Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

Su Yan finished talking, and after waiting for a long time, he didn't speak.

She asked

"Are you still angry?"

Motoko Yuki lowered her eyes and smiled

"What kind of person do you think I am?

What's so angry about this past? "

He finished speaking, this time it was Su Yan's turn to be silent.

She walked over and stood in front of Yuan Ziyu.

Yuan Zizhen raised his eyelids, and his dark eyes looked at her.

He smiled at the corners of his lips.

Well, it looks normal, as if I really didn't care about it.

Floret waits for the host to praise it

"Host, isn't Xiaohua great?"

If Floret has a tail, it must be shaking now.

Su Yan reached out and took Yuan Ziyu's hand

"I just lied to you. In fact, my favorite is Junyu."

Xiaohua has followed the host for so many years.

As soon as the host suddenly changed his mouth, he knew that something was wrong.

Shut up and don't dare to interrupt.

Yuan Zi looked at Su Yan and raised a brow.

"I like him so much and still hold my hand?"

Su Yan

"like it all."


If he had a questionable question, Su Yan was speechless.

As long as he wants to find the wrong place, he can always find it.

Half a ring, he dropped

"What's the matter? Are you tired of talking to me now?"

Su Yan

"You have regained your memory."

She broke through Yuan Zizhen, right? It should be Jun Yu now.

An hour ago, he restored his memory.

The memory is restored, and naturally I know that the previous ones are misunderstandings.

But the drunk boy, I'm glad to be so honest.

After waiting for half an hour, I found that the person had not returned.

Let people find it.

As soon as the result came in, a sentence came suddenly.

Is he past tense?

So, in order to coax this Yuan Zizhen, what tricks have been used? ?

Although this is also a clone of him.

Nor should you be jealous.

However, Xiaoguai never seemed to coax him like this.

Well, he is jealous of this clone.

Junyu's eyelids moved.

Reach out and hold someone in your arms.

"Think carefully, it's still good."

Su Yan


Royal domain voice is faint

"Last second I was in the past tense, and in a blink of an eye I became my favorite.

Xiaomei, it's always quick to switch between likes and dislikes. "

Su Yan knew what happened to him as soon as he heard it.

She turned to see him

"You are you, and Yuan Ziyu is you."

He heard a reply


It sounds like it has recovered.

Followed, he suddenly said

"Does that little guy like him more or like me more?"

Su Yan was silent.

When he starts to make troubles without reason, it is better not to speak.

As long as he thinks, there is always a way to continue.

After a while, Junyu couldn't wait for the answer, and started to be a demon again.

Just before I had time to act, I suddenly heard Su Yan say

"I miss you a bit."

Come on, kiss.

Jun Yu stunned.

When the reaction came, the corners of the lips were already raised.

Suddenly, the demon wind was soothed by such a breeze.

He holds Su Yan

"Well, it was supposed to be mine."


On the other hand, Xiaohong has not appeared since she left at noon.

Su Shi was chatting with his subordinates.

Discussing how to develop and grow this stockade.

When this is a robber, kidnapping a ticket is a business that earns no money.

Now that you've decided to do a robbery business, make it bigger and stronger.


"Boss, are you really planning to start an arsenal?"

Su Shi is cold


Subordinate two excited

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