The treasurer's name is Joan, no surname.

He was born a commoner, and with hard work and a little bit of luck, he became the financial officer of the Jeanne family.

So when he learned about Hadi's 'growth' history, he was filled with envy.

Then he came over to get close to her, and at the same time he wanted to complete the task ordered by the lady.

After listening to Joan's words, Hardy looked at several members of the Jeanne family in the center of the venue and said, "They are all very gentle people."

Indeed, compared to other aristocratic families, the Jeanna family has the characteristics of a ‘saint’, which gives it a completely different status in the hearts of the world.

"So, do you have any idea of ​​becoming a member of Jeanna's family?"

When the financial officer said this, he was extremely envious in his heart.

Changing places, not to mention becoming a member of the Jeanna family, just being able to obtain the title of knight canonized by the Jeanna family, he feels that he has no regrets in this life.

Hardy shook his head.


Qiao An found it incredible that he actually refused such a good thing that he couldn't even ask for.

Hardy said calmly: "I have a 'father', and he has been missing for less than a year. Then I will rush to change my surname. If he finds out about this in hell, he will probably become an evil spirit and come to beat him." I’ll have a meal.”

"But...this is an invitation from the Jeanna family."

"I also feel very honored." Hardy sighed: "But some things cannot be changed casually."

Hardy actually doesn't have much affection for his 'father'.

But since he came to this world, even though his 'father' has long since disappeared, from every aspect of his daily life, he can feel the love and care of the old Hardy for the little Hardy.

That was the kind of thing that pampered little Hardy to heaven.

What Hardy valued most was family ties. He felt that since he had borrowed Little Hardy's body, he couldn't just throw away the body's surname.

He strangled Little Hardy's remaining soul more than half a year ago simply because Little Hardy valued family ties too little and valued love too much.

It’s not that love is bad, but it has to be ranked second to family affection.

"Are you really not going to think about it any more?" Qiao An asked.

Hardy shook his head and said: "Thank you to the lady for me, thank you for her love."

Hardy then left.

Qiao An was left shocked and lonely.

Others don't care about the things you care about so much. That feeling... is really shocking.

Hardy came to another corner and said to Tiao Tiao standing in the shadow: "Ms. Taotao, you don't seem to like the excitement?"

Druids are naturally good at hiding their bodies. Even in human form, they have good effects. Of course, they are incomparable with thieves and assassins.

Tiao Tiao looked at Hadi with an awkward expression.

She had said bad things about Hardy in front of Enolin before, but later found out that this was really not right, so she always felt that she was not worthy of the young man in front of her.

"I'm really not used to... places that are too busy." Tiao Tiao's smile was a little forced.

In the live broadcast room, netizens burst into laughter.

Tiao Tiao's live broadcast style in the past has always been very cheerful and mischievous. Such people will not like the excitement.

Only ghosts believe it.

She just couldn't blend in with these nobles.

"It just so happens that I'm not used to all this excitement. Let's go out for a walk together?"

Tiao Tiao thought for a moment and nodded.

The two then left the venue side by side.

When we came to the garden, there were very few people here, and it suddenly became quieter.

Hardy asked with a smile: "I always thought that Ms. Taotao would be very good at this kind of environment."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you are very confident and brave." Hardy said with a smile: "Such people are generally very good at socializing."

"You are also very confident and brave. Why don't you like this environment?"

Hardy raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Because I am still very smart, and smart people don't like to deal with fools."

Tiao Tiao was speechless for a while. After a while, she stroked her forehead and said, "You are too narcissistic."

Hardy shrugged nonchalantly: "Whatever you say. By the way, has your compatriot found the Atonement Society?"

"I'm not sure. Wait, let me ask."

Tiao Tiao put her thoughts in the live broadcast room, and someone soon answered her.

Then she raised her head slightly and said, "I have joined and seems to be doing well."


Hardy blinked. The living environment of the Atonement Society was very harsh, but he could still live well?

Is it so hard and simple?

Tiao Tiao chuckled: "Although Bing Xixi is not very impressive, he is indeed quite talented."

The main reason is that Hardy didn't watch anchors before and didn't have time.

Gold mining is exhausting. After completing the daily gold mining task, you can really decompress and relax by lying down and watching videos of mending cow hooves, watching others making car beads, or watching others building stoves.

He has not had much contact with the anchor, but has only heard some jokes.

There are famous scenes like "Old horse, old horse" and "eating the monitor" that are relatively out of the ordinary.

He had vaguely heard of Xi Xi before, but he was not sure how he became famous.

Tiao Tiao said with a smile: "Bing Xixi is very good at surviving in the wild and knows a lot of things. As long as he has the right materials, he can build a mud brick house with his bare hands, and he can also bake ceramics by himself!"

Fire ceramics?

so smart! Hardy looked surprised.

Tiao Tiao looked at Hadi's expression and felt a little strange at first, then clapped his hands and cursed excitedly: "Fuck you, ceramics!"

Because in this world, ceramics are also very expensive and can only be produced by the elves.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also reacted.

Yelling shit.

Then Tiao Tiao transformed into a leopard, became invisible, and left the manor with a few jumps.

She soon found Bing Xixi, who was cooking wild vegetables and preparing for a late-night snack in the open space of the slum area.

When he saw the white leopard emerging from the air, he held up the tattered wooden bowl and said, "Tiao Tiao, you are here, do you want a portion?"

"I don't want to eat such disgusting food."

Xixi didn't care, he just said: "There are many children here who don't even have to eat these things."

Although Xixi is usually very carefree, she can't bear to see her children suffer.

He has been here for several days, and it feels really uncomfortable to see the skinny children in the slums.

So he took all the money he had and bought food, and each family shared some.

Then I ran out of money, so I could only eat wild vegetables and some whole grains.

Tiao Tiao looked at Xi Xixi and shouted: "Don't forget about your coarse grains. Don't you know how to make porcelain? You can make a lot of money from this. Once you have money, you can buy as much grain as you want for your children." "

Ling Xixi was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and yelled the same thing.

The main reason why he forgot his skill was that he had not done manual work for several years.

If you become a game anchor and you can make a lot of money playing games, why do you have to get yourself dirty and tired?

Moreover, his porcelain skills were only for the live broadcast effect. He learned them from others temporarily and were not considered his natural skills.

The resulting porcelain is actually a bit ugly.

But ugly is ugly, in this game world, in this France, porcelain is a treasure, even if it is ugly, it can be sold for a good price.

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