Thanks to the ability of 'Succubus Space', Hardy can quickly convey information to Petola.

Whether it's his current state or what's happening in the territory.

Ye Jieka has become much more low-key recently, and seems to be planning something.

But Petola didn't care much, because in Louisian County now, no matter how hard Yejieka tried, she couldn't make any waves.

This is determined by hard power.

After knowing that nothing happened at home, Hardy felt more at ease.

He began to meet frequently with Jose and Gustav to discuss dividing his forces into three groups to attack the three countries in the Inland Sea of ​​Rhodes.

In fact, there is nothing to say about war. It's just a group of flame imps, just push them through.

The difficult thing is how to hold on after defeating it.

There are no key barriers or passes in the Rhodes Inland Sea, which is why they fell so easily.

"If there is no pass, we can build it ourselves." Hadi pointed to an area on the map: "This is a river, just in front of three small countries, and it is also their main water source. This river is not It’s considered wide, but we can widen it and block the back.”

"There is no problem with widening, but what about the source of the water flow?" The Gusta man asked with a frown: "The river is widened and can even form a large lake, but there is not enough water there, and it will only become a swamp, not a wide lake. The waters are not deep enough to serve as a defense.”

Hardy laughed: "Who said that swamps are less useful for defense. The larger the creature, the more afraid it will be of falling into the swamp if it does not have special abilities."

Now both of them understood what Hardy meant.

"You mean, only against the enemy's giant creatures?"

Hardy nodded.

The reason why the demons are strong is because there are many demon creatures that are very large.

Not to mention the naturally giant creatures like the Fear Demon, even the Bone Demon can grow up to four or five meters, let alone Naga and the like.

Only the Flame Imp, a low-level creature, is always about one meter tall.

"Then let's work separately." Gustav said with a smile: "Clean up the flame imps in your own area. You two will widen the river within half a year, and I will be responsible for sealing the water flow."

Hardy and Jose both nodded.

Soon, the three of them left Jose's handsome tent.

Hardy rushed towards his camp with his soldiers, but not long after, he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves behind him.

He looked back and found that Jose was chasing after him with a dozen cavalrymen.

The other person looked anxious, but he didn't come with any malice.

After all, the opponent didn't wear armor, he just brought a one-handed sword for self-defense, and he didn't bring many soldiers.

Jose ran over quickly. He stopped his horse two meters in front of Hardy, then took a breath and said, "I finally caught up with you, Mr. Hardy."

Hardy looked at the other person's expression, his heart moved slightly, and asked: "Is there anything important?"

Jose nodded, then turned around and waved his soldiers away from here.

Hardy thought for a while and asked his soldiers to wait aside.

At this time, there were only two of them within twenty meters.

The forest wind blew by, and the rustling of leaves was mixed with the chirping of birds and insects.

In such an environment, sound cannot travel very far.

But Jose still lowered his voice and said: "Someone found me last night and asked me to join the Masons."

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "That's not surprising, I have been invited by them too. As long as you are a young talent, they will not let you go."

"I joined."

There was a hesitant expression on Jose's handsome face, as if he was considering what he should say next.

Hardy was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

After a while, he finally said: "But that person didn't give me a very good feeling. He talked to me a lot, and he talked about you and Queen Jeanne several times."


Hardy's expression was slightly cold, and he asked, "Can you elaborate?"

Jose thought for a while and said: "We are comrades-in-arms anyway, and whether it is in the recent period or during the Civil War, I owe you a big favor. That man told me to stay away from you, saying that you He is very close to the elves and is not a pure human supremacist. He even looked disdainful when he mentioned Queen Jeanna, saying that she was not qualified to be the queen."

"Any more?" Hardy asked.

"No more. After all, he and I didn't chat for too long before he left." Jose explained in a low voice: "Actually, I don't like the Masons very much, but many of us in Enollia have joined, and I don't want to leave." Sociable.”

Hardy nodded and said, "Thank you very much. I will remember this favor. If you need anything in the future, just come to me."

"You're welcome." Jose patted Hardy on the shoulder: "Just a friend, why are you talking so much?"

The two chatted casually for a few more words, and then Jose left.

Hardy returned to his camp with his soldiers.

He was originally in a bad mood, but when he returned to the camp, he found that the players seemed very excited.

Upon closer inspection, I found that the players were all looking at the beautiful snake walking around the camp, curious about everything.

He even vaguely heard the whispers of the players.

"We have killed so many Nagas, but none of them are as beautiful as this."

"A truly beautiful snake, I can vaguely feel Brother Xun's happiness."

"Isn't it Xu Xian's happiness?"

"I think we can suggest to Hadi that when we encounter beautiful snakes in the future, instead of killing them, we can capture them all, and then we will award wives based on our military merits. We can also use our military merits to bid for them, and we can slowly conquer them ourselves."

"It's a good idea, but it's not too humane. It makes us look like villains."

"It's just a game, it's not reality. Besides, it's better to keep them alive than to kill them. You see, Hardy even saved one for himself."

"I think it's okay, but who gives Hardy advice?"

"Of course it's you commanders."

Hardy nodded secretly in his mind and came to his handsome tent.

At this time, Joyner, who was wandering around the camp, also saw Hardy. She quickly 'swam' over, held Hardy's arm, and entered the handsome tent together.

Her face began to turn red, and her eyes were filled with anticipation.

There's no way... A woman who has tasted love for the first time is more likely to fall for this kind of thing.

In the handsome tent, Sophie was helping Hadi mend his clothes.

After all, it was a war, and Hardy's clothes would definitely be damaged.

Hardy doesn't know how to sew, but Sophie does. After all, she is the woman who raised Ryan.

Hardy sat down and asked, "Have you all heard the discussion of the undead people outside? What do you think?"

"That's good." Sophie smiled: "We can handle the prisoners themselves."

Joyner also nodded and said: "If I can stay in this world, as long as I am not abused, I think my people are also willing." (End of Chapter)

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