The Black Technology Boss In The Wandering Era

Chapter 110 I Support Your Family

"Is there any news from Wang Chen?"

"No, the drones released so far have not detected unknown signals."

"Hey... It seems to be hidden in this group of alien beasts. These rebels can't do anything else, and their ability to be mice is not weak."

On the Firth, which is not far from the base, looking at the information gathered around, the captain in charge of the plan was not too surprised.

If these rebels were so tossed, they wouldn't be alive for so many years.

Although the technical means are not strong, the survivability is indeed full.

Based on what he knew about the rebels, it was obvious that he had used means to conceal himself.

In such a short time, there is no signal from the vehicle around, and it is obviously impossible to run out too far.

Although I knew that these guys were hiding under my nose, it was a bit difficult to find them out.

If it's normal, it's a big deal to spend a little more time and let the drones do a fact-check on the surrounding red dots one by one.

But now, the extreme weather Bailong on the periphery has taken shape.

At most thirty minutes, the surrounding drones must return to the ship.

The Firth is indeed not afraid of this weather, but these small drones can't handle it.

In the face of such a natural disaster-like violent storm, it was only luck that wanted to find Wang Chenzhen.

"Order the drone to screen the red dots on the periphery first."

After thinking about it for a while, the captain could only give this order first.

Whether you can find it or not depends on luck, and do your best to obey the destiny.

If you really can't find it, you can only ask these red dots around to die.

The Earth Alliance has already made a decision, even if Wang Chen is killed, the rebels will never be allowed to get him.

Wang Chen's technology can affect the foundation of the Earth Alliance.

Now the boss of the local alliance regrets that he didn't directly send Wang Chen to the headquarters at that time.

If in Dawn City.

This group of rebels dared to play like this, even if the head is not smashed to him, it will be a scumbag for so many years.

Brother Hao, who was hiding on the ground at this time, didn't know that the extermination order had been issued.

Looking at the drones that were constantly patrolling around, he could only pray that the white dragon would quickly exert its power.

As long as the weather is chaotic, they can quietly withdraw.

At this time, the open space outside the front base had already been completely fought.

The artillery fire continued, and the endless flames ignited the earth.

The two mammoths had already opened their shields and fought with the porcupines.

There are streamer missiles everywhere, and hundreds of electromagnetic guns are also firing frantically on the armor around the base.

Most alien beasts can vomit venom, and that highly corrosive liquid is also a threat to the base's outer shell.

Even without the venom, letting them die outside the base can cause localized radiation levels to exceed the limit.

The only way is to just cremate these guys when they die.

As long as the blood doesn't settle, it's fine.

In the sky, the Vulcan fighters at the base also carried a large number of incendiary bombs.

Just to bury these guys in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Unfortunately, the sudden temperature change in the sky greatly reduced the power of the incendiary bomb.

In particular, the airflow formed by the countless flames on the ground made the clouds in the sky restless.

Three minutes later, crystal clear snowflakes came from the sky with a cold wind.

The biting chill, not even the flames on the ground, could drive away the slightest bit.

And alien beasts have become more active in this increasingly cold weather.

At this time, Brother Hao, who was hiding on the ground, was completely excited.

He has already seen that the drones that were patrolling around in the sky have returned collectively at this time.

This undoubtedly reduced his pressure a lot.

It is estimated that it will take more than an hour to fight at the forward base, which is enough time for him to withdraw to the next safe point.

"All cheer up! Get ready to go!" Brother Hao shouted to his men next to him through a small loudspeaker.

They can only communicate through this most primitive method even if they have blocked radio communication.

The big guys nodded to each other, just as Brother Hao was thinking about the retreat route.

One of the subordinates suddenly pointed to the sky with some trembling.

"Brother Hao...Look at it!"

Um? Brother Hao, who was thinking about something, subconsciously turned his head and glanced up at the sky, but it was this look that scared him so much that he couldn't care about anything.

Although the drones have been withdrawn, the Firth has not left, but slowly opened the battery on both sides of the ship.

Countless ferocious gun barrels were already blazing with dazzling blue light at this time, apparently doing the final charging.

"Grass! These bastards, kill their own people!"

Brother Hao's face changed greatly, he didn't expect the Earth Federation to be so decisive.

"All tm move! Run!"

It's useless to say anything at this time, I can only pray that this unfortunate thing will not find itself.

A group of people quickly got up from the ground, and there were also countless alien beasts who sensed danger in the surrounding area.

The blue light in the sky is like the scythe of the god of death, piercing the sixth sense in their bodies.

"First attack the outermost beasts, try not to let any of them go."

In the Firth at this time, the captain finally gave the final order.

Even one of their ships could not drive out all the beasts around them.

Once these guys are messed up, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

As for chasing and killing, it's not feasible, let's not say that I don't know Wang Chen's location, even if I do, there are still a lot of alien beasts in the surrounding area.

If some big guys are disturbed, no matter how strong the Firth is, it may be in danger.

So it can only be here, back to the base to attack as much as possible.

As for life and death, it depends on what God has to say.

"咻咻咻" energy beams hit like they didn't want money.

There were roars of alien beasts all around, and even some flying alien beasts had soared into the sky, as if they wanted to fight this battleship to the death.

However, the Firth completely ignored them, and these guys who can fly are left in trouble.

About one-third of the red dots on the radar have been directly ruled out.

"Quick, quick! If we run out of range, we will win!" On the ground, Brother Hao was frantically running to the periphery with a group of people.

I originally thought that the other party would be afraid of the hostage held in his hands, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.

This is the rhythm of the other party killing the hostages together.

"Hey!" There was another soft sound, and out of the corner of the eye, the two brothers fell directly to the ground.

Brother Hao paused, watching someone beside him subconsciously wanting to press a certain button, and immediately said angrily, "Don't fucking move."

"Brother Hao, they are dying!"

"If you turn on the mecha at full power, we will all die!" Brother Hao shouted through gritted teeth, "and, even if you turn on the mecha's life-support device, they won't survive."

Saying that, Brother Hao took out a long knife and walked over, "Two brothers, I'm sorry, I don't dare to use the gun, it can only make it a little more painful for you to leave.

Don't worry, if I can go back alive, I will take care of your family members! "

After saying that, he chopped off his head with a knife.

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