The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 568 I don’t know how many people will die

There is much speculation as to how Hardy got his account banned.

For example, the reason for the light contract, or Hardy is a lord and a high-level NPC, so he has similar abilities.

And more people believe that Hardy is the official 'limiter' set by the game, specifically used to deal with those 'immoral' players.

After all, the players whose accounts were banned by Hardy before were all burned, killed and raped.

But this time, they knew.

"Master Yi, set up a barrier and don't let anyone escape." Hardy waved.

As soon as these words came out, Master Yi was about to take action, but the magic teachers next to him took action first.

They joined forces to form a magic circle.

These people were trapped in an instant.

The players were still stunned, but Hardy entered as a warrior and started with a big windmill.

In his previous life, Hardy was a master in guild battles. At that time, his paper data was only in the second echelon among players. With his extremely keen intuition and fighting instincts, he excelled in guild battles.

Become a well-known 'mercenary'.

The timing for him to cut into the enemy formation was very good, just when the players were collectively stunned.

Because the players did not expect that Hardy would be so decisive and take action directly without even negotiating with them.

When masters cross moves, timing is very important.

Hardy's warrior charge directly knocked a player away.

If you look at it from the player's perspective, the player who was knocked away was already out of health at the moment of contact. Then the big windmill picked up the player, and the whole person broke into two pieces in the air.

But this 'finished' player was not alone. Less than half a second later, the upper bodies of at least seven players around him flew up together with him.

Amidst the blood dripping, the players finally reacted.

They already had weapons in their hands, and now they all started moving, but Hardy was faster.

With a short slide, he escaped from his previous position and got into the crowd two meters away, and then there was another big windmill.

Hardy's windmill only spins once, although he can spin several more times and move while spinning.

But... in a battle with professionals, especially in a battle with more than one professional, the continuous windmill is not useful.

It will become a living target.

After another windmill spin from Hardy, nine more players separated their upper and lower bodies.

At this time, the players finally tried to lock Hardy's position, but Hardy was very agile. Although he was not in the Nightmare Knight state, his level was several levels higher than these players. The panel data was so overwhelming that these players couldn't lock it at all.

After hacking several players to death again, Hardy made several small leaps to kill several players while leaping out of the group of players.

His series of 'combinations' directly caused the players to lose nearly forty people.

At this time, a player yelled: "Get together, don't let Hardy get in again, this guy is too flexible, like a monkey."

This man seemed quite popular, and the players immediately gathered together when he called him.

"Idiots, don't get together, there's someone on the other side..."

Several large fireballs poured out from the hands of several mages, and then hit the group of players almost simultaneously.

This is also the reason why Hardy ran away from the player circle.

He sees all directions and listens in all directions, knowing that the teachers' spells are about to be completed, so he does this.

Amidst several roars, the players were blown to pieces with their limbs flying around.

A few players with relatively high magic defense are still alive with residual health, but unfortunately they also have broken arms and legs, or are dizzy and tinnitus, unable to get up at all.

Hardy walked over and chopped off their heads one by one with his giant sword.

Looking at the blood and charred bodies on the ground, Hardy shook off the blood on the silver giant sword and said to the soldiers: "Throw these people's bodies into mass graves."

The soldiers immediately came forward and took away the bodies.

Hardy looked around and asked, "Where are the two teachers, Patience and Lulu?"

"They should all be in the lobby of the teaching building at the back." Master Yi replied.

Hardy walked inside and soon arrived at the lobby of the teaching building.

This place was converted into a temporary hospital. Not only injured teachers and students were treated here, but many ordinary civilians outside were also recuperating here.

Hardy finds Patience and Lulu.

Patience looked a little tired. She had spent a lot of magic power treating the wounded just now.

After all, she is a magician. Although she knows healing skills, she is not as skilled as the priests.

To achieve the same therapeutic effect, she had to put in four to five times the effort.

When she saw Hardy, she quickly came over and hugged him. After taking a deep breath in Hardy's arms, she said, "Thank you for coming to see me, but now Lulu needs your comfort more."

Hardy turned around and quickly found Lulu.

She was squatting in front of the stretcher, using natural magic to treat a civilian, with worry on her face.

It's not that he's worried about this civilian, but he's worried about the elves.

Hardy walked over and watched quietly.

After a while, after the treatment, she raised her head and looked at Hardy with a smile: "You are here."

"Well, don't worry too much." Hardy stretched out his hand to pull her up and said, "I went to the elves before, and they had already taken action. I originally wanted to help, but I was attacked by Angelina. , she forced me back."

Hearing this, Lulu was startled, took Hardy's hand, and said seriously: "No, you must not get involved in this kind of thing again in the future, it is very dangerous."

Hardy sighed: "Why? One or two of you elves are afraid that something will happen to me. Obviously I am also worried about you..."

"It's different." Lulu stroked Hadi: "There can be many members of the elf royal family. If I die, Lisa can still split into a sister or daughter. If Lisa dies, Philae can still split into another one. The new thing is that we essentially share a large portion of our memories, and if you put it together, you can even think of it as the same person."

"But you are different. When you die, you are really dead. Do you understand?"

Hardy's expression was unbearable: "In other words, in fact, you all know about me, Philaire, and Lisa?"

"Oh... that's roughly it." Lulu said with some embarrassment: "We can be regarded as independent individuals, but when necessary, we can also be regarded as a community."

For a moment, Hardy didn't know what expression to use.

"Next time I'll just put the three of you on top of each other."

Lulu was a little shy: "It's not impossible for you to ask for help..."

Hardy was about to speak, but at this moment Lulu's expression suddenly wrinkled and her face looked ugly.

"What's wrong?"

"There was a fight, and many tribesmen died in an instant."

Lulu's face turned very pale.

She seems to have a way to sense what is happening among the elves now.

Hardy hurried outside the teaching building and looked in the west direction.

The magical light there continued to flicker, becoming more and more dense, and finally turned into a colorful halo.

The movement was much greater than what the Evil Eye clan had done before.

"I don't know how many people will die." Hardy sighed softly. (End of chapter)

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