Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

After more than an hour of careful discussion, they all worked together.

It's getting dark.

Finally, an effective solution was discussed.

This method was proposed by Xiaohua

"Host, if you tell him, Junyu was your favorite, but now you don't like it.

You only like him. "

Su Yan

"I don't know how to lie."

It's not that he can't say these words, it's just a hole in a lie.

After all, her identity and her strength made it unnecessary for her to lie in front of anything.

Xiaohua said immediately

"Don't worry, host, you can practice a few more times, and Xiaohua will help you !!!"

Xiaohua's milk sounded yummy.

Su Yan nodded

"it is good"

There is no other way.

If it were to explain directly without this person, he would certainly not believe it.

To say, he is Jun Yu, unless he is as deceived as Xiao Hong will believe.

Stayed for another half an hour or so.

At this time, a man in Tsing Yi came over and said

"Miss White Peony, Mr. Yuan will let you go there."

Su Yan

"Yuan Ziyu?"


Isn't he angry?

What did she tell her at this time?

The subordinates in Tsing Yi speak

"Mr. Yuan said he was injured because of you and asked you to take care of him."

When he said this, the subordinate couldn't help pouting.

This is Su Eun?

Everyone on this hill knows that the two are a pair, so this is the show love that everyone wants to know? ?

Su Yan listened to these words.

He was so angry, so sad, and could say the same.

It doesn't look much like Motoko Aya ....

I just got a nod.


"Host, come on !!!"

Su Yan nodded


Stand up and walk into that room.

It was dark and the moonlight was sprinkled with green bricks.

Walked all the way, looked at the closed door, reached out and knocked.

Soon a voice came out

"Come in."

Su Yan pushed open the door and went in.

None of the lights in the room turned on.

Only a candlelight, dim and quiet.

Yuan Zizhen was sitting on a chair, and a cough sounded.

It wasn't a bright room, and the sight of Yuan Zizhen since Su Yan walked in had stuck to her.

After looking at it for a long time, Su Yan never came.

He looked back, his eyes lowered.

"You have nothing to tell me?"

Su Yan

"Say what?"

Yuan Ziyu

"Tell me about your ties with other men. Tonight, if you can make me not angry, this will be fine."

He underplayed.

If you look closely, you will show a different attitude than in the afternoon.

Of course, Su Yan was unaware.

She was preparing herself psychologically, how should she make that statement more true.

After a while, she said

"I and Junyu are past things. I like you."

Su Yan spoke very quickly, without any emotional ups and downs, just like clicking the text.

When she finished the first sentence, the man in the chair froze.

Then he heard her say this, and Yuan Zi in a white shirt didn't speak for a long time.

It took a long time before I heard him say whether he was talking to Su Yan or to himself

"To coax me, did you even say that?"

He spoke inexplicably.

Su Yan couldn't detect for a moment whether he was good or not.

Followed, and then heard Yuan Ziyu's next sentence

"How much do you like me? When did it become past tense with that guy named Junyu?"

Su Yan

"like very much."

She paused before answering his second question

"Uh, long, long."

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