The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 600 Karina has the appearance of an emperor

After the goddess of light finished speaking, she left, and the statue lost its light and returned to its original appearance.

In the early morning of the next day, Hardy woke up, opened the door and went downstairs, where he saw Karina delivering breakfast to the dining table.

She didn't need to do these things, but she just couldn't rest.

At this time, she saw Hadi and smiled: "Good morning, breakfast has just been prepared... But my aunt is not awake yet, why don't you call her?"

Hardy waved his hand: "It's not the time yet."

Although Sharon took the initiative to come to Hardy last night, her good things were interrupted, and things between the two of them did not work out in one go, so it was actually a bit embarrassing.

Karina put her hands on her hips helplessly: "Okay, I'll call her. Hardy, you have to be tougher in the future. Obviously, as long as you are tougher, many things can change."

Hardy knew what she was talking about, but he pretended not to understand.

Karina trotted upstairs, and not long after, she pulled Sharon down.

At this time, Sharon was yawning and had slight dark circles under her eyes, obviously not sleeping well.

When she saw Hardy, her body stiffened for a moment, and then she pretended that nothing happened and greeted him very naturally: "Good morning, Mr. Hardy."

After getting Hardy's reply, she sat on the main seat.

The atmosphere at this time was also a bit awkward, mainly because Sharon still couldn't let go, and Hardy had been through battles for a long time, and he was very generous in this regard.

However, Karina kept talking and kept the atmosphere lively, and it didn't take long for the atmosphere at the dinner table to get noticeably better.

Sharon took the initiative to ask Hardy: "You also met Goebbels last night. What do you think of him?"

Hardy put down the knife and fork in his hand and said: "It's not good, and I have an idea in my mind. I just want to wait until I read the information provided by Ms. Minge before making any plans."

Karina and Sharon looked at each other with a strange look on their faces.

At this time, there was a knock on the outer door. The maid opened the door and found Elena Minge standing outside.

"I'm having breakfast. It's great. I haven't eaten it yet. Do you have any extra?"

"Of course." Karina smiled.

She was worried that Hardy had a big appetite, so she cooked more.

Elena sat down and placed a stack of paper on the table.

"This is the information I compiled last night. You can take a look." Then she looked at Hadi and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, the white paper you produce is really expensive now. Why don't I I’ll send a caravan directly to pick up the goods from you, can you sell them cheaper to me?”

At this time, the craftsmanship of making white paper had not yet fully spread.

In fact, there are many players who have mastered this skill.

It's just that they want to find a partner in a short period of time, and it's impossible to achieve Hardy's level in terms of raw material procurement, production cost control, logistics safety, etc.

After all, Hardy is a big lord and has a huge advantage in manpower. At the same time, players don't know how many connections he has.

Therefore, in a short period of time, no player can suppress the blank paper to the extent of Hardy.

Of course, they can go to far away countries to build factories, but that also takes time.

"Of course there is no problem. Just ask your caravan to report my name when the time comes."

Hardy smiled, then picked up the information on the table and read it slowly.

Elena was naturally overjoyed when she heard Hardy agreed.

Her eyes fell on Sharon's face, and then she was stunned for a moment and asked, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

Sharon struggled all night last night, thinking about whether to look for Hardy again, and then thinking about whether Hardy would take the initiative to come over.

I was shy and a little scared, so I tossed and turned all night and couldn't fall asleep.

"Thinking about something."

Sharon tried her best to appear calm, but there was still a slight blush on her cheeks.

After all, Elena is a married woman with children. She looked at the blush on Sharon's face, and then looked at Hardy's handsome face, and she immediately understood something.

Then there was some envy.

She also likes little boys, but it's a pity that she has no chance to get married.

Seeing the thoughtful look on Elena's face, Sharon became even more nervous.

Karina laughed at this time: "It's not a shameful thing. Don't be shy, aunt. Now let's talk about other cardinals and see which one is better! While supporting him, he can also help us. Check the information."

The two beautiful women were both thoughtful.

At this time, Hardy had read the intelligence. He put a few pieces of white paper on the table and said, "None of us support it."

The three women looked over with curiosity on their faces.

Hardy continued: "After I met Goebbels last night, I had a new idea. Now that this information has appeared, I have become more determined to realize this idea."

The three women continued to look at him quietly.

Three pairs of beautiful eyes, each with different emotions.

Gentle and affectionate, shy, expectant and curious.

"I want to push Karina to the position of pope!"

As soon as these words came out, the three women were shocked.

His eyes were as big as bells.

Hardy took a bite of the bread in his hand and continued: "What do you think?"

