The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 605 The picture appears

Looking at the crumpled paper, Hardy knew that this thing should have been on the other side for some time.

Although traffic between Tacoma and Louisiana County has been restored, the road conditions are not very good, and it will take several days to get there.

And it can be seen that life is short and we are in a hurry. I guess I came straight to the door when I got here without any rest.

"Why don't you sit down and take a breath first? Then talk to me when you're not so tired?" Hardy asked with a smile.

Life is Short shook his head and said: "This matter is quite important. The longer it takes, the more troublesome it will be."

This was indeed the truth, so Hardy let him.

This roll of paper is quite large and thick. At first glance, it looks like a special drawing specially ordered from the paper factory.

Life is Short slowly opened the circle of paper. As the paper spread out, the floor plan on it slowly appeared in front of Hardy's eyes.

It is indeed a topographic map of a harbor.

It's just that the strokes on this topographic map are a little more complicated.

There are quite a few extra lines!

And these lines... Hardy's expression has changed subtly.

At this time, the paper scroll had reached the last point. Hardy raised his head and saw that life is short, and couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

Life is Short looked at Hardy in surprise. His hand had already opened the last end of the paper roll.

At this time, he smiled, with a look of joy on his face.

The white paper is indeed a topographic plan of the seabed, but there are many more lines in it. When these lines are connected, it becomes a magic circle!

At this time the magic circle has been activated.

A very weak, light cyan light shines on the paper.

A layer of milky white barrier formed around them, wrapping the two of them in it.

Moreover, the eyes of both of them became numb and lifeless at the same time.

It was as if the souls of both of them had no physical effect.

In fact, from Hardy's 'perspective', after he heard a roar in his ears, his entire consciousness was pulled into a blue passage.

As the passage pulled, he entered a very familiar world.

It was night, and he was standing in a large square, surrounded by bustling crowds.

None of these people have faces, or their faces look blurry.

The flashing neon lights in and around the square, as well as the fountains dancing with the light show, all make the place prosperous and luxurious.

"Isn't it a beautiful world?"

A voice sounded behind Hardy.

Hardy looked back because life is short!

The other party was not wearing the service and cloak of the wizarding world, but was wearing a black suit and holding a black briefcase in his hand.

Hardy was a little surprised. Isn't the other party a gray man? Why does he look like an insurance seller?

Life is short seemed to have sensed Hardy's gaze. He looked at himself and smiled: "I haven't been a dustman for several years. You don't know how hard it is... Forget it, let me tell you. You don’t understand this either.”

His face showed superiority and the joy of winning.

"Why?" Hardy sighed softly and asked.

"No rush." ​​Life is Short waved his hand: "Listen to me and I will explain it to you."

Hardy looked around. He was not looking at the scenery, but assessing the strength of the other party's soul world.

"Don't look around, this is the soul world we set up specifically for you." Life is short and said with a smile: "You can't escape, and according to the characteristics of this magic circle, you can't get out unless you break my belief." .”

Hardy frowned slightly.

This was the first time he had heard of such spiritual magic.

It seems that the players are also very powerful, and they have created such unique magic so quickly.

Of course... it is also possible that it was not designed by the players, but by other forces.

"I personally have no ill feelings towards you, but for my own dirty thoughts, I have to do this. I'm sorry."

Until this moment, Life is Short still talked to Hardy in a very calm manner.

Hardy has observed the approximate strength of this soul world, which is unexpectedly strong.

The other party's persistence was much stronger than he imagined.

He asked calmly: "Is this why you approached me? Then you hide it really well!"

"No, I didn't have this intention at the beginning." Life is Short, he spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "With your intelligence, if I approached you with the idea of ​​targeting you at the beginning, you would probably notice it. To be honest, you guys are plotting The artificial intelligence of NPCs is so well designed that I almost treat you as real people."

"Oh, when did you have this idea?" Hardy asked.

"About four months ago," said Life Is Short, "They approached me. After hearing this, I was very, very happy and followed them."

Hardy asked: "This is a special soul magic. Do you want to imprison me and then replace me?"

"Is such that."

"For Gui Wenir?" Hardy asked.

Life is Short nodded and said, "Yes!"

Hardy sighed: "Gui Wenir doesn't like you, so you thought of this sideways method? Don't you know that those who gave you the magic scroll can also control you afterwards!"

