The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 68 This damn mystery

Ainoline smiled when she heard this: "You are not an ordinary baron, you are a strong man who brought our Jeanne family back on the right track. Hardy, are you really not willing to change your surname to Jeanne?"

Hardy shook his head.

Enolin let out a long sigh.

She fell in love with this descendant more and more, and she always thought in her heart: Why is this child not a descendant of my Jeanne family?

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Hadi said: "We won't let people eat pharaoh again at the palace banquet."

The three women present were all a little surprised when they heard this.

Mrs. Anna asked: "Hardy, don't you like eating those things too?"

Hardy shook his head vigorously.

The three women were quite pleased.

They also find that behavior disgusting.

Dora, on the other hand, looked dissatisfied: "It's actually quite delicious and very effective. Why don't you try it? As a human being, the most important thing is to have the courage to try..."

Enolin's eyes widened, causing Dora to shut up.

She then smiled and said: "Don't worry, important people from the Temple of Light will definitely be invited to the palace banquet. They are resolute anti-corpse-eaters. In order to take care of their emotions, the king will not put those things on the table."

Hardy was relieved.

"You will go to the palace with us tomorrow night." Enolin smiled.

"We have to keep someone here." Hardy looked around and said, "Why don't Madam Sissi stay here? If anything happens, there will be someone at home to take charge."

Enolin thought about it, nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it."

Mrs. Sissi was a little unsure. She said awkwardly: "Why don't you let Anna stay at home? She is better at managing the family than me."

"Managing household affairs and managing the family's military strength are two different things." Enolin waved her hand and said, "Anna is a nice person, but she is not good at mobilizing military strength. Sissi, you can stay."

Mrs. Sissi had no choice but to agree.

In fact, Ainoline didn't say anything.

Mrs. Anna was married into the family, and the soldiers and senior officials of the Jeanne family may not all be willing to listen to her.

Mrs. Sissi, on the other hand, although her surname is 'Minte', all the senior leaders of the Jeanna family, as well as the generals, seem to be willing to obey her orders.

This is the influence of blood.

Hardy looked at the sky and said, "It's already evening. I'll go back to the military camp to rest."

Several people nodded in agreement.

Hardy returned to his tent and sat on the felt blanket, his face frosty.

When he left River Creek County, he asked Little Tompson to investigate the clues related to the death of Old Hardy.

It has to be said that Little Tompson is indeed a good expert in intelligence. He personally went to the location where Old Hardy's incident occurred, followed the clues, and found out some clues.

Hardy was not idle in Boris. He always went to the tavern to collect information, just to increase the number of 'clues'.

The more information about each member of the royal family, the easier it will be to find a breakthrough.

Now, we are only one step away from the truth.

At the banquet tomorrow night, as long as you find someone on the parchment and ask a few questions, you may be able to figure out the matter.

After thinking about it, Hardy lay down to sleep.

On the second day, Hardy did not go out shopping, but stayed in the manor.

Then he discovered that the two women who were going to attend the palace banquet in the evening had already begun to dress up.

Hardy shook his head when he saw it. Women are creatures that always love beauty no matter how old they are.

Unlike men, Dora also had to attend a banquet in the evening, but up to now, he was still wearing relaxed home clothes and drinking wine in the garden. He looked so beautiful.

Hardy planned to take a rest today and not exercise. He had nothing to do, so he ran over to have a drink with Dora.

Time soon reached evening, and the two men separated, went back, each changed into noble clothes, and then walked out.

Dora is mainly white. Although he is older, he is still quite handsome in white.

Hardy mainly wears black and looks very low-key.

The four of them rode in two carriages, and Enolin and Dora shared one.

Hardy and Lady Anna shared a ride.

The carriage exuded a sweet fragrance, and Hardy's expression was a little serious, because he found that the temperament of Mrs. Anna opposite him was different again.

Under normal circumstances, Mrs. Anna is dignified and decent.

But now Mrs. Anna is wearing close-fitting clothes, and her eyebrows are full of gorgeous charm.

"You seem a little afraid of me now?" Mrs. Anna's eyes were filled with gleaming light, like the Milky Way twinkling.

Hardy frowned: "Are you Mrs. Anna?"

"you guess?"

Hardy shook his head: "I don't like guessing riddles. Just forget it if you don't tell me."

Mrs. Anna gently blocked her mouth with her fingers, and she laughed: "Obviously she is very curious, but she pretends not to care. Men, they are all duplicitous."

Hardy still ignored her.

Seeing this, Mrs. Anna gave Hardy an irritated smile and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Whether I am Anna or not depends on how you look at it."

Hardy was surprised: "How to say?"

"Physically speaking, my body has never been touched by a man. I am the original Anna."

Hardy:? ? ?

Seeing Hardy's puzzled look, Mrs. Anna stood up, sat next to Hardy, then took his hand and placed it on her little palm.

"Touch it and see how it feels?"

Very soft, very smooth, what else... Hardy was about to say this, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

Mrs. Anna's hands are too tender and smooth, and too 'young'.

Let’s not talk about the weird immortal species of elves, let’s talk about humans.

When a woman gets older, no matter how well she takes care of herself and her body is wrinkle-free and bright, the physical feel will still be slightly different with age.

For example, you pinch a baby's face with your hands, and then pinch a twenty-year-old woman's face.

Although both are smooth and tender, there is an obvious difference in feel.

Experienced people can tell the difference with just a pinch.

The same is true for Hardy now. Mrs. Anna is at least thirty-three years old, but her hands... feel like they are fifteen or sixteen years old.

Seeing that Hardy understood, Mrs. Anna gently wiped her face with her right hand.

Then Hardy was surprised to find that Mrs. Anna in front of him had changed, from a mature look to a youthful look.

With her current face and temperament, she could not be more than sixteen years old.

"This!" Hardy was shocked.

He played this game every day in his previous life and never saw anything!

But he has never seen this unique skill of changing faces.

With another touch of her right hand, Mrs. Anna returned to her mature appearance.

She smiled and said: "Do you think I am the real Anna?"

"What's going on?"

"I can't say it." Mrs. Anna smiled with blurred eyes: "A woman must have a sense of mystery to be more worthy of a man's pursuit. So... if you are curious, come and explore my secret, I will wait for you."

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