"you say."

"We can take you in temporarily, wait until the white dragon passes, and then send you back to the base. However, the food in my camp is not enough at present, so if you want to stay, there are two ways.

First, when the weather is better, you can ask the base to send something over. It is the reward I have been serving in the past few months. Then I will try my best to ensure that your food is the best in the camp these few months.

If it doesn't work, it's fine, then you can do your best in the base, and you can do whatever you want, and I won't let you go hungry. "

Joel looked at Wang Chen and said with a smile.

Although it is not clear why Wang Chen was abducted into the wilderness by the rebels, it is certain that Wang Chen's identity is definitely not low.

"You don't care about my identity?" Wang Chen was a little curious.

"The less you know, the safer you are. You are just an ordinary person with a little background. When the weather is better, it will naturally have nothing to do with me.

I just made a friend at the time, as for what you do, it doesn't matter. "

Shrugging, Joel looked indifferent.

"Tsk, what do you want? Food?" It was a smart man... Touching his chin, Wang Chen nodded and asked.

It's a good thing to be good, as long as you can reach an agreement, you'll be safe for the time being.

"Food is naturally the best. If I can, I want some energy." Joel was not polite, and told Wang Chen what he wanted.

"There are more than 200 people in my camp. Is the ration for a year not too much? Or change the raw material sticks for the fission core."

Raw sticks? Wang Chen frowned slightly.

It should be said to be careful with the reaction materials of the fission device.

There is a base for that thing, and they are all used for trading with people in the wilderness.

Because the energy source of the base itself is geothermal, even if it needs to use independent energy, it is mainly fusion.

Fissile materials have long since been phased out as the first generation of infinite energy.

That is why these people in the wilderness will be treasures.

"Well, one year's rations for your camp and five years of energy bars, in exchange for you to protect me until the weather gets better and send me back to the base, is that possible?"

"You say five years is five years? What if you lie to us?"

The young man next to him looked at Wang Chen suspiciously. You are so loud, people who don't know you think you are the base chief.

"Shut up." Joel glared at his son, "Don't mind my stupid boy. But what he said makes sense. These things are not cheap. Are you sure you can get them?"

It's not that Joel doesn't believe in Wang Chen, but this energy bar can't be traded casually.

"Can we chat alone?"

"...Okay, you go out first." Joel nodded when he heard the words, and motioned his son George to go to the door to see that no one came in.

After the two of them were left in the room, Wang Chen took out an ID card from his pocket.

I don't know where my personal terminal was lost for a long time. Fortunately, I still have a card that can prove my identity.

"I'm a researcher at the base, C-level. As long as you send me back, the base will definitely be willing to pay you enough."

Joel had seen this card on Wang Chen's body before, and when Wang Chen took it out again, he couldn't help but wipe his face, "I know that, but it's only C-level."

"Hey, I'm not the kind of researcher who messes around. I made the thing around your waist. I can smoothly upgrade to B-level in three years at most. Is this level enough?"

The other party didn't seem to know his origin, and Wang Chen didn't tell him his true level directly, but half-truth.

The food technology he has mastered is not only very attractive to the rebels, but even the camp is easy to spy on.

But the weapon technology is different. That thing needs raw materials and processing equipment.

It is not strictly necessary for these camps.

Sure enough, after hearing what Wang Chen said, Joel subconsciously glanced at the Tang Hengdao hanging on his waist.

"Is this your technique?"

"Yes, it was made in my workshop."

"...That's why the rebels want to take you as a craftsman?"

"Maybe, I don't know their motives either."

Shaking his head, Wang Chen didn't say more.

Seeing this, Joel also lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said after a while, "There are a lot of good things in your package, and I also believe that your origin is not simple, so I won't ask more about it.

But since it is a business, there is something I should say first. "

"Well, I'm listening."

"I can treat you like a master in the camp, but you have to give me a lot of what you said, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to the brothers in the camp.

At that time, you will let the people from the base come out with the things, meet at the place I designated, and deliver the goods with one hand and the other hand, okay? "

"Yes, but I also have requirements." Wang Chen smiled and nodded.

After all, this guy saved himself, and he deserved some reward.

"any request?"

"Try not to let anyone know about my origin, it is possible that the rebels will come back to inquire about things, so don't expose my existence.

You want something, and I want to go back to base, so don't make trouble. "

Wang Chen said this very seriously.

There are so many people talking, I am afraid that the rebels will kill another carbine after leaving the wind.

"Don't worry, before the white dragon disperses, only my team will go out occasionally in the camp, and I will definitely take care of my family."

Joel gave Wang Chen a meaningful look.

The origin of this person is definitely not that simple, but Joel does not intend to continue to ask.

It's a business, and the less you know, the better.

"When the blizzard stops, I will send you back as soon as possible."

"That's fine, as long as you can send me back, I will definitely give you the same amount of things."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"It's a word."

After talking with Wang Chen, Joel asked Wang Chen to continue to rest, and he had to arrange things in the camp.

It is said that the situation of the Blizzard camp recently is not very good.

As for the three meals a day, special people will bring them to Wang Chen.

He can call his son George when he needs something, just press the button on the table in the room.

After chatting with Joel for a long time, Wang Chen also felt that he was a little sleepy now.

I don't know if it's because the medicine hasn't been used yet or if it's another reason.

After Joel flashed, Wang Chen put away the rest of the chocolate and lay on the bed and slept for a while.

By the time George came to wake him up, it seemed it was time for dinner.

Looking at the small bowl of unnamed gruel on the plate, and two roasted potatoes that were slightly charred.

There was also a small saucer next to it, which contained some white powder, which was probably salt.

After tasting it, although the porridge looks a little thin, it still tastes good.

Even Wang Chen tasted a bit of meat.

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