The bombing continued.

As a cruiser-class battleship with sustained firepower in the fleet.

The attack power of the Firth might not be the most powerful, but it definitely belongs to the type with large quantities.

After all, their main job is to suppress the firepower of the alien herd.

Even if there is only one battleship of his own at present, the attack made is not ambiguous at all.

Countless energy beams continued to fall like raindrops.

The alien beasts in the outer areas of the base have been cleaned up, and there will be no overly powerful existence.

Faced with this level of attack, these lowest-level alien beasts have the only option to escape.

At this time, in the radar on the Firth, many red dots had turned their direction and ran into the field.

It can be seen that although these alien beasts are attracted by the fragrance of flowers, their instincts are still there.

In the face of threats, you can still make correct judgments.

When the base has completely destroyed the swallowing vines, it should be fine.

"Captain, there are already alien beasts out of the attack range, are you really not chasing?"

The deputy next to him looked at the little red dots that were constantly fleeing around, and pointed to the outermost area.

The surrounding area is not an endless plain. If you enter the surrounding mountains, you will naturally have terrain as a cover.

"Chasing the past will only be a small loss. Our goal is to eliminate the surrounding red dots as much as possible, so that we have a greater chance of completing the task."

The captain waved his hand, signaling his deputy to stay where he was.

The other party's preparations are far more abundant than expected.

If you have no intention of calculating, you can only eat at this dumb base, and it will not be too late to settle the general account when you go back and clean up these things.

It's just that at that time, the ghost knew where these rebels had withdrawn.

"Captain! Communication from the Earth Alliance!"

Just when the captain was thinking about things, suddenly, the correspondent not far away shouted.

I walked over and looked at it, it was sent by the headquarters of the Earth Federation.

"I'm the captain of the cruiser Firth."

"What happened to Wang Chen?"

As soon as the communication was connected, an old voice came in.

"Sorry, the rebels on the other side were well prepared, blocked the base's troops with swallowing vines, and recruited alien beasts for cover.

Because the rebels who had wrapped Wang Chen should be hiding in a herd of beasts, I couldn't find them in a short time.

According to the order of the Earth Alliance, it has carried out a devastating blow to the surrounding alien beasts.

But the number of these alien beasts is too large, it is estimated that 25% of the alien beasts will escape from the range. I can't guarantee that the target person will be able to stay. "

The captain simply explained the situation to the Earth Alliance.

This matter doesn't need him to take the blame, just tell the truth.

"Hey... Okay, after cleaning up the alien beasts, you help Du Gang wipe out the surrounding wild boar herds, and then return directly to the fleet to stand by.

According to the news just detected, there have been obvious changes in several alien beast groups in the surrounding space. "

The old man on the other end sighed again and could only say so.

"Not to take revenge on those rebels?"

"People who dare to come must be prepared. You don't need to worry about this, the base will handle it yourself."

"Okay, got it."

"Then let's do this first, thanks for your hard work."

The communication time is not very long, and it can be seen that the big guy on the other end of Dilian is not in a good mood.

This incident is indeed too embarrassing. It has been a long time since there has been such a bad thing in the Earth Alliance.

It is estimated that if the alien beast groups in space have not changed, the Earth Alliance will definitely let them track down to the end.

"The last 20 minutes! After the support base is finished, tell the local nine-tailed fox to clear the surrounding area to see if the body can be found."

Touching his chin, the captain could only give the final order with a long sigh.



Behind a small hill, Brother Hao dragged Wang Chen and hid to rest.

The pressure from that ship's attack was simply too great.

In such a short time, the manpower of his own team has been destroyed, and only himself is left.

This is still the brothers to help block the shooting field.

But even so, two minutes ago, a blue light hit his arm directly.

He immediately cut off half of his hand.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, if he hit him this time, he would definitely be a jerk.

Gritting his teeth, he injected himself with a blood medicine, and then a little bit through the tourniquet.

Brother Hao dragged Wang Chen and hid directly behind the hillside.

After waiting for a long time, and finally waiting for the spacecraft to cease fire, Brother Hao's state has become quite bad.

Although the spaceship was already approaching the base, he still did not dare to turn on the mecha's life support device at full power.

He could only barely maintain his condition through medication.

But the blood loss had made his vision a little blurry.

After confirming that the spaceship had given up and continued to attack, Brother Hao dragged Wang Chen and continued to walk forward.

In the mountain canyon below, there are mountain bikes that were placed before.

As long as you can get there, you can quickly evacuate with the help of vehicles.

The battle to come to the base is almost over, and we must retreat to a safe place before the nine-tailed fox can find him.

An hour later, Brother Hao, who had turned into a small snowdrift, finally dragged Wang Chen to the supply point.

Pulling away the disguised white bra, looking at the eight motorcycles, Brother Hao shook his head bitterly.

After so many brothers came, in the end, he walked out half-dead.

I took some food from the trunk of the car to replenish my strength.

The wound was treated a little with the medicine kit.

Before leaving, I also checked Wang Chen's condition, which was quite good.

Wang Chen's mecha is now in follow mode, while he himself is still sleeping.

Fixing the mecha on the back seat of the motorcycle, Brother Hao barely controlled the rudder with one hand, and hurried to the evacuation point after stepping on the accelerator.

The snowstorm is getting bigger and bigger, and the large units of the three rebels are ready to evacuate.

Otherwise, the robbery of Wang Chen would make the base violent.

In a short period of time, there is no way to go back to the surrounding area, so I can only go to the wilderness base deep in the mountains to hide.

Fortunately, everyone has reached a consensus. If Wang Chen can be brought back alive, then everyone will form an alliance.

Let Wang Chen solve the problem of food first, cultivate for three years and then return to the periphery of the base.

If you fail...have to go.

Du Gang has already broken the 313 plan. They must first lean on the western hemisphere, get in touch with the large rebel tribe there, and then supply it properly.

It is precisely because the 313 plan is yellow that these three companies dare to make up their minds to do this vote.

Anyway, I have to go back first, afraid of a hammer.

Besides, this incident will definitely make Du Gang step down.

When the base is replaced, in a few years, this matter will pass.

(Follow your favorite children's shoes)

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