On the streets where people come and go, everyone is rushing to make a living, and no one stops.

No one seems to have noticed that three people just jumped from the dozens of floors of buildings and were safe and sound.

Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang stood among the fast-paced pedestrians, looking at each other.

Gu Zhiang felt the real and soft body of Lin Yi in his arms, restrained the smile on his face, and looked at Lin Yi with a pious and serious expression.

She just said that her wish is herself.

She knows that the Daoist class has an emotion called love.

Back then, Lin Yi secretly brought him home and set him a "perfect boyfriend" program. During this period, he and Lin Yi lay in the same bed every day, like a real boyfriend who loves his girlfriend every day. Taking care of and pampering Lin Yi, but he doesn't know what that feeling is.

Until now, he didn't quite understand it.

So, he was confused.

Does Lin Yi love him?

If so, is it true?

After a pause, Gu Zhiang said slowly: "There is a movie in my data, the male and female protagonists in the movie went to the pole together, and the male protagonist fell in love with the female protagonist from then on.

The protagonist said, if you want to fall in love with a person, take that person to bungee jumping together.

So Lin Yi, are you in love with me now? "

Lin Yi thought about Gu Zhiang's words carefully.

Lin Yi: "Just ask if you don't understand. Which movie are you talking about?"

Gu Zhiang: "..."

Gu Zhiang never thought that in such an atmosphere, the first question Lin Yi asked was this.

"Very important?"

"It's not very important."


It's not very important. You're the first to ask?

Lin Yi calmed down slightly: "The movie is misleading, the phenomenon you just mentioned has a scientific name called the 'Bridge Effect', which originally meant that when a person crosses the Bridge in fear, his heartbeat will involuntarily increase.

If he happens to meet another person at this time, he will mistakenly interpret the rapid heartbeat caused by this situation as a physiological reaction caused by the other person's heartbeat, so he will develop a feeling of love for the other person.

But I am not to you. "

Lin Yi's voice was not loud, but his tone was solemn, and he said, "I am sure that I love you, before you pulled me off the building, and when I opened my eyes and saw you for the first time in this world, I fell in love with you. about you.

Humans believe that there are no more than two kinds of love, love at first sight and love at first sight. If you don't believe in love at first sight, try falling in love with me. "

Gu Zhiang was suddenly speechless.

He just stared at Lin Yi deeply, passed Lin Yi's image to the CPU of his brain through his eyes, and habitually wanted to analyze her whole person thoroughly.

But he found that Lin Yi was a mystery.

It is a huge mystery that cannot be analyzed and understood by the most accurate computing and analysis equipment in the world in his body, and the independent consciousness he already possesses.

The mystery was like an abyss, dark, dangerous, and bottomless, but it held him firmly.

Gu Zhiang knew that at this moment, he didn't seem to care whether Lin Yi's feelings for him were the so-called Bridge effect or true love.

All he cares about is that she is there.

Because she was the first to tell him that his existence was not anyone's Substitute and substitute.

She was also the first to tell him that his existence was worth it in itself.

Even after she jumped off the building with him for the first time, she was still able to tell him calmly and calmly that her wish was always only one of him.

He used to hate himself for being a robot, but today, now, at this moment, he no longer hates it.

Because he was a robot, he met Lin Yi. And never, never give up!

Thinking of this, Gu Zhiang's gloomy and serious face suddenly seemed like the rainy Soaring in the sky was torn apart by the sun, and countless smiles and warmth were like the normal spring breeze. Lin Yi was all wrapped up.

A person who is obviously beautiful and gentle, with such an expression at this moment, he wants to die.

make me sleepy...

Gu Zhiang's arms holding Lin Yi tightened slightly, and the next second, he leaned up and dropped a deep kiss on Lin Yi's forehead.

It wasn't the entanglement of teasing and desire between his lips and teeth, but his lips, which fell on her forehead.

Passionate and dedicated.

He said, "Okay, let's try, and love will grow over time."

Hearing Gu Zhiang's answer finally, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Zhiang pulled his lips away from Lin Yi's forehead, slowly lowered his head, and moved closer to her ear.

Although he didn't have the scorching hot breath of a human being, he still made the skin around Lin Yi's ears and neck tingle and itchy.

He opened his lips and bit Lin Yi's earlobe lightly.

Lin Yi's body instantly shuddered instinctively.

Feeling the reaction of Lin Yi's body, Gu Zhiang couldn't help but smile in his dark eyes.

He deliberately lowered his voice and whispered in her ear with a unique, hoarse, lustful and flirtatious voice that only comes out on special occasions: "But I'm a robot, I don't know what love is, and I don't know what love is. If you don't know what love is, you have to teach me."

Lin Yi was taken aback by Gu Zhiang's deliberately toned voice.

Hearing what he said, he subconsciously blurted out, "I can teach you how to do it..."

【Sister Yi, you can stop! 】

Before Lin Yi could finish the last word, Ergouzi finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Ergouzi: [The atmosphere is set off here, so you can't be a person and say something that a normal woman should say? 】

Lin Yi thought about it and felt right.

[Blacken villain's powerful cpu doesn't have any love action blockbusters in an island country or a beautiful country. I really don't need to teach it. 】

Ergouzi: […]

It's not saved, it's sister Yi is not saved.

Gu Zhiang didn't hide the laughter in his voice: "That's up to you."

Ergouzi again: [...]

have a look!

One dares to say it, and the other dares to accept it!

It's superfluous, it's gone!

The sun is raging overhead, the city is full of high-rise buildings, and there is a lot of traffic and people around, but Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang seem to be separate individuals who do not belong to this world.

They hug each other and look at each other.

It was as if this moment, this time, this space, and everything else had become a background.

Gu Zhiang finally let go of Lin Yi's hand, Lin Yi took time to look at Hao Huai, who was still unconscious on the ground.

Lin Yi: "What are you going to do? Kill it?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhiang lowered his eyes and glanced at Hao Huai, the tenderness and sunshine in his eyes turned into frost in an instant.

Gu Zhiang raised the corner of his mouth like nothing: "As a Stephanie, don't be so cruel."

Lin Yi: "..."

I can be more brutal, say it to scare you to death!

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