The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 59 The beautiful boy from the two-headed dragon family

In this era, in the land of Alopa, as long as porcelain is made, even if it looks ugly, it can still be sold for some money.

At least it's much better than working hard and only earning some silver coins.

So day by day, they found a way to temporarily change the living environment of the Atonement Society. They worked with a group of children and were very busy.

Tiao Tiao couldn't help, and she didn't like playing in the mud all day long, so she returned to the manor and happened to see Hardy and Mrs. Sissi sitting in the pavilion in the garden, talking about business.

The two also noticed Tiao Tiao and stopped talking.

Madam Sissi waved Tiaotiao over.

When Tiao Tiao came closer, he saw Hardy getting up and said, "It's your women's time next, I'll go out for a walk by myself."

"Be careful, the people from the Lion Faction have already recognized you." Mrs. Sissi said with concern.

"It's okay." Hardy said with a smile: "If they come here to cause trouble, this is a good opportunity to see what they are capable of."

Madam Sissi shook her head, the northern hemisphere trembling: "You are quite confident."

Hardy smiled, nodded to Tiao Tiao as a greeting, and then left.

Tiao Tiao looked at Madam Sissi's broad mind, then looked at his own, and let out a long sigh.

The live broadcast room was filled with laughter that never stopped.

"Mrs. Sissi, I'm going to say goodbye to you." Tiao Tiao sat on the stone chair and said, "Can you settle the bill now?"

This style of directly asking for money is not seen among nobles, and it is also very rude.

But after getting along with Tiao Tiao during this time, Mrs. Sissi found that Tiao Tiao was very direct, knowledgeable, and not constrained by so-called etiquette. She was a very outstanding woman.

Therefore, such behavior is not surprising.

She sincerely tried to persuade her: "Why don't you stay a little longer? I can pay you more."

"The main reason is that I want to visit other places." Tiao Tiao couldn't resist Mrs. Sissi's enthusiasm. She firmed up her thoughts and said, "I'm a person who can't take time off. I'm sorry. Yes, Mrs. Sissi."

"Okay." Mrs. Sissi's face was full of regret.

She personally likes to get along with Tiao Tiao, she is relaxed and happy, and the communication is very comfortable.

Another reason is that Tiao Tiao has very strong combat power, and now the Jeanne family is in need of high-end combat power.

Not long after, Tiao Tiao left with two more gold coins.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were extremely envious. They were making money too fast, but Tiao Tiao was unwilling to continue making money and actually gave up on following up on the epic mission.

"As long as you have money," Tiao Tiao said as he walked on the road: "People must be content. Don't always think about making money. You should be like me and pursue a more fulfilling life."

As a big anchor with a net worth of over 10 million, she is certainly qualified to say that she wants to experience and enrich her life.

The problem is that the vast majority of netizens are just social animals and people having fun.

Hardy didn't know that Tiao Tiao had left Jeanne's house at this time. He was wandering around the street to see if he could buy some novel things.

As the cultural center of the Aruba region, Boris is home to many poets and scholars.

There are also a large number of traveling merchants and vendors.

Hardy found a new bookstore and bought two magic books there, one was an introduction to primary spells of the plasticity department, and the other was an explanation of primary spells of the protection system.

Just as he was paying, a very nice young voice suddenly came out next to him: "Friend, are you also learning magic?"

Hardy turned his head and found a young nobleman with blond hair and blue eyes.

The reason why we know he is a noble is that he is dressed very gorgeously, has fair skin, and has a very cute face, like that of a girl.

There is a sense of slenderness.

"Do you know me?" Hardy looked at the other person for a while and asked.

The beautiful young man said rather embarrassedly: "I heard that you, the new darling of the Saint Sect, captured Galen Clovis, Mr. Hardy from Hexi County."

Hardy smiled and asked: "Then who are you?"

"Princes Eckerd."

Oh, people from the Two-Headed Dragon Faction.

Hardy paid for the book first, and then said: "It's an honor to meet a member of another royal bloodline. I heard that the Two-headed Dragon family loves to produce handsome men. It seems that this rumor is indeed true. "

The young man laughed sheepishly.

How can I put the charm of this Prince? In terms of skin, it is indeed better than Hardy.

But the other party has a big problem, that is, he is too shy.

This shows that the other party is far less generous than Hardy.

"So, Your Excellency Prince, do you have any business with me?"

Princess scratched her somewhat red face with her white fingers and whispered, "I've been hearing people talking about you lately. When I saw you, I wanted to get to know you."

A smile appeared on Hardy's face: "Sorry, if there is nothing else, I have to go back to Jeanne Castle first."

"Wait, it's not a big deal, I just want to invite you to our family's banquet tonight." Princeps said hurriedly: "It will start in the evening. If you have no other urgent matters, please come and attend."

After thinking for two or three seconds, Hardy replied with a smile: "I'm honored to be invited. I will try my best to make time."

The beautiful young man breathed a sigh of relief, with a bright smile on his face. He excitedly gave Hardy an aristocratic courtesy, and then left happily.

Hardy stood still and watched the other party's figure disappear into the sea of ​​people in the distance of the street, and then he left in the opposite direction.

After walking for a while, I found a pub on the street and walked in.

Because it was still afternoon, there were not many people drinking, and there were only two people talking inside.

The bartender was bored, leaning on the counter with his elbows and dozing off with his face in his palms.

Hardy sat down in front of the counter, knocked on the counter, and asked, "Can I get some information here?"

The bartender woke up instantly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "What kind of news?"

"Don't worry, you don't need any special or important information." Hardy put a silver coin on the counter, then pressed it with one finger and pushed it in front of the other party: "I'm just asking for news about someone."

"That's no problem." The bartender put the silver coins away.

"Princes Eckerd, what do the people of Boris think of him?"

The bartender subconsciously tilted his head back and looked at Hardy with a strange look: "Are you also his suitor?"

"Huh?" Hardy was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said angrily: "I don't like men, don't worry about this, just tell me the clear information about him."

"A beautiful boy, a good nobleman, the third eldest child in his family."

After waiting for a while, Hardy saw that the other party was silent, so he asked: "No more?"

"No more!" the bartender said with a joking smile: "One silver coin is worth these three sentences."

"Tell me something else." Hardy put two silver coins in front of the other party: "Be more detailed. If you try to fool me again, you may get a flat nose."

The bartender quickly put the silver coins into his arms, then lowered his voice and said cautiously: "According to the information obtained by our organization, this Young Master Prince is in love with a commoner woman."

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