The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 67 Getting closer to the truth

Prince's face was dark.

He didn't understand why someone would write this kind of book, without caring about women's face at all, and directly expose the core issues.

Let him know that the author must be killed.

"That's just a family rumor. I suspect that the author of the book has great malice towards women." Princes narrowed her eyes and asked with a smile: "By the way, what is the name of that book and who is the author?"

"The author is dead." Hardy shrugged: "But I think what she said is very reasonable. I used to regard women as treasures, but combined with my own experience and what is said in the book, I found that it is indeed insightful."

Not only did Prince's face turn dark, but his expression also became very strange.

He took a deep breath and said: "We won't talk about this anymore. Hardy, I found that you are very knowledgeable. Do you really not like reading?"

"I don't like watching." Hardy nodded: "But in the past, the elders in the family would force me to watch, but there was nothing I could do. In contrast, I prefer to practice martial arts."

"Oh, no wonder you are quite knowledgeable and don't look like a barbarian."

The two of them walked into the garden of this small manor. In front of them was a large mansion with a large area. There were more than a dozen maids inside, all of them beautiful.

After entering the mansion, Princess asked: "Would you like to have afternoon tea first?"

"No, let's just look at the weapons."

"Okay." Princes nodded.

The place where weapons and armor are stored is the basement. After Princes brought Hardy here, he opened his hands and said, "This is the good weapon I spent almost ten years collecting."

Hardy looked around. The basement was not big, but it was almost full of weapons and armors.

Although Hardy prefers reading, as a man, it is also instinct to like cold weapons.

With a look of wonder on his face, he walked among these iron tools.

Touch here, look there.

Princeps was beside him, looking satisfied when he saw that Hardy liked his collection so much.

Hardy walked around inside and found some familiar or famous weapons from his 'previous life'.

For example, the long sword 'Paint Shadow', the short sword 'Tree Thorn', etc.

These weapons also came from the royal family in the previous life, which means...Princes is very likely to be the next 'king'.

Of course, it's only possible.

If he died midway, it would be possible for someone to inherit his 'property' and ascend to the throne.

When Hardy had finished seeing it, Princes smiled and said, "Would you like to pick one and take it away?"

Hardy shook his head: "No need."

Prince really wanted to give one or two pieces to Hardy, but thought that the relationship between the two was not yet at that level, so she gave up.

"Then go to my library and have a look."

Hardy walked out reluctantly.

When Prince saw this, he smiled and said, "In the future, as long as you want, you can come here as a guest."

"Okay." Hardy nodded and walked out with satisfaction.

Prince's eyebrows arched even more as she smiled.

Afterwards, Princes took Hardy to the third floor.

The entire floor is a library.

Compared with the weapons warehouse in the basement, this place is at least five times wider.

When it comes to books, some people find the smell of ink very fragrant, while others find it smelly.

Hardy is the latter.

He likes books, but doesn't like the smell of ink.

So the information age is more suitable for him.

"There are more than 30,000 books here." Princes said proudly: "It can be said that I have purchased or copied one of the books that can appear in Boris City."

Hardy walked past these bookshelves and found that Princes had also classified the books.

They range from travel notes, novels, poetry, craftsmanship, and history.

Especially in the historical area, the bookshelves and meticulous maintenance are obviously different from others.

Hardy walked around and asked, "How much did these books cost you?"

"More than ten thousand gold coins."

Hardy couldn't help hissing, this was almost one-third of his family's secret wealth.

The Hardy family's wealth accumulation is the result of several generations.

As expected of the royal family, he is really rich.

But then, he felt something was wrong: "Where did you get so much money?"

The royal family can be very rich, but that is the total wealth. Prince is not an extremely favored only son, nor is he the head of the family. He also has many brothers and sisters. Logically speaking, there should not be so many. Money.

Prince smiled and said, "I earned it myself."

"Awesome." Hardy gave a thumbs up.

This was a sincere compliment.

Afterwards, under Prince's 'introduction', Haza casually flipped through a few travel notes and other books, but showed no interest.

Prince didn't care either.

Then the two went to the garden to have afternoon tea, during which they chatted very happily.

Both of them were very knowledgeable, and the more Prince chatted, the happier he became.

About evening, Hardy stood up and said, "It's time for me to go back."

"How about spending the night here?"

Hardy shook his head: "I am now a mercenary of the Jeanna family. It is inconvenient."

"You might as well come to our house and become a mercenary." Princes suggested expectantly: "I'll pay double the money."

Eighty gold coins a month is nothing to Prince.

She has many properties under her name, and she can make money easily.

Hardy shook his head: "In my Hardy family, the most important thing is trust."

There was no choice but to send Hardy out of the manor.

That look was quite resentful.

Hardy walked in the direction of Jeanna's house, but suddenly an ordinary-looking ordinary man came over and asked in a low voice: "But Mr. Hardy?"

"Yes." Hardy looked at him warily: "Excuse me, are you?"

"I am a member of the tavern," the man handed over a piece of parchment: "This is a message from Lord Tompson from River Creek City."

Hardy looked serious and took it.

"Sir, I'm leaving first."

Hardy nodded.

After the man left, Hardy walked to a secluded alley in the street and opened the parchment.

It's full of 'gibberish', the messy fonts are crooked and full of typos.

But these were the secret codes that had been agreed upon long ago, and Hardy quickly figured them out.

There were four people's names written on it.

His face gradually darkened.

Then he flicked his fingers and burned the parchment to ashes with magic flames.

When he returned to the Jeanne family, he was taken to the main hall of the castle by the maid.

Enolin was talking to Dora. When she saw Hadi, she waved and smiled and said, "Come here, there is something good going on."

"What good thing?" Hardy walked over.

"The king will hold a palace banquet tomorrow night." Enolin said with a hint of sarcasm on her face, "You have also been invited, and the invitation was sent to me."

"A little baron like me was invited to the palace banquet?" Hardy felt very strange.

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