The Black Technology Boss In The Wandering Era

Chapter 112 Picked Up A Big Fish

But the wait is two days.

On the wilderness, it has been completely covered by blizzard.

There was thick snow everywhere that could bury people.

The three families have been waiting at a secret assembly point for a long time.

Under normal circumstances, Brother Hao, who was in charge of the plan, would only need one day to rush back.

But so far, there is no news.

The three bosses also gradually turned from the initial excitement to silence.

I haven't come back for two days, and it's 80% yellow.

Got... Sure enough, even if it's a raid, the base is not that easy to toss.

Now is the time to withdraw.

With the cover of this extreme weather, the base was temporarily unable to retaliate against them on a large scale.

You have to evacuate to a safe place while the snow is still there.

According to the spies on the outside, the people of the nine-tailed fox are already moving towards this side, and if they don't go, it will be troublesome if they are bitten.

"Hills, is this your plan?"

In a wooden house, the three bosses looked at Sears next to him with a bit of a bad look.

Hills, who was on fire, had a look of indifference, "This is a gamble, you all have to go anyway, it's the same whether you do it or not.

And judging from the current news, they should have already succeeded, but they just ordered the Firth to keep Wang Chen behind.

It is estimated that he was killed in the wilderness. Although this is not the best news for everyone, it is not bad. After all, if Wang Chen is tossed, the food at the base will completely control your lifeline. "

Hills is not nervous at all. Although he planned this incident, all three are aware of the danger.

It's best if Wang Chen can be caught, and if he can't be caught, he will die.

It's an attempt anyway.

But no matter what, Du Gang was doomed this time.

It can also be regarded as paving the way for them to return to the periphery of the base.

"It's almost time. Since the genius hasn't been caught, let's go separately. Relax, I will contact the church to give you the necessary assistance."

Looking at the time, Hills patted his butt and said.

Although he had already escaped from the base, there was still contact with the church.

Now his mission is to help the church get through to the rebel stronghold in the Western Hemisphere.

At present, the development of the church has reached its limit in terms of the local alliance.

The Union's monitoring of them is becoming more and more strict.

For the sake of safety, Morning Light Church also needs to re-plan for the future.

Although the three families heard that their faces were ugly, they did not turn their faces.

After nodding to each other, they were ready to flash people.

If he doesn't leave, he will be positioned by the nine-tailed fox, and the cannonball doesn't have eyes.


In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

In an unknown place, Wang Chen, who had been sleeping for several days, woke up slowly.

Looking at the roof with some peeling skin on the top of his head, Wang Chen only felt a headache while covering his head. long has Nima slept?

Rubbing his forehead, Wang Chen came back to his senses after a long time.

It seems that he was attacked by the rebels.

Looking around, it seems to be a concrete house, it looks tattered and has a musty smell.

Could this be a rebel base?

After moving his somewhat stiff wrists, Wang Chen saw that there was still a bag on the bed he was sleeping on.

I grabbed it and looked at it, and sure enough, I was carrying it on my back that day.

What surprised Wang Chen even more was that the contents of the package were still there.

Wang Chen couldn't believe that these rebels didn't search their belongings.

Opening a piece of chocolate, Wang Chen pondered the current situation while eating to replenish his stamina.

There is an iron gate in front, and he should be closed.

The other party spent so much energy to catch himself out, obviously wanting to do something.

Thinking of the things in his hands, it is estimated that it is for the food.

If that's the case, then you don't have to worry too much about your own safety.

"Yeah, are you awake?" Just as Wang Chen was thinking about things, a girl's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

When I turned around, I saw that it was a little girl of eight or nine years old, wearing a shabby padded jacket, and her eyes were quite dazzling.

Seeing that Wang Chen was able to sit up, the girl ran away after shouting.

After a while, footsteps came from outside the door.

A strong man, looking in his thirties or forties, with a scar on his face.

Next to him was a young man in his twenties, holding a self-made energy weapon in his hand, and looking at himself with vigilance.

The strong man glanced at Wang Chen from the door, then took out the key and opened the iron door.

"woke up?"

Moving a bench and sitting in front of Wang Chen, the strong man asked kindly.

"Are you rebels?" Wang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly while eating chocolate.

"Oh? Do I look like the madmen of the rebels?"

The strong man spread his hands and smiled.

"Not the rebels? Are you from the wanderer camp or the outpost?"

"Look, let me tell you, this one is not a rebel at first glance, it must be those officials in the base."

Hearing Wang Chen ask this, the young man next to him immediately pointed at Wang Chen and said.

The strong man also nodded and waved to signal him to shut up, "Don't mind, my name is Joel, the boss of this camp, this is my son George.

When we found you, a rebel froze to death next to you, but you were alive and well. The Rebel connected his mech's battery to yours.

I can see that you should be a big man.

I heard that the base was attacked some time ago. Someone was hijacked. Could it be you? "

Joel stood up and poured a glass of water for Wang Chen to talk a little bit about the matter.

Taking a sip from the glass, Wang Chen couldn't help coughing a few times.

The water doesn't taste right...

"Our water is like this, bear with it."

"Cough cough... It's okay, but listen to you, are you homeless?"

"It's just that your base likes to divide us so carefully, what kind of rebels, what wanderers... Actually, it's almost the same.

But according to what you said, this should be considered a wanderer camp, but I don't have much connection with your base. "

Wiping his beard, Joel explained with a smile.

"So if you say that, the rebels who kidnapped me should be dead?"

"It was about the same as a stone, and we came home two days late because of hunting, and we bumped into you on the way.

Originally, I didn't have a good impression of the rebels, but at first glance, you don't have anything to do with the rebels, plus something happened at the base, I guess it's you.

So, it should be right, right? "

"It's me." Wang Chen nodded and admitted it simply.

"That's good, I do have nothing to do with the base, but I don't welcome the rebels, but since you were rescued by me, I still have to clarify some things with you."

Joel looked exactly like that.

It seems that this time it is a big fish.

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