The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 606 Found the exit key

The girl in the photo frame has black hair and a sweet smile.

Although she is not as beautiful as Gui Wenir, but in reality, she is already a pretty good little beauty.

"Very beautiful, right? Gui Wenir looks almost exactly the same as her." Life is Short smiled, touched the portrait in the frame, and said with a fond smile: "Gui Wenir's character, and her Very similar, even their ages...Gui Weinil's current age was calculated again after Xiaoyu died of illness. So I have a feeling that this is Xiaoyu's rebirth, reborn into the game."

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So you regard Gui Wenir as your sister, or even... your lover?"

Life is Too Short carefully placed the photo frame on the table and gently brushed away the non-existent dust on it.

Then he said with a smile: "So what, we like each other and it doesn't bother other people."

Hardy smiled: "But if you want to kill me now, doesn't it bother me?"

Hearing this, Life is Short shrugged and said with an apologetic expression: "I can't help it. Although you are also my electronic friend, compared to my sister, she is more important."

Sigh... Hardy looked at the short life and said helplessly: "What a pity for the friendship during this period. In fact, before you showed up with that disguised magic scroll, although I also doubted you, I didn't treat you Considered the biggest suspect."

Life is Short looked at Hardy in slight surprise: "Have you ever doubted me before?"

Hardy nodded.

Seeing Hardy's statement, Life is Short was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's so powerful, I almost got deceived by you. You are trying to find ways to shake my belief and weaken the strength of my soul."

He didn't believe Hardy was already doubting him.

After all, it was just a recent thing that he wanted to deal with Hardy.

During this period, he and Hardy had only met several times, so there was no way they could reveal anything.

Hardy did not explain anything more, but said: "You should be ready soon."

"Are you so anxious to die?"

Life is short, he smiled, and with a wave of his right hand, the two of them were instantly transported to a desolate desert town.

The kind of desolate little village that often appears in western movies.

Some white men in cowboy hats walked around and walked behind Life is Short.

These cowboys' right hands were placed on top of their holsters, just waiting for the command from the human base.

"Is this your helper?" Hardy pretended not to understand the opponent's formation and said with a smile: "They don't have weapons."

Life is Short shook his head somewhat proudly: "So, you are just an artificial intelligence after all, and you don't understand how our world works."

Hardy looked at him quietly.

"Don't worry, after your soul dies, I will receive your soul, your memories, and everything about you." Life is short and he sighed softly: "Shoot!"

The cowboys immediately drew their guns and started shooting.

More than a dozen revolvers fire quickly with ammunition, perfectly reproducing the charm of American martial arts.

Hardy could feel that life was short for this man, and he had a bit of a Western romance in his heart.

It sounded like a dozen electric firecrackers exploding at the same time, making it extremely noisy.

But the bullets fired from these pistols were blocked by a transparent light curtain.

The white ring hanging on Hardy's thumb now showed its proper function.

It broke away from Hardy's fingers less than half a second ago, automatically forming this defense mechanism.

"I didn't expect that you actually carry equipment to defend yourself against mental attacks." Life is short when he saw this scene, he still smiled confidently: "But there is no way to replenish magic power in this world. How long can your equipment last?"

After saying life is short, he waved his hand again, and those cowboys disappeared, replaced instead by a group of Bald Eagle soldiers wearing steel helmets.

These faceless men were carrying standard repeating rifles. They quickly dug out a half-moon-shaped shooting platform made of sandbags on the ground. After placing the repeating rifles on it, three golden bars appeared on the heads of these soldiers. strip!

Looking at the black muzzles of more than twenty guns, Hardy squinted at the shortness of life.

"Is that all your ability?" Hardy asked.

"This firepower has reached another dimension." Life is short and said with a smile: "Although it doesn't seem to have changed much, it is enough to deal with you."

After that, he waved his hand, and more than twenty guns fired, and dense bullets hit the light curtain in front of Hardy.

When the revolver was fired just now, the light curtain had no reaction at all, but now so many bullets hit it, it has caused ripples in the light curtain.

About two minutes later, the light curtain was still there.

But Life is Short's face turned a little paler.

He looked at Hardy and said with some admiration: "As expected of the plot NPC in the game, this equipment must be very valuable."

Hardy smiled: "Two women made it together and gave it to me for self-defense."

"I'm really envious." Life is short and he smiled.

