The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 550 Only those with strength have the right to decide

Although the demons are strong, it is the armies of the three traditional powers of Alopa that are encircling and suppressing them.

Moreover, the three commanders are also the three most powerful in the Three Kingdoms.

From the beginning, they lost their advantage. It was normal for them to be wiped out. The only question left was how long the demons could hold on.

After wiping out all these demons, the three commanders got together again and held a short meeting.

This time they still gathered in Jose's handsome tent. He excitedly poured a glass of red wine each for Hardy and Gustav.

After putting down the silver flask in his hand, Jose blushed because of his excitement. He raised his glass and shouted loudly: "Congratulations to us for another big victory. From now on, the three of us will be famous all over the world."

Gustav was also a little excited. No matter how talented he was, he was still a young man after all, and he still valued fame.

Only Hardy appeared calm.

He was already well-known in the Aroba area, and his reputation among the elves was also very high, so he didn't feel much about this matter.

The three of them clinked glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Although Hardy doesn't care much about his reputation, he fought quite well in these two battles.

Enoria's army will not retreat, and the Netherlands' army can shoulder the heavy burden. With the support of such allies, it does not seem to be difficult to overthrow the demons.

The three of them put down their glasses, and Jose said with a smile: "The next step is to liberate the Three Kingdoms of the Inland Sea of ​​Rhodes. I don't know how much gratitude money they will give us then."

At this point, Jose's smile disappeared: "If the royal families or nobles of these three countries are still there."

The three of them fell silent almost at the same time.

With the way the demons operate, it’s hard to tell.

After being silent for a while, Gustav sighed and said: "I have a special source of information. There are no people left in the Three Inner Sea Kingdoms of Rhodes, only the demons."

Jose was puzzled: "Since there is no one left and they are all demons, how did you receive the news?"

Gustav said in a relaxed tone: "That's why it is said to be a special channel."

Jose stopped asking.

After all, it’s impossible to tell you casually about other people’s special channels in person.

But Hardy knew exactly what this channel was.


There are Semites even in the demon world, and it is not too difficult for them to send the message to the Masons.

"So are there many demons in the Three Kingdoms of the Inner Sea of ​​Rhodes?" Jose asked.

"There are quite a few," Gustav said, "but they are all flame brats who are not very strong in combat. They are all old, weak, sick and disabled people who are responsible for logistics and transportation."

Jose's eyes lit up instantly: "In other words, we can take over those three small countries and turn them into our own territory?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them became excited.

Even Hardy is like that.

Although it is not good for the deceased people of the Three Kingdoms to seize the territory of the Three Kingdoms, it is only natural that the land without people should be taken into one's own hands.

A large map was placed on the table. The three of them were no longer in a hurry to drink and slowly looked at the terrain on the map.

The three of them were all top battlefield commanders and soon had their own marching plan.

"After capturing these places, this and this piece can be given to us in Enollia." Jose nodded and smiled with satisfaction: "These places are bordering us, so they are very suitable."

Although Gustav didn't speak, he made a circle with his finger and reserved a large piece of land first.

Hardy looked at the map, then at the two of them, and said with a smile, "What about our Francie?"

The two pointed on the map and marked off all the lands of the Three Kingdoms.

Jose and Gustave both looked at Hardy in silence.

After a while, Gustav said: "Francis and Rhodes, the three countries in the Inland Sea, have no borders, and they are far apart."

"That's right." Jose also agreed: "We can compensate you with a large amount of gold coins and goods."

Hardy smiled strangely.

The three of them were all the most powerful young people in the human world at that time, so they naturally knew the importance of territory.

An extra piece of territory that can be lived in and developed is much more important than gold coins and materials.

Hardy shook his head and said: "I don't agree with your statement. Who said that our France does not border the three countries of Rhodes Inland Sea."

The two people next to him looked at Hardy with strange eyes.

On the map, Hardy first pointed to his own port of Kotama, and then pointed his finger northward along the sea route, and finally pointed to the Rhodes Inland Sea.

"Bordering by sea is also bordering." Hardy said with a smile, his expression somewhat rogue.

Gustave and José looked at each other.

After a while, Gustav smiled and re-divided an area and said, "Well, we only need this area in the Netherlands, so we should leave it to our friends."

Jose looked at Gustave and then at Hardy. He seemed to have thought of something. His body trembled subconsciously. He also pointed at the map and re-divided the area: "Then we only need this area. .”

The map in the circle of both of them is shrinking and moving further east, thus giving up the territory of the small country offshore to the west.

Hardy nodded with satisfaction and raised his cup: "Thank you both for your gift. Our friendship will last forever."

Friendship forever.

The three cups touched together.

By the time Hardy returned to his handsome tent, it was already evening. Hardy followed Sophie and sat down in his arms: "Establish a succubus space and bring Petola in. If you have important matters, come to her."

Sophie looked at Hardy coquettishly, then pulled the beast god Joyner over, and then her eyes began to turn purple and start to glow.

Hardy did not resist and soon entered the succubus space.

On the huge pink soft couch, three beauties were chatting and laughing.

Hardy sat across from them, looking tired.

In reality, Hardy can deal with two succubi, but in the special space, he is not as effective as the two succubi.

Moreover, Joyner, the beautiful snake, was added this time.

It’s normal to be tired.

Hardy took a breath and said: "Petola, when you wake up, go inform Rogge and ask him to organize a maritime transport team to send at least one thousand soldiers and two thousand migrant workers to Li within a month." Canebella Port in Wan Kingdom."

Petola was stunned for a moment, then shouted in surprise, "Hadi, are you going to expand your territory again?"

Hearing Petola's cry, Sophie and Joyner also became excited.

No woman would dislike her man for being more powerful and capable.

Especially Joyner, she has pure demonic thoughts. The more powerful her man is and the larger the territory she owns, the greater the face of her spouse will be.

Hardy smiled and said: "I just have this intention, but I'm not completely sure whether it will happen."

"I'll prepare for this immediately." Petola no longer lingered on the succubus space, and directly forcibly broke away from the shackles of the space and disappeared from the dream.

This caused a chain reaction, and the succubus space suddenly shattered.

All three woke up.

Joyner swam close to Hardy's body like a snake, and her tail tightly wrapped around Hardy's lower body.

"Give me a piece of forest then, and I will give you a hundred children."

she said in confusion.

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