The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 601 I didn’t expect you to be such a teacher

The curtains were drawn and the maid was driven away.

There were only five people sitting in the living room.

The woman who was leaning back on the chair with her legs crossed high, although she was also wearing a bright red robe, but for some reason, her clothes seemed to be a little too small, and the fleshy flesh of her body was stretched out. Men can't remove the flesh marks from their eyes.

After scanning all the people here, she smiled and said: "Elenina, you asked me to come here to prepare for a carnival party? This boy is very suitable for me. He is indeed a good sister. We know that we share blessings. Thank you."

As soon as these words came out, the other three women behaved differently.

Karina smiled slightly, while Sharon looked a little annoyed.

Elenina sighed helplessly and said: "The people sitting here are all our own people, there is no need to put your set of stress tactics on us."

The new woman laughed, and then sat upright. She immediately changed from the coquettish to the serious look: "So, three useless red-clothed archbishops gathered together, plus a saint and a... very powerful Young nobles, are you planning to do something big?"

"Trash Archbishop?" Karina chuckled softly after hearing this: "This word is quite interesting."

The new woman shrugged and said, "Isn't it?"

"You are a waste, don't hit on me." Sharon said unhappily.

While she was speaking, she glanced at Hardy, fearing that he would lower his impression of her.

The new woman is the third female Cardinal, Lapis.

She noticed Sharon's eyes, and then looked at Hardy: "It seems that you are the most important person in this party."

"I am Hardy, Lord France." Hardy smiled.

"It is indeed you." Lapis's eyes flashed.

Lapis has brown hair. Generally speaking, people with this hair color are commoners, and the word 'Lapis' is more like a first name than a surname.

So Hardy felt that this Lapis was probably promoted from civilians.

"I invited Ms. Lapis here this time because I want to discuss important matters with you." Hardy said with a smile.

"What's the big deal?" Lapis's eyes were already burning with fire, but her expression was still calm.

Hardy took a sip of the fruit wine and looked at the other party's expectant eyes and said, "I want to push Karina to the position of pope."

Lapis was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed, a little crazy.

The expressions of the other three women turned cold almost at the same time.

After laughing for nearly half a minute, Lapis finally stopped. She looked at Hardy with tears in her eyes: "You are so bold and you really dare to think."


"I'm serious." Lapis looked at Hardy with fanaticism and admiration in her eyes: "I have studied you, and when you become famous, you will be on my radar."

Everyone looked at Lapis in surprise.

Lapis looked at Hadi and said directly, without concealing her 'desire': "Your family is a businessman. Something happened to your father when he was doing business. You are the only son in the family, and your family is facing annihilation. Disaster. But you used various strange methods to change your disadvantages little by little. First you became a knight, then a baron. You got close to the Jeanne family, gained their trust, and rose up step by step. Now you are already a knight. The most powerful lord of Langxi Country. Even Queen Sissi was helped to the throne by you."

Elena and Sharon looked at Hardy in surprise.

They knew that Hadi was the lord, but they did not know anything about Hadi before.

Unexpectedly, he was born as a commoner, and even Queen Sissi was helped to the throne by Hardy?

This ability is too strong.

At this time, Lapis continued: "And now, you still want to help Saint Karina become the pope. How loyal are you to the Jeanne family?"

Her eyes looked at Hardy, her expression full of disbelief.

Hardy said nothing.

He has no loyalty to the Jeanne family, but simply feels that the Jeanne family is very comfortable to stay with.

And based on his undisclosed relationship with Queen Sissi, he usually has to take care of the Jeanne family.

As for Karina, that's another story.

But his silence, in the eyes of others, is a kind of acquiescence.

Karina, on the other hand, had other ideas.

She knew very well that Hardy was not the so-called 'loyal' kind of person.

So why he is so kind to the Jeanne family? It must be because of himself!

"Okay, it's okay if you don't say anything." Lapis looked at Hardy: "It's okay if you let me follow you. With such a strong support, we have a chance of winning. But I want to ask clearly... following you Fuck, what can I get!”

"When I become the pope, you can take over Marco Sal's position." Karina said with a smile.

Karina no longer wants Hardy to 'cut off territory' to win allies for her. Since she wants to do things, she must be effective enough.

We can't leave everything to Hardy.

Lapis' eyes straightened, with a hint of murderous intent: "You know me very well, but it's not enough! I need more substantial benefits."

Karina held her chin and began to think. She had already assumed the position of the Pope, thinking about what benefits she should give to the other party that would not support the foundation of her own power.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, Karina suddenly said: "All personnel appointments in Enolia Diocese are entrusted to you!"