Karina held her chin in thought.

Sharon narrowed her eyes and said nothing, but Elena frowned and said, "There is no precedent for this."

"There was no queen in this world before. After the first generation of Queen Jeanne appeared, other countries slowly began to have several queens." Hardy said with a smile: "So there must be someone to break the rules."

Sharon nodded slowly.

Elena looked at Karina who was silent. She then looked at Hardy and said, "Karina does not have the foundation to become the pope. It is impossible with the support of two cardinals alone."

"From a common sense point of view, this is indeed a fact." Hardy nodded: "But we might as well enlarge our view. In addition to the Holy Court of Light, Karina's extraterrestrial influence is very large."

After hearing Hardy's words, Elena was startled, and then she immediately squinted her eyes and started thinking. After a while, she sighed longly: "I have to say, Mr. Hardy, what you said is right. It's just external. Can power work in the church?"

Hardy chuckled softly.

"How could it be useless? When the first generation Jeanne wanted to be queen, the Holy Court of Light also came to stop it, saying that without the approval of the Pope, she could not become a king, let alone a woman."

After Hardy said this, he stopped talking. After all, what he said next would be very heart-wrenching.

At this time, Elena's face became embarrassed and ugly.

Thinking of the charm of the first generation Jeanne, Sharon looked yearning for her.

Karina covered her mouth and chuckled.

At that time, the first generation Jeanne wanted to sit on the throne, but the Holy See refused, so she united with some nobles to put pressure on her, and engaged in small actions and public opinion wars.

As a result, the first generation Jeanne ignored them and directly gathered 3,000 silver-winged heavy cavalry, 40,000 heavy infantry, and 6,000 long archers to surround the entire church.

After more than two months of siege, the people in the church almost starved to death, and finally alerted the goddess of light.

The goddess of light was greatly surprised when she learned about the situation. She had never seen a woman with such a strong mind and immediately sealed her as the Saint of Light.

At the same time, he believed that she was very qualified to sit on the throne.

Elena looked at Karina who was snickering at the side and asked: "My child, what do you think!"

Karina put down her hand, looked at Hardy, and smiled sweetly: "If Hardy wants me to be the pope, I will be. I will listen to him."

Elena smacked her tongue, feeling the difference between people for the first time.

The boy and girl in front of him have just grown up, and they are already planning to 'change the dynasty' and do something unprecedented.

And what was she doing when she was eighteen?

I am preparing to get married, reading sweet love novels, and dreaming about going to the beach with my future husband to watch the sunset, watch the sunrise on the mountains, and enjoy the night sky by the starry lake in the Elf Forest!

Now in her thirties, she is still thinking about how to make a little more money while maintaining her position.

Thinking of this, Elena covered her face with her hands and rubbed them hard a few times to make herself more awake: "If we have to do it, then we will find more reliable help. Invite that slut Lapis over, We do things together.”

Lapis is another female cardinal.

"But Archbishop Lapis seems to have a bad reputation." Karina said with some worry.

Elena smiled and said: "That's just a rumor. She is actually a very serious person. After all...she has offended someone, and that person can't deal with her openly, so he can only do so in private."

Karina was puzzled: "Teacher, you still call her a slut?"

"It will become clear when you have more contact with her." Elena swallowed the bread in several mouthfuls: "Wait a minute, I will bring Lapis over immediately. We have to talk about this matter."

Then Elena left in a hurry.

At this time Sharon also put down the milk cup in her hand: "I'm full too, you two eat slowly."

Karina chewed the bread in her mouth and said with a smile: "Hardy, you are full too. Take your aunt for a walk in the garden outside to eat. I will call you after Archbishop Lapis arrives."

Hardy knew that Karina was letting him have more contact with Sharon. He stood up and said with a smile: "Ms. Deckard, let's go for a walk together?"

"You can call me Sharon." The woman stood up, her face was very red, but she didn't resist at all.

Especially after Hardy said that he would support Karina to become the female pope, she had no intention of resisting.

The two came to the small garden from the back door and walked side by side chatting.

Hardy was already knowledgeable and well-spoken.

Although there are usually some straight men, as long as you are good enough, capable enough, and have enough status, this so-called straight man is an advantage.

Others will think you are sincere and unpretentious.

That's what Sharon thought at this time.

After walking around the garden about five times, Karina stuck her head out of the window near the back door and shouted: "Hardy, aunt, the guests are here."

Then Karina was at the back door and saw Hardy walking back holding Sharon's hand.

She clicked her tongue: "It's progressing very quickly."

Sharon's face turned red. (End of chapter)

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