The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 543 Fame is the greatest weapon in the social world

How powerful is the Evil Eye clan!

It has powerful magical power and can fly. For ordinary humans and professionals, it is completely at the level of dimensionality reduction strike.

They are physically superior and have extremely strong magic defense. Their only weakness is that they are easily hurt by melee physical attacks.

But such a weakness almost doesn't exist under the trait of 'flying'.

It can be said that a normal Evil Eye clan can completely capture a city by itself.

But in the past wars between humans and demons, a small number of evil eyes have appeared, and they can cause great trouble to humans every time.

Generally, only the brave team can deal with these evil eyes.

Just at the rear of the demon formation, a large number of evil eyes actually appeared?

Ordinary people will naturally be frightened to death if they know this. The more senior people are, the more desperate they are.

But those who know the inside story, such as Hardy... will be overjoyed, knowing that this is a rare opportunity.

At this time, Jose's face was full of despair, and his eyes were even more bloodshot.

But he seemed to be staring straight at Hardy with a little bit of expectation.

It was as if this man was the only light in the darkness.

After all, Hardy's performance in the Civil War and his exaggerated performance in the last battle between humans and demons all left a deep impression on Jose.

Then, he quickly noticed the joy on Hardy's face.

"Sir Hardy, you seem to have a positive attitude towards this?" Jose asked cautiously.

Hardy sat on the felt and nodded: "I have some special information and know that the large number of Evil Eyes this time is beneficial to us humans."

Jose's eyes burst out with a strong light of hope: "Your Excellency, you didn't lie to me?"

He couldn't believe that this was actually true.

"Do I look like someone who would make fun of serious business?" Hardy smiled faintly and stood up slowly: "It's time for us to leave the city."

As soon as these words came out, Jose's expression became shocked.

He rubbed his hair, full of confusion: "In this case, we also have to leave the city?"

"Yes." Hardy nodded and said, "This is the only chance we have to deal a huge blow to the demons."

Jose's face showed a solemn look.

From a common sense point of view, Hardy's current suggestions are no different from bullshit.

Those of them who have fought against the demons all know how powerful the demons are.

Relying on the tall and solid city walls and the long-range magic of human magicians, they could barely hold on before the demons' offensive.

Going out of the city to attack?

They hadn't even thought about it.

The atmosphere in the handsome tent was silent for several seconds, and then Jose let out a gentle breath.

"Sir Hardy, will you fight with us?"

"Of course." Hardy said matter-of-factly: "I raised this matter, and we should take the lead."

Players will not die, which is why Hardy has the greatest confidence in going north to support this time.

Even if all players' levels drop to LV1, the players are still much more powerful than ordinary soldiers.

As long as he directs it properly, Hardy is confident that even without any help, he can at least hold off the demons for a long time.

Until food and grass were cut off, the collective morale of the players collapsed.

Or they were discovered by the demons and surrounded the resurrection point.

At this time, Jose was silent for a few seconds, then he chuckled and said, "I believe Mr. Hardy can bring us new hope. What should we do next?"

He put all his hopes on Hardy.

Don't blame him for that.

Now in Enoria, he is the only one with the most combat capability.

But sitting in the position of marshal, in addition to having great power, there is also great pressure.

The lives of tens of millions of people in the entire country rest on his shoulders.

That kind of stress-free pressure can keep people tossing and turning all night long and unable to sleep.

Also because of lack of sleep, Jose, who was clearly only in his early thirties, turned white on the temples in more than two months.

He was not a person who could withstand pressure to begin with, otherwise he would not have jumped left and right during the Civil War.

No matter how you surrendered at that time, the subjects were all human beings, and they were all easy to talk to.

But now they were facing man-eating demons... He knew very well that they couldn't surrender.

This kind of pressure that endured day and night was relieved after meeting Hardy.

But now, after he gave the decision-making power to Hardy, the heavy pressure on his body seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

So, he can laugh.

With relief and relief.

Hardy did not hesitate and answered directly: "Just go out of the city and attack it. You don't need to think too much."

Jose asked: "Is it that simple?"

Hardy nodded and replied affirmatively: "It's that simple."

"Then I will go back immediately and organize the army to go out." Jose turned and left.

Now that he can counterattack, he can't wait any longer.

After Jose left, Hardy called several player generals, explained the next task, and then left the commander's tent.

The human soldiers on the city wall started to move.

At this time, the demons were still stationed on the plain ahead. Standing on the city wall about two kilometers away, you could see a black horizontal line drawn on the green earth.

The city gate opened, and soon humans arranged four phalanx infantry regiments in front of the city wall. The cavalry also came out, divided into two queues, and stood on the left and right sides of the infantry force.

Hardy also led the army of players out of the city gate.

He did not rush to transform into a nightmare knight, but just rode a black horse and stood in front of his army.

The demons on the opposite side saw them appearing and were ready to take action.

Seeing that the demons in the distance had the intention to attack, the ordinary human soldiers were all a little frightened. However, forced by the war supervisors at the rear and their relatives at home...if they retreated, the demons would enter. After the pass, the entire country will cease to exist, and relatives will become food for the demons.

So they dare not retreat and cannot retreat.

In contrast, the players were very excited.

Hardy has always been very generous. As long as he fights, he can get a large subsidy. If he fights bravely and kills enough enemies, he can also get other rewards.

Most of these players are students, and it is a good thing for them to make more money.

Not only can it reduce the burden on the family, but it can also improve one's score in choosing a spouse during the four years of college.

Killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.

Emotions are contagious. As the most eye-catching presence on the battlefield, the players' calmness and even belligerence made the ordinary warriors in this world gradually calm down from their panic.

Jose came over and handed an order flag to Hadi: "Sir, it's up to you to give the order! We will follow your lead to death." (End of Chapter)

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