The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 7 A Gentleman from the Civilized World

Sam and the six apprentices were let go, and darkness gradually swallowed their bodies.

"We should punish him." Jack was very angry. He was extremely loyal to the Hardy family and looked down upon people like Sam.

"It's just a chess piece." Hardy stood up, took an iron sword from the weapons rack next to him and put it on his waist: "Jack, organize your guards and guard your home while I go out."

Jack hurriedly advised: "Little master, it's very dangerous outside now. Edward is obviously coming for us, but he has set a trap..."

"I know." Hardy turned back and smiled: "I just want to fish him out."

"Then at least bring a few guards."

Hardy shook his head: "Just leave the guard at home. Ordinary people can't defeat professionals, so there's no use bringing them along."

"Then why, little master, do you still want to..."

"Because I am also a professional."

Looking at the little master's back disappearing into the darkness, Jack was stunned.

He didn't know about Hardy's appointment as the 'Nightmare Knight'. Only the maid Lillian knew about it for the time being.

Hardy knew that Sam would definitely go to find Edward, but instead of following him directly, he took a long detour.

After he became a professional, his pace was obviously much faster. Even though he took a long detour, he caught up with Sam when he returned home.

Compared with the Hardy family's castle, this is a low house, but it is much better than ordinary people. It has an independent yard and the house is also made of stone.

Unlike the houses of poor people, the main body is mostly made of wood and mud.

Sam's home is located on the edge of a slum area. After he became the chief blacksmith of the Hardy family, his salary was much higher than that of ordinary blacksmiths, so he was able to build a detached house outside.

Around his home, he also planted some trees like the nobles did, making it look very peaceful.

Hardy was hiding behind a tree, probably because of his poor hiding skills. Half of his body was exposed outside the tree.

After Sam returned home, he lit the lamp, and soon there were sounds of beatings and scoldings, as well as the sounds of women and children crying.

Hardy shook his head when he heard this. He leaned against the trees and waited quietly for him to be discovered.

The sounds in Sam's house grew quieter.

After a while, Hardy stood up straight and smiled, because there were several more men in black in front of him.

Standing in the middle was the mercenary Edward, the former guard leader of the Hardy family.

This guard leader accompanied Old Hardy to other territories to discuss business some time ago, and then they all disappeared. Hardy asked the rangers to investigate, and only found the bodies of a few guards.

All others are missing.

"Hey, isn't this the lovely Master Hardy? It's so late, why are you still hanging out in public? This world is very dangerous." Edward slowly approached, with a rather malicious smile on his face. .

Hardy waited quietly for the other party to come closer. When he was still about four meters away, he spoke: "Why are you still alive? Where is your father?"

"Don't worry, I will send you to see him soon." Edward took out the sword in his hand.

Hardy's eyes narrowed slightly: "Did you guess that I was going to follow Sam?"

"Quite smart, but his intelligence is limited." Edward is a very typical French man, with a bearded face and brown eyes: "You are such a weak young master, why do you have to bring a few guards out. "

Hahahaha, Edward's men laughed arrogantly.

Sam also walked out of the house. He looked at Hardy with a little guilt in his eyes: "Little Hardy, don't blame me. If you don't cooperate with them, my family and I will die."

Hardy looked at Sam: "You came to the house to cause trouble, was it just part of the plan?"

Sam said nothing, which was considered acquiescence.

Hardy's eyes returned to Edward: "Since I am going to die, can you let me know clearly what happened to my father and why you are targeting our Hardy family."

"If I tell him, Sam will die too." Edward tsked: "I can't tell, you young master is quite vicious. You actually want to drag Sam into the water."

Originally, Sam looked at Hardy with a somewhat guilty look, but after hearing these words, there was only indifference in his eyes.

Hardy actually didn't mean this. He just wanted to get some information. However, Edward Feidan was not fooled and even turned an army against him.

As expected of an experienced mercenary, his thoughts are indeed more thoughtful than ordinary people.

Hardy sighed.

Edward walked to a place three meters away from Hardy, drew his sword and pointed it at him.

At this time, the tip of the sword was less than ten centimeters from the tip of Hardy's nose.

"Leave a last message." Edward smiled and said, "I have worked in the Hardy family for three years, and I have a close relationship with you and your son."

"Ryan, keep Edward alive."

Hardy's voice seemed very calm and calm.

Edward was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

There was a huge strange noise in the darkness, rumbling, like the sound of huge rocks rolling down from a high mountain at a rapid speed, and the ground was shaking.

Edward subconsciously turned his head and saw a figure and a sword light approaching quickly.

The sword light seemed to be like a bright silver thread, extending in the darkness, wrapping around the visitor, one after another, in circles, like the silkworm's silkworms, or like the lumen of starlight.

But it was such a beautiful sword light that, as long as it was gently scraped, the person was divided into several segments.

Several of Edward's men turned into flying pieces of meat in an instant.

Before his sword could point at the attacker, both arms were cut off at the same time.

The person's hand was clearly just a sword, but it was able to pull out two beautiful and bright lights at the same time.

Edward screamed loudly and wanted to turn around and run away, but Hardy gently stretched out his foot and tripped the former to the ground.

Blood spurted out from the broken arm. Without his hand, it was difficult for Edward to even stand up.

The visitor stopped in front of Edward and put away the long sword 'Morrowind' in his hand.

Hardy looked over with a smile: "Sorry to trouble you, Ryan."

"We are all brothers, why are you so polite?" Ryan came over, lightly punched Hardy's chest with his fist, and said with a smile, "Just give me a few more bottles of wine tomorrow."

"I will personally deliver the three bottles of my best collection to your home."

"Well, I'll wait." Ryan looked around and said, "I searched around outside just now, and there are no other suspicious people. It's not convenient for me to be here to observe your family's private affairs, so I'll leave first. Remember, come to me and Karina if you have anything, the three of us will be best friends for life."

Under the moonlight, Ryan's short golden hair reflects a faint luster.

The young man's high-spiritedness, handsomeness and sunshine are clearly revealed.

This is the future brave man recognized by the world: Ryan Lind.

Although he has not yet left home to practice, his skills are already at the top level.

Then Ryan left first.

Both arms were broken. Without magic or potion treatment, the person would soon bleed to death.

But Edward is a mercenary and a professional. His vitality is much stronger than that of normal people. Therefore, until now, his life is not in great danger, but his body is very weak.

Edward seemed to be determined to die. He lay flat on the ground, looking at the full moon in the night sky, his eyes dull.

Hadi looked down at him and asked: "Who ordered you to kill your father?"

"Why isn't it the one I want to kill? I want to take possession of your family's property, is that okay?"

"You don't have that pattern." Hardy shook his head: "And among the guards who followed my father at that time, there were two other professionals. You don't dare to mess around unless someone helps you, supports you, and gives you great confidence. .”

Edward laughed miserably: "You must not be Old Hardy's son."

"Why do you say that?"

"Old Hardy is very cowardly. He is crying like a girl when he is about to die. His eyes are full of fear." Edward suddenly grinned: "But in your eyes, I see the beastliness of a lion and the cunning of a fox. Old Hardy couldn't have a son like you."

"How can you slander people for no reason? I am a gentleman in the civilized world."

Hardy smiles brightly and cheerfully. At fifteen years old, he is just a big boy.

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