Lapis took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Pope, you are generous, that's great, but I want more appointments in the Diocese of the Netherlands."

"This won't work." Karina shook her head and said vertically: "It's okay in other places, but not in the Netherlands."

After staring deeply at Karina for a while, Lapis' expression softened.

"Okay, Enoria, just Enoria, it's a good place too."

Karina nodded, she was very satisfied with Lapis' concession.

The reason why the Dutch diocese was not given to Lapis was because the latter was a Dutchman.

When a local official manages local internal affairs... he is the de facto lord.

The Church will not allow such a thing to happen.

"The four of us all have certain influence in the church and can speak out, which will be helpful to the future pope's ascendance..." At this time, Lapis looked at Hadi and asked: "Then what's next for you? action?"

Generally speaking, outsiders are selected by internal popes who do not interfere in the church.

Hardy smiled and said: "The papal election is still about three months away, so I plan to go back to France in the next two days."

"Back and forth, at least a month and a half." Lapis asked in confusion: "What are you doing back?"

At this time, the other three women had already guessed what Hardy was going to do!

Elena's eyes were filled with shock, while Sharon's eyes were filled with admiration.

But there was only gratitude and pride in Karina's bright eyes.

She was proud of Hardy and proud of herself for having such a young boy.

Lapis looked at the three women in confusion, looking left and right, becoming more and more suspicious.

"You, a lord, are running back and forth..."

At this moment, Lapis suddenly remembered a story, which was considered taboo by the Holy Court and was not allowed to be discussed in public.

"No way, you want to imitate..."

Her voice stopped and she swallowed subconsciously.

"How brave of you."

Hardy smiled: "The saint recognized by the goddess of light, the support of three red archbishops, as well as 4,000 silver-winged heavy cavalry, 40,000 armored soldiers, and 10,000 archers. With such power added up, can Karina... Sit on the throne of Pope!”

Lapis looked at Hardy blankly: "Of's just that this world will probably be very lively for a long time."

If Karina really becomes the pope, the whole world will be shocked.

Female Pope, for the first time ever.

The atmosphere in the room became silent again, Hardy had nothing to say, and the four women did not want to speak.

They were all a little 'scared' by Hardy.

Men and women think differently.

Women rely more on rules, while men rely more on violence.

Of course... they are also willing to walk on the road opened by male violence.

In the end, it was Karina who spoke first: "Hardy, stay for two more days before leaving."

Then she glanced vaguely at Sharon.

Hardy understood what she meant and nodded.

At this time, Lapis also stood up. Her nun's clothes seemed a little too small. When she stood up, the two balls of jelly shook twice.

"I wonder if Mr. Hardy is interested in chatting with me alone?"

When she said this, she blinked.

At this time, Sharon stood up and angrily shouted: "Lapis, don't be so arrogant here."

"Sharon, what qualifications do you have to criticize me? Even a fool can see the love on your own face. It's almost as red as a monkey's ass."

"You!" Sharon was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to reply.

At this time, Lapis looked at Hardy: "Sir, if Sharon uses this method to gain your trust, then I can do it too."

People who have climbed up from the ranks of the common people know how to observe facial expressions very well.

She could see Sharon's current state at a glance, and also guessed the meaning of Karina letting Hadi stay for two more days.

At this time, she was a little anxious inside.

Because of her investigation, she knew very well that Hardy and Karina were childhood friends and their relationship was quite deep.

And Karina is Elena's student, and this relationship is the best kind of trust.

As for Sharon, she looks very similar to the Saint, so she is obviously related by blood.

That is to say, she herself is the most 'helpless' among the five people in the group.

After hearing what Lapis said, Sharon suddenly became anxious.

"Lapis, you are shameless! No wonder others always spread scandals about you."

"Ha, it's their business to spread love." Lapis puffed up her chest proudly: "But I'm a virgin, no worse than you!"

At this time, Karina clasped her palms together, clapped her hands, and said with a smile: "Bishop Lapis, it would be great for you to have this kind of consciousness. Anyway, Hardy is very powerful, and one person cannot satisfy him. , you two are ready together."

"I have no problem." Lapis replied directly.

Sharon gritted her teeth, looked at Hardy again, and rolled her eyes at Lapis angrily.

She didn't say anything, but she agreed implicitly.

At this time, Elena next to her raised her hand: "Well, can I get involved?"

Karina's eyes widened.

Then she walked over and dragged Elena away, cursing as she walked.

"Teacher, don't even look at how many children you have. Don't come and join in the fun!" (End of Chapter)

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