he should be a fear demon."

Thirty percent of the commanders of the demon army are fear demons, and 30% are bone demons. After all, these two races are rare races with high intelligence.

Then the rest was divided among a dozen other races.

As for the Evil Eyes, although they are also a highly intelligent race, they have never had a commander. Instead, they have positions such as logistics team leader.

Thinking of the Evil Eye Clan, Hardy was curious as to where their 'relocation' plan was.

And there should be news about the Headless Horseman soon.

With the help of these two races, Hardy feels that it is not difficult to end the war between humans and demons.

Moreover, there is a team of heroes whose whereabouts are unknown, so the pressure on the demon commander must be great.

Sophie twisted her slender waist back and forth, singing softly. When she saw Hadi seemed to be in a trance, she held the latter's face unhappily, and said with charming eyes: "Don't be distracted, now It makes me feel very unattractive and makes me sad.”

Hardy smiled and hugged her tighter.

By the next morning, Sophie looked significantly better.

Moreover, the wound on her neck has healed, leaving only a tiny scar. It is estimated that in two days, even the scar will not be visible.

After the whole army had breakfast, Hadi ordered the whole army to set off and at the same time escort the food team coming from behind.

They arrived at the front line around evening.

The wall on the front line was very wide and long, sealing the entrance to a huge canyon.

The surrounding mountains on both sides are very steep. Except for flying units, it is difficult for ground troops to climb over them in a short time.

Moreover, these two mountains are mostly rocks and grass, and there is no place to hide people.

If you want to forcefully climb over the mountains, you will be discovered as soon as you reach the bottom of the mountain.

Therefore 'smuggling' is unlikely.

We can only attack head-on.

Because Jose of Aenolia had already greeted them in advance, Hadi and his army came to the city wall without any questioning.

Help garrison the western section.

After the army was stationed, Hardy went to see Jose.

Sophie still hid in Hardy's shadow.

In the commander's tent in Aenolia, Jose was discussing the current war situation with a group of staff.

Hardy's appearance made him even happy.

He stood up and hurriedly came over: "Sir Hardy, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing the other party's anxious look, Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly: "What happened?"

"Our scouts discovered that there were many evil eyes appearing behind the enemy."


Evil eye?

Hardy was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "About when did they appear?"

"It should have been last night." Jose's face was full of anxiety: "There are too many of them, at least several hundred. The scout said that the entire sky was covered with dense dense trees, and we had to retreat. Otherwise, the whole army will be annihilated."

The Evil Eyes have strong fighting abilities and can fly.

If they want to cross the mountains on both sides to launch a surprise attack, then this pass will definitely not be saved.

Hardy suddenly smiled: "That's not necessarily the case." (End of Chapter)

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