The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 621 Stubborn Monica

Hardy looked at the pale Monica, shook his head and said, "No, if your body passes, I still have to take care of you."

At this time, Monica's strength should be less than half of her original strength.

"But I don't worry about you alone." Monica said with a pale face.

Hardy found it a bit funny. It was hard to say who was more powerful in human form, but in nightmare form, five Monicas might not be enough to fight alone.

The Unicorn Knight is indeed very powerful, but it depends on who he is compared with and what profession he is compared with.

"I'm pretty strong. I should have no problem dealing with an injured Dragonborn."

Monica didn't speak, just looked at the other person with a very firm look, and bit her lip gently without speaking.

Looking at the other party's stubborn eyes, he could only sigh and said, "Okay, let's wait until you feel better."

After all, this woman is also the mother of this body.

"Won't that dragonborn escape?" Pofil asked curiously.

Monica smiled and said, "I've asked Boyao to keep an eye on him."

This is where the Unicorn Knight is quite powerful.

The owner and mount can move separately.

Unlike the Nightmare Knight, the two sides are almost one body. Even if you can get down from the nightmare, it won't last long. If there is not enough magic power, the nightmare will disappear directly and return to the devil world.

Moreover, unicorns are sacred animals that are close to the forest. They carry out covert operations in the woods, and few people can find them twenty meters away.

It is indeed an excellent candidate for stalking.

"Then you should have a good rest." Hardy looked at the other person for a while, then turned to Porfil and said, "You stay here with her and help her take care of herself."

Now Pofil is already a holy sword, and it is not unusual for him to use a lot of light magic.

And Hardy rode a horse to the Lord's Mansion here, took some random gadgets from the space backpack, used them as gifts, and came to visit.

Now that I'm back here, and the information about Monica's injury was sent by Virginia, I have to thank the other party for this matter.

As soon as Hardy appeared at the door of the Lord's Mansion, he was welcomed in by the butler who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

He asked Hardy to wait in the main hall, and then he hurried up to notify Virginia.

Not long after, Virginia walked down the stairs, her heavy footsteps making the wooden stairs thump.

He is still so fat.

"I knew you would come here during this time. I didn't expect you to come so soon." Virginia greeted him excitedly.

After Hardy saluted the other party as a retainer, he said with a smile: "Long time no see, Lord. Thank you for the information you sent, otherwise Monica would be in danger."

Although Hardy is now a Marquis and has a higher noble status than the Count, Hardy is very grateful to him. If the other party hadn't given him a helping hand three years ago, he would probably have suffered the first disaster after "awakening". Don't go there.

Virginia came over, hugged Hardy forcefully, and finally patted Hardy happily on the shoulder: "Don't say that, I have to thank you. The little son in the family who is incompetent, under your training , and is now a qualified lord."

He was talking about Abner.


Previously, he and Hardy participated in the war against the demons and made contributions, so they were awarded territory and noble status.

But after acquiring the territory, Abner already had a new surname, Karst.

Karst Town is Abner’s territory.

Although the size of the territory is not comparable to that of Hexi County, he is still a small lord and a powerful noble.

Just such an identity is what the bright cardinals are eager for.

"It's a pity that I don't have a beautiful daughter..." Virginia sighed helplessly.

He really wanted to marry Hadi, even if he sent her as his lover, it didn't matter.

Hardy is truly the most capable and promising young man he has ever seen.

Hardy smiled helplessly: "There are enough women around me, and besides, we don't need women to stabilize our relationship."

"That's well said." Virginia patted Hardy's shoulder hard again.

"By the way, how much do you know about the Dragonborn, Lord?"

"This matter actually has a lot to do with me..." Virginia said the matter helplessly.

It turns out that this dragonborn came to the Lord's Mansion in the first place.

The reason was that the Dragonborn wandered into Hexi Town from nowhere and committed many things near the northern border.

Virginia brought more than 400 elite soldiers, more than 100 archers, and several generals to encircle and suppress them.

As a result, there was back and forth between the two sides, and each had its own victory or defeat.

After losing nearly a hundred soldiers, Virginia had to return to the Lord's Mansion, preparing to bring more soldiers to encircle and suppress the opponent.

But the other party was very clever and hid directly.

The army moves slowly, and it is impossible to surround a dragonborn. The opponent moves very quickly and has the ability to fly for a short period of time.

The other side even launched attacks on the army from time to time, unlike a cat playing with a mouse.

As a last resort, Virginia sent people to invite many mercenaries back, and then he used himself as bait to ambush more than twenty professionals.

As a result, although the Dragonborn took the bait, he fought his way out of the encirclement, tore open the encirclement and killed more than a dozen professionals.

Then the remaining professionals were frightened and ran away.

Virginia could only escape with her soldiers, while the Dragonborn made sneak attacks along the way.

As a result, when they returned to the suburbs, they had to pass by Hardy's manor, and Monica happened to be patrolling nearby on a unicorn, hunting down the monsters that dared to approach here.

When the Dragonborn saw the beautiful Monica, he became lustful and wanted to kidnap her.

I got into a fight with Monica.

As a result, both parties were seriously injured.

Virginia invited all the priests in her territory to treat Monica's injuries, but to no avail.

As a last resort, he could only send someone to notify Hadi.

Fortunately, Hardy's army made a lot of noise and arrived near Hexi County.

"I owe you a favor for hurting your mother."

Hardy shook his head: "Needless to say, Lord, you didn't mean it. What's the situation with the Dragonborn?"

"I sent some people to look for him during this period, but ordinary people pose no threat to him, and will die in vain, so I am thinking of ways to hire more professionals." Virginia showed a wry smile: "It's just this matter The news has spread, and there are no professional mercenaries around who dare to take on this task."

Hardy nodded and said: "I will solve this matter next."

"Excuse me," Virginia said gratefully.

Then the two chatted for a while, and Hardy took his leave before it got dark.

He returned to the manor and found Monica sitting in the dining room waiting to feed him.

And Monica was sitting in the second seat.

Hardy took a look and saw that there were more than a dozen delicacies on the table, and they were not the ones he was used to eating.

"These are all made by ladies." The old servant Susan whispered beside her.

Porfil looked at Hardy and shouted: "Hurry up and sit down and eat, I'm going to be starving."

Monica also looked at him expectantly.

Hardy sat down at the main seat, picked up the tableware, and asked: "What is the ability of that dragonborn?"

He plans to kill the other party tomorrow, after all, he still needs to go to the church to support Karina.

Can't stay here too long. (End of chapter)

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