"It doesn't matter!" Life is Short and said with a smile: "They just need to let me and Gui Weinil be together...or let me be with Xiaoyu."


Seeing Hardy's strange expression, Life is Short beckoned and said, "Follow me."

With that said, he turned around and left, throwing away the briefcase in his hand.

Hardy followed.

The two quickly crossed the square and came to a community.

There are many, many dense crowds on the road, all of them faceless.

But there are many shops around with their names clearly written on their signboards.

Hardy looked around for a while, reading the content on the billboard, and realized that this was 'Baa City'!

A super first-tier city in the south.

Life is short. He turned around, looked at Hardy's eyes looking around, and asked with a smile: "Isn't our world of immortals very prosperous and peaceful?"

Hardy said nothing.

How could he not know this in this world?

The two of them passed the community kiosk. The security guard here had a face, a very plain and simple face, but his eyes were dull and he looked like a 'puppet' at first glance.

But life is too short to say hello to the other party: "Old Huang, it's your turn to be on duty again."

"Yes!" the other party replied mechanically.

The two entered the community. There was obviously a flow of people inside, but many of the people coming and going on the trail had faces.

It's just that their expressions are just like the security guards, numb and lifeless.

Life is Short took Hardy into a tall residential building and pressed the elevator button.

He took Hardy to the thirteenth floor, and then opened a door with a fingerprint lock.

After the two of them entered, a so-called light luxury decoration style appeared in front of them.

Outside the door, the two came to the living room.

Life is short. Look out the window, and then with a wave of your hand, the outside turns into night, and then countless neon lights light up, decorating the world into a city that never sleeps.

Then he looked at Hardy and asked with a smile: "It's beautiful, prosperous, and shocking. This is our world."

"You're trying to shake my spirit!" Hardy said with a smile, "I won't be fooled."

Life is Short looked at Hardy and said with admiration: "If I hadn't confirmed that this was a game, I really wouldn't have believed that someone like you was actually an artificial intelligence. Of course...if you were a real person, I wouldn't dare to do this to you. .Who called you an artificial intelligence? I'm sorry."

Hardy shook his eyebrows and said nothing.

Then Life Is Short looked around and sighed: "I have to say, this game is really realistic. It actually used the so-called 'magic' to read out all my memories."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, entered a few numbers in front of Hardy, and then turned the phone on.

Hardy's mental power is very strong now, and he subconsciously memorized these numbers in his mind.

Then Life Is Short dialed a certain number, but no one answered after ringing for a long time.

He shook his head and said: "It seems that even with such a powerful technology, there are still areas where it cannot be implemented properly."

At this time Hardy looked around and found a sofa to sit down on.

Life is Short saw this and said, "You are still quite at ease. It's obvious that I'm going to do something bad to you, but you're still so calm?"

Hardy smiled: "Because you can't kill me."

"As long as I can pull you into this world, I can kill you." Life is short and said with a smile: "The great thing about this magic is that this is my home court, and the rules here are also the rules of our world. Your magic and No matter how powerful your combat skills are, they cannot be used in this world."

When Hardy heard this, he felt moved and asked, "So you have already killed someone?"

"That's right. Killable artificial intelligence shouldn't be considered killing." Life is short and he said with an indifferent attitude: "And if I didn't do a few experiments before, how could I possibly master such a magic scroll, how could I master such a soul world."

Hardy stared into the other person's eyes: "But you haven't done anything to me so far. In other words...your attack method needs activation time?"

Life is Short looked at Hardy in surprise, clapped his hands and praised: "It's so smart, artificial intelligence is really amazing."

Then he looked at Hardy with narrow eyes: "I have been feeling fluctuations in mental power just now, but it was very weak and very active. In fact, you have been mobilizing magic elements to fight back, right?"

Hardy smiled, as if he had been exposed.

"It's impossible, you can't do it." Life is Short looked at Hardy with an apologetic look: "I know your world very well, and I know what magic is. But you don't know this world, you don't know What is the law of conservation of energy? I don’t know what mechanics is, let alone what the basic operating principles of this world are! So you lose. I can talk to you until now because I want you to ‘die’ more clearly. Some. After all, you were my friend."


Hardy made a confused sound.

"Let me introduce you, this is my sister." Life is Short picked up a large photo frame from the table.

There is a smiling girl on it.

Looks a lot like Gui Wenir!

But it is not as beautiful as Gui Wenir, it is a low-end version. (End of chapter)

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