It turns out that the running that Blacken villain said was actually jumping off the building.

Lin Yi said he had learned.

Her body was falling rapidly, the cold wind whistled in her ears, and her eardrums began to swell and hurt. The clothes and hair on her body were blown upward by the wind.

At this moment, Lin Yi seemed to be unable to hear any sound.

But her vision was extremely clear.

The things in front of her seem to be in slow motion Normal, frame by frame, and she can clearly see the windows passing by in front of her eyes, and some people in the windows are tapping on the computer. On the screen, some are answering the phone with an anxious look, and some are sitting on the toilet with a painful expression...

Lin Yi quickly looked away.

Who can tell her why she jumped off a building and passed the bathroom!

Why does Kahn Group's bathroom have a window!

The next second, Gu Zhiang's exquisite and perfect 3dai modeling face came into view.

But what Lin Yi didn't expect was that at this moment, Gu Zhiang's hair was blown back to the back of his head, and his clothes were all puffed up by the wind, but his face was still beautiful. slightly affected.

His obsidian-like eyes were filled with bright and excited Cal, and the corners of his mouth were filled with crazy and raging arcs, which were extremely dazzling against the backdrop of the sun.

Lin Yi: "???"

It's just jumping off a building, why is Blacken villain so excited?

As expected of him!

Lin Yi was initially panicked, but when he saw Gu Zhiang, his expression instantly tensed!

Determined not to let Blacken villain see that she is afraid!

Ergouzi exists in Lin Yi's consciousness, so what Lin Yi feels at the moment, he can also feel it completely.

Ergouzi was terrified at first, jumping up and down in Lin Yi's head, all the hair on his body exploded, but after feeling Lin Yi's thoughts, he didn't panic anymore. have to compare at this time?

Are we thinking about life?

Xu Shi noticed Lin Yi's burning gaze, and Gu Zhiang slowly turned his head and looked at Lin Yi with a smile.

For a moment, the four eyes met, and Lin Yi saw the reflection of his own in Gu Zhiang's eyes, calm, indifferent, and beautiful.


All of a sudden, a sharp Growl, like a slaughtering pig, was piercing the heart, screaming, and terrifying, interrupting the gaze between the two.

Lin Yi finally remembered that the one who jumped off the building with Gu Zhiang, besides her, had the "good and bad".

Lin Yi is not happy anymore.

If you die for love, you will die for love. Why bring one?

There are three people on Yellow Springs Road, isn't that crowded?

Thinking about it, Lin Yi coldly glared at Hao Huai angrily.

How can Hao Huai take care of Lin Yi's eye knife now?

He was dizzy the whole time. He was standing behind the chair for a second, waiting to see how a group of security guards subdued Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang, but the next second he rushed out of the window in a trance.

By the time Smelling Salts came over to realize what was going on, he was already on the verge of falling to the ground.

He wanted to shout, to call for help, but a single scream took all the strength in his body.

Woohoo, he doesn't want to die!

Gu Zhiang, who was disturbed, also seemed very unhappy, and a trace of impatience appeared on his beautiful and smiling face.

It all happened in a matter of seconds.

They were getting closer and closer to Ground.

When he got close, Lin Yi could clearly see the shrunk pedestrians on the ground that were originally as small as ants.

Lin Yi silently closed his eyes.

It's not good to be a teacher!

The progress of Blacken villain's power of love is only 40%, and she is gone.

Have to start all over again. Irritability!

But it doesn't seem like a big deal to die with such a good-looking person as Gu Zhiang.

When the rewind came back, she was determined to keep Blacken villain in check, and she couldn't let him jump off the building again, especially with Hao Huai, the old man, and the three of them jumping together!

However, just when Lin Yi had done all the psychological construction and was about to land, the expected feeling of falling and pain did not come.

Not only that, but even the feeling of the rapid fall and the gust of wind whistling and wrapping in the ear seems to have disappeared.

Lin Yi waited for a long time without seeing any movement, and finally couldn't help opening his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lin Yi found that not only did he not fall to the ground and his brain was torn apart, but he was fine, with not a single hair missing.

Not only is there not much, but his feet are a short distance from the Ground, and they are floating steadily.

And her hand was also held firmly by Gu Zhiang, and she was never let go from beginning to end.

As for Hao Huai, he had already been thrown to the ground by Gu Zhiang, lying face down with his eyes closed, looking like he was only a lean fat bastard.

But looking at the appearance, there is no injury, it should be fine, just passed out.

Lin Yi: "???...!!!"

Lin Yi was shocked!

It is indeed a robot!

What high tech!

Jumping down from dozens of stories high, didn't you fall to your death?

Gu Zhiang had a smile on his brows, looking at Lin Yi's large eyes full of shock and curiosity, he couldn't help but slowly open his mouth.





Lin Yi's face immediately turned cold.

In the next second, Gu Zhiang grabbed his long arm and grabbed Lin Yi's waist directly. While letting her feet fall to the ground, he also hugged her whole body tightly in his arms.

In fact, Lin Yi has always admired the level of technology in this world. Why is Gu Zhiang clearly a robot, but the touch of his skin is so real and even warm.

It's completely indistinguishable from the real person, right?

"Lin Yi."

Lin Yi was thinking about something in his head, when Gu Zhiang's voice suddenly came from above his head.

As always low and dull, as always full of magnetism and charm, sultry and deadly.

He said, "Guess what I was thinking when I just fell?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Do not! I don't guess!

"I heard that when you humans pray devoutly to the gods, the gods will hear the prayers of humans and never fulfill the wishes of humans.

I was wondering, will the gods hear the prayers of the robots?

Probably not, so I'm not going to rely on any gods. "

After the words were finished, Gu Zhiang let go of Lin Yi, holding a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at Lin Yi deeply, as if to engrave her appearance into his eyes and every corner of his body forever.

Lin Yi blinked, suddenly blessed to the heart, and said to Gu Zhiang: "It's a coincidence, I also prayed to the gods just now."

Gu Zhiang: "Really? Which god did you pray to?"


Gu Zhiang: "..."

Just...I didn't expect it.

Gu Zhiang couldn't help laughing softly: "Then... what is your wish?"


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