He waved his hand for the third time and turned away the bald eagle soldiers. With another wave of his hand, two yellow tanks painted in desert camouflage appeared on his left and right sides.

At this time, life is short and he has nosebleeds.

In this illusory world, there is no magic power, so everything he conjures consumes his 'mental power', or soul power.

He originally thought that a team of cowboy gunmen could kill Hardy who had no magic power, but he did not expect that the opponent actually had spiritual equipment to defend himself.

Then more than a dozen bald eagle soldiers were unable to break through Hardy's defense.

So two tanks... This is the strongest attack method he can do now.

If his level was higher and his soul power was stronger, he might be able to summon a nuclear bomb, but at least not now!

"If these two things can't deal with you, I can only withdraw."

Life is short and he wiped away his nosebleed... The occurrence of this situation in the soul world means that his soul has been damaged.

This cannot go on any longer.

The long barrel pointed at Hardy.

Life is short and said in a pitiful tone: "This kind of thing is called a tank. In our world, it replaces the status of cavalry. And you are a cavalry, so dying under a tank should be your fate." .”

"I know his name is Tank..." Hardy suddenly laughed.

"You also know that he is called Tank..." Life is Short's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something horrifying: "What did you just say?"

"I said I knew it was called a tank." Hardy said with a smile: "I also knew that it was the main battle tank of the Bald Eagle Country, M1A1."

Life is short, his face turned pale: "Wait, why do you speak our language?"

What Hardy said just now applies to this real world.

"What do you think?"

Hardy then learned that life is short and waved directly. Behind him, more than a dozen armed helicopters appeared out of thin air.

"Cobra!" Life is short, his expression became extremely ugly: "Anti-tank..."

"You were chatting with me before, waiting to be in tune with this world, and why am I not!" Hardy's face showed no expression: "The synchronization in the soul world is two-way. If you pull me in, I can also slowly synchronize. This world, use the rules and abilities of this world.”

"But you can't learn so fast!" Life is Short, his eyes widened and covered with red threads: "I am also a person in the information age. I have received so much information. The information in our minds The power should be crushing to artificial intelligences like you! That was the case with the two before, how could you..."

Hardy looked at the other person's almost crazy expression, and he sighed softly: "I mean, what if, what if I am actually a person in this world?"

Life is Short was suddenly stunned. He opened his mouth and spat out three words in disbelief: "Traveler?"

He suddenly understood why Hardy could speak the language of this world.

Why was Hardy not nervous or surprised at all when he came into this world?

It turns out that was not a forced composure!

Hardy waved his hand, and more than a dozen armed helicopters fired air-to-surface missiles at the same time, the kind that directly emptied the bomb bay.

Continuous fire snakes bombarded the front for more than a minute.

The yellow sand kicked up by the explosion covered the sky and the sun.

Then, screams that life is short echoed throughout the world.

The sky is cracking and the earth is crumbling and shattering.

Life is short and death is the last cry of his soul.

Just when the world became dark again, and Hardy thought he was about to be ejected from the soul world, he suddenly discovered that the world had not collapsed in a real sense.

There is a strange force maintaining the temporary stability of this world.

And Hardy also discovered a ball of light at the place where life is short and death occurs.

He walked over and took the ball of light in his hand.

Then, a curtain of light unfolded in front of his eyes.

A curtain of light that he was very familiar with.

Game system!

It's just that the character diagram and name on the system are not him.

But he can indeed operate this thing!

Hardy operated the system familiarly, such as opening the character interface and checking equipment and backpacks.

I have to say, life is short but you are still quite rich.

There are more than thirty gold bags in the backpack alone.

The money was the project fees Hardy had paid him in the past.

"Can I use this thing? It's obviously not my ID..."

After Hardy operated it, he was surprised to find that he could actually use this system to equip himself!

Able to take things out of backpack.

Then Hardy figured out that this thing is bound to the soul, and now Hardy is in the soul space where life is short.

Although the soul space is destroyed, the soul wavelength still remains.

Then Hardy looked at the most important button in the system.

A white button with a vertical line on a small circle.

Escape key!

If you press this thing yourself, what will it do?

Can you return to the real world?

After I go there, can I still wear it back?

Hardy stared at the button, thinking.

Time passed little by little, and the soul space that had been stable just now finally began to collapse.

It is estimated that it will disappear completely in a few seconds.

Hardy's expression changed unpredictably, and finally he took a deep breath and pressed his finger on the little escape button! (End of chapter)

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