The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 6 There are always people who can’t keep their temper

"Knight Hardy, you are such a generous man."

Virginia's housekeeper grabbed a few silver coins in his hand and left with a smile.

At this time, the appointment letter has been placed on the dining table.

The old butler Jack looked at the golden parchment with tears streaming down his face.

He was so happy.

Although several blacksmith shops were lost and the family's income was greatly reduced, what they got in exchange was a better future.

"Jack, you will take leave tomorrow. Go back to your hometown and bring your grandson here. At the same time, you will recruit one or two reliable marksman masters from there."

Jack wiped his tears and was a little surprised: "The mercenaries in the White Deer Territory charge much higher prices. Why not recruit them directly here? Local mercenaries are cheaper."

"I can't trust the people here." Hardy snorted: "What if the master you invite happens to be an enemy? Isn't it like inviting a wolf into the house?"

Although the possibility of this is very low, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

Now that the Hardy family is still standing on the edge of the cliff, they have to be cautious in everything.

"My little master has grown up." Jack smiled while wiping his tears. He could feel that Hardy was more organized than the old Hardy in doing things.

Is it true that suffering makes people mature?

When Jack was sighing in his heart, he seemed to hear a faint noise coming from outside the door. He motioned to the head maid Lillian to go out and take a look.

Hardy is looking at the map. He is going to take over the territory tomorrow, so naturally he has to figure it out.

The mountain forest is in the northeast of Hexi Territory, far away from the town. The area is not actually very large, but it has to hide hundreds or even thousands of mountain people, and there are enough supplies to allow them to survive, which shows that the resources in the mountain forest are still Quite rich.

These mountain people are unruly, distrustful of outsiders, have bad tempers, and are very troublesome to get along with.

This is something that almost everyone in Hexi Territory knows.

But Hardy has an idea.

Just as Hardy was thinking about how to build an army step by step, Lilian came back from outside.

She lowered her head to Hardy's ear and said, "Master, Sam is leading some blacksmith apprentices and making a noise outside. He said he must see you, and he looked very angry."

"Let them in." A cold light flashed in Hardy's eyes.

When Jack heard this, he immediately waved to the guard standing next to him to come closer to protect his little master.

Although the Hardy family did not have noble status and were not qualified to form an army before, it was still possible to recruit a few guards.

Soon, an angry middle-aged man rushed in, walking very fast.

Behind him were six young people.

These seven people have one thing in common, that is, they are muscular, and they look like powerful men at first glance.

Blacksmiths are like this. How can they strike iron if they don’t have the strength to handle it?

The middle-aged man at the front originally looked extremely angry, but when he saw the several guards behind Hardy, his arrogance suddenly dropped by half.

He wanted to get closer, but he was still five meters away from Hadi, so he was blocked by the guards and could not get closer.

Seeing that the guard was wearing hard leather armor and wearing weapons, the middle-aged man did not dare to rush forward any more. He looked at Hardy, his teeth seemed to be gritting: "Little Hardy, why do you want to destroy the blacksmith shop?" Sell ​​it to the lord."

"Why can't it be sold?" Hardy looked away from the map. He looked at the middle-aged man with a half-smile: "Sam, from the title deed to the house to the utensils and tools in the blacksmith shop, they all belong to our Hardy family. , we can deal with it however we like."

When Sam heard this, his suppressed anger immediately resurfaced, and he said angrily: "But Old Hardy made an agreement with me. As long as I work in the blacksmith shop for ten years, he will give me a room as a gift. You guys The Hardys don’t keep their word.”

When Hardy heard this, he laughed: "How many years have you been working in the blacksmith shop?"

Seeing Hardy's obviously sarcastic expression, Sam's arrogance was suppressed again. He was silent for a while and said: "Six years!"

"It's not enough ten years." Hardy spread his hands with a face full of ridicule.

Sam couldn't help but take two steps forward, but was held down by the guard.

"You sell the blacksmith shop. If I work for another ten years, the new owner will not give me the blacksmith shop or even a hammer." Sam was pushed back and he roared: "Old Hardy You made a promise to me, and you broke it when he died, you renegade, shameless."

"Let him go." Hardy waved to the guard, and then sighed: "I actually know what my father promised you."

"If you know this, why would you sell the blacksmith shop to others?"

Hardy chuckled: "But I also know that if my father wants to give you a blacksmith shop, in addition to letting you work for ten years, he also needs to help our Hardy family train at least five competent blacksmiths, not blacksmith apprentices."

His eyes swept over the six young men behind him, all of whom were Sam's students.

"I'm about to do it." Sam wanted to rush forward again, but was still blocked by two guards: "These apprentices are good kids and they learn quickly."

"I admit this." Hardy nodded: "But... you should not unite with outsiders to harm our Hardy family."

Sam was stunned, and after a while he roared hysterically: "I didn't, I didn't!"

"Seven blacksmith shops are all on strike. Look, it's still at such a critical time." Hardy's smile was obviously sunny, but it gave people an inexplicable cold feeling, like in the middle of winter. Qingkong Gaozhao: "They said they would increase their salary, but your salary is already twice that of your peers. Are you still not satisfied?"

"We make more money for the Hardee's."

Hardy nodded: "This is indeed true, but if I don't make money, what use are you blacksmiths? Do you want to keep all the money you make in your own pockets?"

Sam was scolded and became speechless. His face turned red and blue from the pain, and finally he shouted: "Little Hardy, you are a liar, shameless, and a betrayer."

Hardy laughed. He signaled to the two guards at the door, and then the door was closed with a bang.

Now Sam was a little anxious: "What do you want to do!"

"I was still thinking about when to find you, but I didn't expect that you showed up at my door yourself." Hardy stood up and walked to Sam, his smile turned cold and cold: "Tell me, yes Who encouraged you to take the lead in making trouble?"

"I didn't do it, and you framed me." Sam's face changed drastically, he was obviously anxious, and his words began to be contradictory: "No one encouraged me, I wanted to do this myself."

"Then you deserve to die even more." Hardy took the long sword from the guard's hand and pointed the tip at Sam's face: "Take the initiative to carry the master and bite the master. Do you think the new owner of the blacksmith shop will tolerate you? "

An icy chill radiated from the tip of the sword.

If Sam was just anxious just now, then Sam's expression now was the color of despair.

"If you say it, you can let your whole family leave safely. If you don't say it, you will go to meet the God of Death together."

Sam looked at the tip of the sword, which was only about ten centimeters away from his face, and his mouth went dry.

He subconsciously looked back behind him.

Before coming, all six of his apprentices were filled with righteous indignation, and they looked like they wanted to fight Hardy until death.

But now, all of them lowered their heads and dared not move, and their bodies were shaking wildly, like birds whistling in the cold wind.

Knowing that he had no other choice, Sam pursed his lips and said in a hoarse voice: "Edward asked me to do this."

When the old housekeeper heard the name, his expression was shocked: "How is it possible? Didn't he disappear with the old master?"

Hardy's smile became even colder.

He didn't expect that this person was actually a mole.

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