The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 622 Surrounding him

At night, Porfil slept with Hardy.

She needs to replenish light energy to maintain her human form.

In the city of Louisian, there was a large church, and it was enough for her to go there every day to absorb some light energy.

But here, she can only stay with Hardy.

Although Hardy uses dark magic, Hardy's body itself exudes light power.

Although it is weak and not much, it is more than enough for her to protect her human form.

Hardy is also used to having women around him. He has been on the road these past few days. In fact, he has become a little angry.

Porfil can help him absorb a lot of his anger, which is a good thing.

The next morning, Bofil wiped the corners of his mouth, and then ran to Zhengke in high spirits to have dinner.

Hardy, on the other hand, walked slower.

When the two went downstairs, they saw Monica sitting at the table again.

At this time, Monica put on a set of dark red leather armor, which was tight and tight.

She looks extremely slender. She is obviously a human, but she has the quiet temperament of an elf woman.

At this time, Monica's eyes swept back and forth in front of Porfil and Hardy, with a subtle exploration.

Although she sighed softly.

Hardy and Lawrence look almost identical.

But their temperaments and personalities are completely different.

Lawrence is soft on the outside but strong on the inside. He is easy to talk to and gentle in dealing with others, but he also has his own opinions.

Most importantly, Lawrence is a dedicated and good man.

And Hardy... During this time, Monica has been collecting news about her son.

She knew very well how romantic her son was.

Not to mention the two succubi, not to mention a certain black cat saint... She also has an ambiguous relationship with her female subordinate.

Even...she glanced at Porfil who was eating happily across the way, and didn't even let this girl go.

In fact, Porfil is hundreds of years old, and she is still in the shape of a sixteen-year-old now, so she will not break the law.

But Monica still felt weird.

It was obvious that both he and Lawrence were single-minded people, so why did the son they gave birth to be so affectionate?

Maybe it’s due to lack of education since childhood.

She could only think so.

Because Lawrence had to support his family, he didn't have much time to educate his children.

And he was never at home.

So in the end, Monica felt that it was still her own problem.

Hardy ate very quickly. After he finished, he waited for a while and asked, "How much longer do you need?"

Monica was a little disappointed when she heard this. She knew very well that after Hardy killed the Dragonborn, she would have to leave again.

She was a little reluctant to give up.

She even hoped that Hardy would not cure himself so quickly, so that at least he would not leave the house so quickly.

But she quickly braced herself up and said with a smile, "It's better now."

Although she was reluctant to give up, she didn't want to get worse in Hardy's opinion.

When your child gets older, you can't control much of what he wants to do.

"Then let's go." Hardy stood up.

At this time, Porfil quickly drank the red wine on the table, then turned around and transformed into a huge silver sword.

Hardy put her into the system backpack.

Although Bofil didn't like staying in the system backpack, it was actually inconvenient to carry a giant sword all the time.

The two walked out the door. As soon as Hardy mounted his mount, a red unicorn ran wildly from the distance.

"Hey!" Monica shouted happily, and took a few steps to meet her: "Are you hungry?"

Unicorn knights are connected to their mounts, and they can transmit information and commands over long distances.

The unicorn shook his head, then looked at Hardy with his blue eyes.

"Hardy wants to go with us too." Monica turned over and sat on the unicorn's belly, then touched the other person's ears: "Hurry up and lead the way."

The unicorn glanced at Hardy, then turned and ran.

Hardy shook the reins and followed immediately.

The unicorn specially slowed down and waited for Hardy, otherwise ordinary war horses would not be able to outrun the unicorn.

Hardy and Monica walked side by side and asked: "Monica, why didn't you become a unicorn summoner back then?"

If you can become a Unicorn Knight, you can probably become a Unicorn Summoner.

The summoner's combat ability and auxiliary ability far exceed that of the Unicorn Knight.

If Monica was the unicorn summoner, then the Dragonborn's ashes would have been raised for who knows how long now.

Monica said with some embarrassment: "I can't learn summoning magic... I can't understand it."

Oh... Hardy was suddenly speechless.

But it's normal to think about it. Magic is really something that ordinary people can't learn.

Especially the natural summoning magic of the elves.

Looking at Hardy's helpless expression, Monica knew that her 'power' as a mother was missing a little.

Not long after, the two came to a mountain col.

Looking at the 'human' shaped mountain col in front of me, there is a cave at the end of the canyon.

"Miemo said, that person is hiding inside."

Hardy looked at the low cave, feeling a little embarrassed.

The cave was barely two meters high. I entered the human form without drinking anything. If I turned into the nightmare form, I would definitely not be able to enter.

Monica seemed to notice Hardy's difficulty and smiled: "I'll find a way to lure him out."

After that, she jumped off the unicorn and walked into the cave.

The unicorn followed her.

"Be careful."

"Yeah, I know." Monica turned back, her eyes full of relief.

Soon, Monica's figure disappeared into the cave.

And Hardy walked to the entrance of the cave, pressed against the mountain, and waited quietly.

Not long after, violent magic fluctuations and conflicts broke out in the cave. After a fierce confrontation for nearly two minutes, two energy sources with natural magic rushed out, followed by an energy source with very strong vitality.

All three rushed out of the cave and came outside.

Monica and Unicorn turned around. She had several wounds on her body, and it looked like she was bleeding a lot, but they were all superficial wounds.

The dragonborn didn't have any wounds on his body because it was covered in blue scales.

Although the opponent's body is covered in scales, his face still looks like a human being.

"Why don't you run away?" Lan Long looked at the other party and smiled disgustingly.

Monica also smiled at this time, and she saw Hardy blocking the entrance of the cave.

Only then did Blue Dragon feel that something was wrong behind him.

He turned around suddenly and saw that Hardy was startled at first, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "Why did you find such a weak person..."

Then the dragonborn felt something was wrong.

Because he didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of the other party's magic power.

Not even a smell.

This is not normal.

He immediately understood that he had been trapped.

The dragonborn didn't think much at that moment, he turned around and ran up the hillside on the left.

But it's still too late... A large amount of dark magic is gathering.

The huge Nightmare Knight rushed out of the black tornado. As soon as the Dragonborn landed at the foot of the mountain, he found that his feet were off the ground, and the tip of a spear penetrated from his abdomen.

The hard dragon scales that he was proud of had no effect at all. (End of chapter)

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