The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 73 An unexpected gain

Peter Clovis turned his head sharply and looked at the person. He was full of anger that needed to be vented.

But as soon as he saw the appearance of the visitor, his anger was immediately reduced by half.

Hardy is a person who is highly discussed in the upper class society.

Because of the relationship between Jeanne's family, Hardy, a special 'variable', frequently appeared in discussions among the nobles.

What's more important is that Hardy is from the 'Hawk' faction, and his arrival prompted a change in the behavior of the entire Jeanne family.

Peter took a deep breath and tried to make his voice calmer. He said slowly: "Sir Hardy, there is no need for you to get involved in such a thing."

"We in Hexi County are all barbarians in the eyes of the nobles in the royal city. But the Lord of Virginia once said: I look down on nobles who bully ordinary people for nothing. Anyone who dares to do this will have his title taken away." !" Hardy said with a smile: "I don't know if Boris does this."

While talking, Hardy had already approached and stood in front of the mother and son.

Peter's face turned red and blue, and he looked at Hardy's eyes, switching back and forth between anger and fear.

Finally, Leonard, who had been watching the show, also came over.

"Third brother, don't do it too ugly, lest it damage the prestige of our family."

Peter looked at Leonard and said angrily: "Are you also looking at outsiders?"

"I'm just thinking about the family's reputation." Leonard said with a cold face: "You don't want our family to lag behind others in the election of the crown prince in a few years."

Facing the pressure from the two nobles, no matter how angry Peter was, he had to stop. He snorted and said, "If this woman appears in front of me again, she won't be so lucky."

After that, he waved his hand and turned to leave.

The mother and son immediately turned around and ran away from here.

Leonard looked at Peter's back with a hint of disdain on his face.

He and Peter were not born from the same mother.

Peter's mother died after giving birth to her first three sons, and Varus Clovis married Patience Lo from Kievan Rus the following year.

Leonard and Galen were both born from Patience.

Hardy looked at the atmosphere between Peter and Leonard and immediately understood that there were also rifts in the Lion family.

Although there are not many capable people in the Jeanna family, at least... they are harmonious.

"I made you laugh." Leonard smiled awkwardly.

He also knew some things about his family and let the other party see it.

The two of them didn't speak anymore, but took a carriage and arrived at a small manor.

It is full of green plants, and there are strange and never-before-seen plants everywhere, and there are also some weird bugs flying around, seeming to be collecting nectar.

There were no guards inside...but Hardy looked at these colorful bugs and knew that there was no need for guards here.

He has seen a lot of these things, they are all poisonous insects that cause headaches, and they are easily controlled by magic.

Wandering around the garden, I soon came to a place surrounded by plants. There were many sheds with many shining different plants entwined on them.

On the left side of these wooden shelves, there is a large table with many bottles and cans on it, which also exudes a strange smell.

Behind the desk, there was a woman working at the desk.

"Mother, someone wants to ask you a question." Leonard walked up and said, "About magic."

The woman behind the desk raised her head, with a hint of impatience on her cold and pretty face: "Are you accepting other people's gems again?"

"How can you do magic experiments if you don't collect gems?" Leonard laughed dryly.

Hardy was stunned for a moment. It turned out that the intelligence stated that Leonard liked gems very much in order to help his mother collect magic materials.

Indeed, many magics require casting materials.

Most of the casting materials are expensive.

The woman stood up, looked at Hardy and said, "Ask me if you have anything to say, and don't disturb my magic experiment."

"Can a caravan specializing in alchemy make money?"

"This has nothing to do with magic." Patience snorted: "This is business... Hey, are you using magic intuition?"

Hardy was stunned for a moment, and the other party actually saw it.

"Leonard, please leave first."

Leonard's face changed drastically. He looked at the two of them nervously and stammered: "No... Mother, you are alone with a man. Aren't you afraid that... Father will be angry?"

"He doesn't dare." Patience frowned: "Why don't you go out?"

Leonard glanced at Hardy hatefully and warned: "Don't mess around, otherwise I will drag you to hell even if you die."

Hardy shrugged helplessly.

Then Leonard slowly left.

Patience looked Hardy up and down: "You want to ask me about something, but you secretly use your intuition skills. What are you trying to find out?"

"It's just a habit." Hardy smiled.

Magic intuition is a kind of magic that seems to have little effect, but in fact it can work in all aspects.

Hardy recently learned it from the book "Intermediate Magic Theory".

It's really useful.

Many times, it can be regarded as a more effective form of 'luck'.

Just like Hardy asked if alchemy can make money, and then Intuition told seems not.

This is the role of intuition.

Even... when doing magic experiments, use intuition, and you ask yourself: Is this ratio good?

Intuition will also respond to you.

But the success rate... is not very high.

Moreover, because the person you are asking about is too strong or the complexity of his 'destiny', the accuracy will be greatly reduced, and he may even not respond to you.

In addition, people with strong magical attainments can also feel the intuition skills hanging on you.

Just like Patience did just now.

She walked up to Hardy calmly, and the faint scent of medicine hit her face: "As far as I know, only a few people in our True Vision Society understand the intuition technique. Where did you learn it?"

"In the book!"

"Intermediate magic theory?"

Hardy nodded.

"You can learn it from just one book?" Patience's expression became brighter, no longer frosty and cold: "Is it the one compiled by E.P.R?"

Hardy nodded again.

"You seem to be a smart man. What's your name?"

"Hardy?" Patience let down her braided hair, taut it, and showed a relaxed expression: "I seem to have heard this name somewhere before."

Hardy said nothing, but he felt that he seemed to have found a clue.

"Ah, I remembered it." Patience's palm-sized face was full of joy: "More than a year ago, my alchemy caravan was assigned a task: to find the Hardy family in Hexi Town. trade route."

Hardy stared into Patience's beautiful gray eyes: "Who arranged it?"

Patience stretched out her beautiful little hand, her palms white and smooth: "Where's the reward?"

"I owe it."

Patience took back her hand and smiled: "Blake Bollan."

Hardy's face turned gloomy at first, but after a moment, he smiled ferociously.

Sunny and cheerful.

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