The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 544 Good people have helpers everywhere

Holding the white flag, Hardy had a strange expression.

Isn't this thing used for surrender?

As if he sensed what Hardy was thinking, Jose's expression turned sly. Of course he knew the urinary behavior of the nobles in his country. After all, he himself was the same.

Never fight if you can surrender.

If it weren't for the fact that the demons and humans were absolutely mortal enemies, they would have considered surrendering.

"It is indeed the command flag." Jose murmured, which was both an explanation and a defense.

Hardy looked at the demons in the distance, and then looked further back at the evil eye floating vaguely in the air.

Then he raised the white flag high, and then waved it down heavily.

He and his army of players moved first, walking slowly but with a firm pace.

Jose took a deep breath and followed.

The Aenolian army, more than 10,000 people, was also moving forward.

I have to say, this is a huge bet.

But Jose had a feeling that he could win the bet.

The demons also started to move.

The teams of both sides were gradually approaching, and when they were still about a kilometer away, both sides on the plain clenched their weapons and began to prepare for battle.

The air is gradually becoming scorched.

The footsteps of the armies on both sides were like the sound of waves roaring in a storm.

It was getting closer again, less than two hundred meters between the two sides.

A black tornado enveloped Hardy, and a moment later, the huge Nightmare Knight appeared in the center of the battlefield.

It was so huge, seven meters tall and nearly ten tall, even about two meters taller than the biggest fear demon opposite.

The appearance of this giant 'hero' unit will greatly increase one's own morale and reduce the enemy's morale.

Even the demon army, which has always been fearless, couldn't help but have a brief commotion when it saw such a huge nightmare knight.

Seeing the other party's commotion, Hardy didn't care and just stood quietly, as if waiting for some signal.

The commander on the demon side also stood at the front, and he and Hardy faced each other from afar.

The two giant 'monsters' were the most eye-catching presence on the battlefield at this time.

"Nightmare Knight? Why are you on the human side?"

From a distance of about a hundred meters, the huge fear demon opened its huge pincer-shaped mouth and roared at Hardy.

Hardy did not reply, but raised his gaze and looked at the demon army and its rear.

The entire demon army numbered at least 20,000 people, and on the human side, about 18,000 people were killed.

In terms of strength, individual humans are far inferior to the demons. It stands to reason that under such circumstances, humans would not dare to attack the demons.

It should be like before, huddled within the city walls, protected by rocks and magic.

Not even if there is a Nightmare Knight as the leader.

Therefore, the fear demon was very surprised. He felt confused as to why humans dared to be so bold.

Hardy ignored the fear demon and looked up.

In the distant sky, hundreds of huge evil eyes floated.

They are right behind the demons.

Two of them even drew circles in the air.

At this time, the black knight stretched out his left hand, and the huge iron fist spurted out, rushing directly towards the fear demon.

This action was so sudden that it could be called a sneak attack.

The huge iron fist hit the fear demon, but was blocked by a close-fitting magic shield.

Before the fear demon had time to be happy, Iron Fist exploded.

The fierce flames rose like a mushroom cloud.

This was also a signal, and the army of players began to shout crazily, with murderous intent, and began to charge.

Enoria's army also caught up immediately, imitating the players' shouts and charging.

Not to mention, this is really useful.

After roaring out, they immediately felt that their courage had increased a lot.

After the flames of the explosion disappeared, the dark body of the fear demon emerged from the black smoke of the explosion.

He was not seriously injured, but the outer shell of his carapace was completely black, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

But he also understood that if the opponent's unique magic broke his anti-magic shield, then the opponent's strength would be no worse than his own.

Looking at the rushing human army, the fear demon shouted: "Charge, crush these weak food, let them understand what a predator is and what a natural enemy is."

The demon roared and was about to charge forward.

But at this time, a purple beam of light shot down from the air behind them and moved among the demon army.

This beam of light was so powerful that most of the demons who came into contact with it instantly turned into torches, while also leaving a huge red scorched earth zone on the ground.

This was also a signal, and then hundreds of light beams fell from the sky, like countless searchlights, sweeping back and forth among the demon army.

Humans were stunned, and the demons were even more stunned.

The fearful demon commander who turned around looked at the hundreds of huge evil eyes in the sky, killing his soldiers with death rays, and suddenly roared in disbelief: "Evil Eyes, you actually betrayed us! "

He suddenly opened the wings on his back and jumped high into the sky.

Fear Demons have no ability to fly, but the wings on their backs are not completely useless. They have special talents. They can reduce their own weight, jump higher, and run faster, which is also the result of these wings.

As soon as he jumped into the air, he was hit by four beams of light at the same time. Then, like being hit by a heavy hammer, he was 'pressed' down from the air and embedded in the ground.

Four beams of light shined on it until the surrounding land was transformed into magma.

Two minutes later, the four beams of light stopped.

At this time, the completely black and almost charred Fear Demon stood up, stepped on the magma, and let out a silent roar at the evil eye in the sky.

At this time, his vocal cords were broken, and it was only the terrifying vitality of the fear demon that allowed him to stand up reluctantly.

However, he had only been in the roaring posture for less than three seconds when the Nightmare Knight rushed over with a huge earthquake on the ground. The huge lance pierced his body and lifted him up high.

The red moon is coming!

The blackened fear demon could not resist the red moon's sacrifice, and soon turned into ashes, and its soul was crushed and sucked into the red moon.

Soon, the friendly soldiers affected by the red moon burst out with stronger strength than usual.

They howled and rushed into the already chaotic military formation of the demon clan like wild wolves.

Especially the ferocious energy of the player army is like a lone wild wolf seeing an egg yolk pie.

After the human army rushed into the demon army formation, the Evil Eye clan almost involuntarily stopped irradiating the light beam, and they began to turn and fly away in the southwest direction.

And behind these more than a hundred largest evil eyes, there were three to four hundred smaller evil eyes of different sizes.

Hardy put down his lance and waved to the evil eyes who were leaving, both as a thank you and as a farewell! (End of chapter)

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