The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 599 The uncertain goddess

Sharon's dislike of Goebbels was more obvious than Karina's.

If someone interrupts a good thing, he will naturally not look good.

"How beautiful?" Sharon snorted: "Don't talk nonsense, Goebbels, you and I are both red archbishops, and mutual respect is basic."

"Sorry, I was rude." At this time, Goebbels' eyes gradually narrowed.

Seeing that the other party had corrected his attitude, Karina's face became better. She asked: "Sir, what's the matter with you coming to us so late?"

"Of course it's about the election of the Pope." Goebbels said with a smile: "I won't beat around the bush. I hope the Saint and the three ladies will support me."

The three ladies naturally refer to the three female cardinals.

"Why should we support you?" Karina looked extremely unhappy: "I have also heard about your private rumors."

"Does the saint refer to my lustful nature?" Goebbels said sternly: "Or does it refer to my private disrespect for the saint?"

Karina snorted and said nothing.

Goebbels said with some shame: "I can actually explain this matter."

"I'm not interested in your explanation." Karina interrupted: "Sorry, we don't want to get involved in the trouble of the papal election, and it has nothing to do with us, do you understand?"

But Goebbels didn't believe it. He looked at Hardy and then at Karina: "If the Saint was not interested, she would not come back at this time, let alone take Mr. Hardy with her."

Hardy chuckled.

Karina also smiled: "So what if I brought him back to meet the teacher? I have a man, so of course I have to take him to meet the teacher and my aunt."

If an ordinary woman had a lover, she would have to try her best to hide their relationship in public.

But Karina was not afraid of this at all.

Others misunderstood that she had an inappropriate relationship with Hardy, but she would actually be very happy.

Don't be afraid even if Ryan hears such rumors, Ryan won't mind at all.

Goebbels was surprised when he heard this.

Before Karina, there were saints, and none of those saints were thinking of ways to show their purity and purity, and try to distance themselves from relationships with men.

But the saint in front of her didn't care at all.

Goebbels suddenly felt helpless. He said: "You two should think more about it. When I become the pope, you can take charge of some important departments, such as the Logistics Department, or the Inquisition Bureau."

This is the promised benefit.

In both departments, it is easy to ‘make money’.

Sharon was about to refuse, but Karina spoke first: "Let's... think about it?"

"No problem." Goebbels put the hood back on his head: "I'm waiting for the good news from you two."

After that, he turned and left the small garden.

After the others left, Karina looked at Hardy and then at Sharon: "It's a pity that he messed up all the good things."

Sharon was immediately ashamed, stamped her feet and left without saying anything.

I have to say that it is really tempting for such a mature woman to make such a girlish gesture, which is both charming and cute.

Karina came close to Hardy and bumped Hardy lightly with her shoulder: "Don't you want to catch up?"

"Forget it, the atmosphere is gone, wait until next time." Hardy said with a smile.

"Yes, it's already meat in the pot." Karina yawned: "I'm going to rest first, and you should go to bed early."

Hardy nodded.

Then the two separated on the second floor and went back to their rooms.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, the scent of Sharon still seemed to linger in the air.

The moonlight shone from the window. Hardy lay on the bed and admired the bright moon for a while, then stood up and took the statue of the goddess of light in his hand.

After praying, the statue emits a faint glow.

By this time, he had established a certain connection with the goddess of light.

"Aya, are you free?"

After about ten seconds, when Hardy thought that the goddess of light had no time to reply, the other party's voice rang out.

"Sorry, it's a little slow because we are very busy over there."

"It's okay. If you're really busy, let's talk next time."

"No, you finally contacted me once, and I finally found the time. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't say a few more words!"

Hardy smiled and then asked: "Your voice sounds very tired. Is this troublesome thing for Evil God?"

"It's quite troublesome. The World Tree has been severely damaged, and the protective layer of this world is full of holes. All of us Gods of Order have taken action to repair it everywhere."

"Too bad I can't help."

"We will be able to help you in the future, and by resisting the demons, you are essentially helping us. If the demons occupy the earth on a large scale, then the negative emotions in this world will skyrocket, and the evil gods will become Stronger and more troublesome.”

"Actually, I'm worried about what will happen if the demons come to sacrifice again!" Hardy said with some worry.

"You don't have to worry about this. Only those four bad guys can break through our defense line. Moreover, three of them were seriously injured by the World Tree, and another one was cut by me. At least for ten years, even if they sacrifice more lives, they will still be able to break through. There is no way to summon their consciousness to the ground."

Hearing this, Hardy felt relieved a lot.

"Hardy, you came to me specifically this time, there must be something important."

"Yes." Although he was only talking in his soul, Hardy still nodded subconsciously: "The situation in the Church of Light seems not to be good."

"Oh... I have never paid much attention to them. Moreover, over the years, the Church of Light has been in chaos no less than ten times. In the end, they will survive on their own."

"Are you so open-minded? That's your religion."

"To be precise, everyone gets what they need. They use my teachings and name to act and survive; I use their hands and mouths to convey some important information to the world. As long as they don't go too far and don't use the name If you do bad things in my name, I won’t care.”

Hardy couldn't help but smile bitterly: "So you actually know about the changes they made to your teachings?"

"That's right. What belongs to humans belongs to humans, and what belongs to gods belongs to gods. No matter how violent and troublesome the world on earth is, gods had better not interfere. This is our consensus."

Hardy was thoughtful and said softly.

"You seem to have an idea?" Aya asked with a smile.

"Since you don't care about the affairs of the Church of Light, then you probably won't mind if I step in."

"Of course it's no problem. Do you want to be the pope?" Aya suddenly became excited: "I can help you. Just give me a blessing and send Jeanna to fly down on a Pegasus. You don't have to fight, you can become the pope directly. pope."

"No, I want to put a female pope on the throne!"

"Female Pope?" Aya's mood suddenly dropped, and her voice became weak: "Then it's up to you, you can play if you want. If there is really a big problem, tell me and I will take care of it for you. end."

"You don't seem to be interested anymore?"

Aiya snorted: "I don't care, I'm going to do some work. See you next time!" (End of Chapter)

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