The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 569 The World Tree Awakens

Hardy felt very depressed and unhappy.

I felt depressed in my heart and couldn't vent it out.

So he decided to do something about it.

Those players said before that they have support outside the city, and there are probably hundreds of players.

So he looked at Lulu and said, "Would you like to go out and do some activities together?"


They didn't take anyone else with them, so they rode out of the city on horseback.

When they were about to leave the city, the two of them hid and stood on the city wall to look outside.

Soon I found a group of players gathered outside the city.

Others emerged from the nearby jungle to join them.

These people who have just come out usually don't have matching equipment, and some even have their buttocks bare.

Apparently he had just been resurrected.

"That's them." Hardy pointed to the group of players: "They are the same group as the undead from before."

"How come?" Lulu looked at Hardy and asked.

"I'll go straight in, and you'll be responsible for covering me from a high place." Hardy waved the silver giant sword in his hand and said with a smile, "I'll also leave the escapees to you, and try to leave no one behind."

"Okay." Lulu nodded and held the long bow in her hand.

She doesn't really like killing, but these people deserve to die if they threaten Hardy's 'industry'.

She knew very well how important the Magic Academy was to Hardy's layout.

Hardy jumped forward, jumped off the high city wall, and completed the transformation into the Nightmare Knight in mid-air.

I have to say that when the Nightmare Knight transformed, there was too much movement.

The black tornado is almost Hardy’s iconic appearance.

As soon as this group of players saw this thing, they immediately shouted.

"Damn it, the BOSS is chasing me."

"Do you want a fight? President, tell me quickly if you want a fight."

"Let's get out of the way. I'll run away first. Just now, my brother told me that many players who were hacked to death by Hardy are no longer able to go online."

"No way, didn't you say that Hardy only bans the accounts of those players who mess around? We haven't done anything yet."

"He doesn't care whether you did it or not. He probably thought we were all threatened, so he came here."

"Why are you talking so much? President, please give me an order. To fight or not to fight?"

"Have a fight..."

The president was interrupted midway through his speech.

Because a steel-armored flying fist hit him directly, and the fist, which was bigger than a bucket, directly killed six people and turned them into pulp.

At the same time, the fist exploded.

Nearly half of the players were directly reduced first.

Then the ground shook, and the huge black knight rushed into the crowd, waving its silver sword, and bodies flew into the air.

Some players wanted to escape, but after running a few steps, they were pierced by an arrow and fell to the ground.

No player got very far at all.

More than ten minutes later, Hardy transformed back into human form and returned to the city wall carrying the giant sword.

Those players were all dead, and most of them were killed by Porphyr's giant sword.

A few died under the arrows of the elves.

Those who died under arrows were actually very lucky, at least they were not banned.

At this time, Lulu was sitting on the wall, looking to the west, with tears in her eyes.

"Is there any way you can contact Lisa and the others?" Looking at her like this, Hardy asked.

Lulu nodded: "I can retrieve the memories of both of them."

"Lisa, Philaire, and Angelina are all okay."

Lulu shook her head: "They are fine, but many clan members have died, many, many. Even their souls are gone."

Hardy sighed softly, then sat next to Lulu and hugged her into his arms.

In fact, Hardy also knew that the situation of the elves was not good, because the 'pressure' of the four evil gods was gradually getting stronger.

Even the evil god who was severely injured by the Evil Eye clan seemed to be regaining his strength.

The flesh and blood of the elves and the souls of the elves have become the powerful food of the evil god.

Logically speaking, they should escape. As long as the evil god does not absorb their flesh and soul, there is no way for them to become stronger.

But the problem is... the elves can't escape, their mother tree hasn't fully woken up yet.

They must hold on until the world tree is completely liberated.

It seems that World Tree has sensed the plight of her 'children', and she is using all her strength to wake up.

Why would Hardy know?

Because the speed of the surrounding terrain changing has obviously become faster.

No longer as slow as before.

"Lulu, how long do you think it will be before the World Tree can wake up?"

Lulu shook her head, with a sad look on her face: "I don't know either."

Moreover, even if he wakes up completely, he still doesn’t know if he is the opponent of the evil god.

After all, the evil god keeps getting stronger.

Hardy sighed softly in his heart.

Different from the sad mentality of the natives of this world, the players are extremely happy.

The live broadcast rooms of major anchors are filled with barrages.

"Ah, this expansion pack is really awesome. I picked up a lot of money."

"Are you sure you are picking up money and not robbing it?"

"I picked it up when it came into my hands."

"Be a human being and don't ask you to help NPCs. Don't harm them."

"In games, isn't it normal for everyone to have their own way of playing? You take the right path, and we take the evil path, isn't it okay?"

"But the NPC won't be refreshed."

"But they can have children, and they can still be refreshed. The widow I married before gave me a son. He is now two years old. I watched him grow from a baby to walking. He is almost like a real person."

"No, can you give birth?"

"How strange. Although the chance is very small, it is still possible. The lower your level, the higher the chance of having a child with an NPC."

"This is unreasonable."

"It doesn't matter whether it's common sense or not. Those who mess around will definitely cause problems in the future. It's not that they won't retaliate, it's that the time has not come yet."

"What's the meaning?"

"Before, a group of people ran into Hardy's magic academy and took advantage of it, but they were killed by Hardy. Now many people can't go online and have their accounts banned."

"No, I heard that they didn't do anything excessive. They just wanted to extort some magic information."

"It's not too much to take advantage of the situation. If no one stops it, everyone will follow the same example. Hardy is probably killing the chicken to scare the monkeys."

"Those people whose accounts have been banned are so miserable. They clearly have learned from past mistakes, so why do they still go to Hadi to sacrifice their lives in front of him?"

"Haha, the biggest characteristic of human beings is that they keep repeating the same mistakes."

"The world is in such chaos right now. I'm going to log off first and wait until the matter is over to avoid losing experience and willpower inexplicably."

"You guys are still chatting? There's a huge earthquake all over the world, and you still haven't gone online to check it out! It's a rare sight."

Indeed, as this player said, the whole world is in earthquakes.

Although the earthquake was not high, it was felt in all areas.

At the same time, everyone in the world felt a gentle force awakening.

Even subconsciously, I could 'see' a green, maternal humanoid creature opening its eyes.

World Tree finally woke up.

The whole sky turned purple! (End of chapter)

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