The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 72 The Boy in the Sun

"Tell me carefully."

Hardy smiled and said: "There are several business guilds in Boris, and there are many caravans in them. I think the Jeanna family can invest in some, or even... buy some."

Enolin hesitated: "But no one in our Jeanne family is good at business... Hardy, can you?"

"I understand a little bit." Hardy smiled.

He also did reselling work in the game, and many players at that time liked to write strategies. Some people wrote about how to form a caravan and how to "run a business".

He is also clear about several profitable 'business routes'.

"How about I leave it to you?" Enolin asked.

She felt that it would be great if she could tie Hadi to the chariot of her Jeanna family in this way.

Hardy shook his head: "It is not convenient for me to come forward, but I can give suggestions. Let the financial officer handle this matter. First, collect information on all the caravans in Boris. Which of them are independent and which are supported by the nobles? Only when you understand it can you start."

"Is the caravan very profitable?" Jeanne asked.

Hardy nodded: "It's very profitable."

Otherwise, how could his family's wealth be so exaggerated!

"Well, then I'll let someone try it."

Then Hardy chatted with Enolin for a few words and left the manor.

He went to the racetrack first.

In fact, Hardy always had information about Leonard Clovis, but he had never met anyone.

At the banquet last night, he found out what the information said about 'extraordinary handsomeness'.

The intelligence shows that Leonard has always been fond of horse racing.

The horse racing track in Boris is very famous, but Hardy has been very busy and has no time to spend time here.

The racecourse is in the west of the city, built against the city wall, and occupies a large area of ​​land. Without noble status, you cannot enter.

Hardy bought a ticket and entered, and there was a huge crowd.

Hardy looked around and found Leonard riding a tall horse, galloping on the track.

Leonard was temporarily in the lead, followed by a dozen riders.

It doesn't look like it will be over soon, let's wait.

Hardy walked to the front of the viewing platform, but saw a chariot overturned in the safety area outside the track, and a black-haired girl was teaching a man a lesson.

"You were also said to be the best charioteer, but within two turns, the chariot overturned."

After saying that, the woman waved the long whip in her hand and threw it at the man.

But the young man grabbed his wrist directly.

"Let go!" the woman roared.

The young man was expressionless: "It's your fault that the chariot overturns. I am the best charioteer. You should listen to me instead of making your own decisions."

The girl pursed her lips and looked at the young man with some disapproval.

The young man continued: "Since you have chosen me, you should believe in me. I will bring you victory and honor."

The girl was stared directly at by the man, her eyes drifted, and her cheeks gradually turned red.

Hardy shook his head, not wanting to eat dog food anymore.

He looked into the distance, and Leonard had already reached the finish line. He rode his horse to a safe area, dismounted, and entered the rest area.

Hardy walked over.

Leonard was drinking water, because after the strenuous exercise, his snow-white face was slightly shining with bright red.

Very beautiful.

Seeing Hardy coming, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Sir Hardy, you seem to have made a special trip to see me?"

"Does Mr. Leonard have the ability to predict the future?" Hardy was a little surprised.

"Because I saw you last night, and you seemed to want to come to me, but you were stopped by Prince and Mrs. Anna."

Hardy nodded: "Actually, I have something that I would like to ask your help for?"

"Why should I help you?"

"This is my sincerity." Hardy handed over a small box.

Leonard opened it and saw a dozen colorful gems lying inside. He nodded with satisfaction: "Tell me how I can help you."

"I would like to meet with your mother, Ms. Patience."

Leonard's eyes immediately narrowed with murderous intent: "What do you mean?"

Don't blame him for that.

His appearance is completely inherited from his mother's. As a man, he is so 'beautiful'. You can only imagine how beautiful his mother will be.

And Hardy is also very handsome, sunny and cheerful. From a female perspective, Hardy's charm is actually much higher than Leonard's.

So Leonard suspected that this guy had bad intentions.

Hardy handed over another small box: "I don't mean to offend, Ms. Patience is the only genius among women who has attended the Ajiaka Academy of Magic. I have questions about magic and want to ask her for advice. "

"You lied." Leonard snorted.


Hardy flipped his hand, and a ball of blue flame burst into flames in his hand, and in just two seconds, it became extremely huge.

Leonard held two small boxes, subconsciously stepped back, and swallowed.

He also knows a little bit about magic, and he knows very well that if Hardy has any bad intentions, he can turn into charcoal the moment the flame appears.

"Okay, come with me."

Leonard waved and asked his servants to come over and help him hold the small box, and then walked out with Hardy.

His carriage was parked outside. After the two got on the carriage, Leonard kept looking at Hardy.

Hardy smiled at him.

There was more admiration in Leonard's eyes: "Except for my mother, your magic is the strongest I have ever seen."

Hardy's magic control has always been good, but his weak point is magic theory.

At this time, the carriage suddenly stopped suddenly.

Both men were swaying, but the difference was that Leonard almost fell, while Hardy only swayed slightly.

"What's going on?" Leonard asked loudly.

"Master, there is a fight ahead!"

Sure enough, as soon as the coachman finished speaking, he heard the sound of fighting coming from the front.

Leonard and Hardy jumped out of the carriage almost at the same time, and then they saw a group of guards chasing a soldier.

Hardy's sharp eyes immediately recognized this soldier, who was...Ling Xixi.

His whole body was covered in blood, and he fought and retreated.

But there were too many people on the other side, and he was forced by the continuous spear formation to be almost unable to fight back. Moreover, among the guards, there was also a noble professional who would give him a chill from time to time.

Soon, Bing Xixi's legs were stabbed several times and she could no longer move. Finally, she was nailed to the ground with several spears.

Blood flowed.

But Xixi didn't have any fear of death. He smiled in a weak voice and said: "I killed six more this time... I will come back to you after I am resurrected."

The tone was very mocking.

After saying that, Xixi kicked her legs and became silent.

Only six were killed... Hardy shook his head helplessly.

It seems that due to the number of deaths, the level has dropped sharply, so the combat effectiveness has dropped a lot.

If you die one or two more times, you will probably start from level zero.

At that time, it would be difficult for him to kill a guard with his strength.

But these people don’t know.

Listening to Bing Xixi's words, the guards who were chasing him all had frightened looks on their faces.

And the aristocratic professional had an extremely ugly expression.

And facing an immortal executioner, everyone would be afraid.

At this time, he was filled with shock and anger, and he didn't know how to vent it. He could only stare at the corpse on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

But at this moment, a burst of crying suddenly came from the side.

Then it stopped suddenly.

He turned around and saw that on the side of the street not far away, there was a woman with plain appearance and extremely old and simple clothes. She was covering the baby in her arms with her hands, a look of horror on her face.

This aristocratic professional was worried that his anger could not be vented. The baby's cry became a very sharp and harsh sound in his ears, causing the volcano in his heart to suddenly explode.

He pointed at the woman fiercely and roared: "She must be an accomplice of this devil. Kill her and that little brat for me."

All the pedestrians on the street were shocked by these words.

There was a look of horror on the woman's face, but she did not dare to turn around and run away. She had to kneel down and look at the aristocratic professional pleadingly, crying hard.

Several guards stepped forward and raised their spears, which were still dripping with blood.

The woman closed her eyes in despair.

Many pedestrians turned away unbearably.

But at this moment, a black magic sword whizzed over and was inserted in front of the woman.

The soldiers who raised their spears were frightened away.

Everyone's eyes turned to the other side of the street.

The handsome young man stands in the sunshine, dazzling.

He walked forward slowly and said, "Isn't it appropriate for you to do things like this? Your Excellency Peter Clovis."

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