Suddenly, a burst of "ding ding ding dong" ringtones interrupted the thoughts of several people.

Lin Yi heard the clear and deep ringtone of her cell phone like a bell, and she felt like crying when she remembered her "becoming bigger, smaller and more beautiful".

The same is the ringtone of the mobile phone, why is her second grade!

The caller was the man brought by cousin Lin Man.

The man quickly picked up the phone, because Lin Yi couldn't hear what the man said on the phone because there was a distance, but only faintly heard the man's voice, which seemed to be very pleasant, like a little girl who was playing with her grandmother calling "sister". milk dog.

After the man said a few words, he quickly hung up the phone and walked towards Lin Yi and the others.

It's just that the man's eyes didn't stop at Lin Yi or Gu Zhiang, but looked straight at his cousin Lin Man.

"Manman, sorry, there is a situation in the team, I have to go back immediately, and next time I will meet your cousin..."

Then, the man looked at Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang behind her.

The man seemed to be deliberating on what to call Gu Zhiang, and after a few seconds of deliberation, he continued to say, "And my cousin-in-law, let's have dinner together."


Gu Zhiang seemed to be pleased by this title, the coldness in his eyes melted away in an instant, and a warm smile ignited between his eyebrows.

Gu Zhi'ang: "Cousin-in-law has something to do."

Lin Yi: "..."

You are a cousin-in-law and a cousin-in-law, and you have enough calls.

Lin Man's face was not very good at first, but when he heard the man say that he was going back, a pair of beautiful eyebrows instantly twisted into a knot.

But the man clearly sensed her emotions, but he still didn't say anything, but strode away without looking back.

Lin Man just stood there, watching the man's back for a moment, and finally disappeared in the corridor. In the elevator, he didn't move.

Lin Yi in the real world doesn't have any relatives, so she doesn't know how to get along with her relatives. Seeing Lin Man standing there like that at the moment, she doesn't know what to say or do, so she can't help but turn to the side. Gu Zhiang glanced at it.

With his powerful "brain", Gu Zhiang quickly mastered the situation in front of him.

Gu Zhiang smiled at Lin Yi and gave her a "reassuring" expression. He was about to walk towards his cousin, but he didn't want her cousin to speak at this time.

Although when she opened her mouth, she still stood there and didn't move, and her eyes were still fixed on the direction the man was leaving, and she didn't move away.

"It was the same when the real Su Chen left."

Lin Man's voice was very soft, but no one spoke in the corridor, so Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang could still hear her clearly.

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

The real Su Chen?

Su Chen should be the man's name, and looking at the relationship between the two, it should be a couple, that is, the future cousin-in-law.

Just thinking of Lin Man's words, and what she had asked before, how to prevent the Kahn Group from recycling and destroying the robots, Lin Yi immediately judged it roughly.

Gu Zhiang stood aside and did not speak, but in the beautiful peach blossom eyes, his eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

Lin Man slowly turned his head to look at Lin Yi.

Only then did Lin Yi realize that Lin Man's eyes had turned red without knowing when.

And the bottom of his eyes is also full of lustrous water, as if it can fall down anytime, anywhere.

Lin Yi panicked instantly.

A woman is crying, what should she do?

She doesn't coax!

Lin Man: "Cousin, what should I do? I've already lost Su Chen once, and I really can't lose him a second time, but I can't help it, I don't know what to do, I..." I'm really afraid what.

As Lin Man spoke, tears were like beads with a broken thread, and they really fell down his eyes with a crackle.

Lin Yi's nerves were tense all over his body.

Fortunately, Gu Zhiang stepped forward at this time: "Go ahead and talk."

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

It has to be the Blacken villain.

The three entered the room. In the living room, Lin Yi and Lin Man were sitting on the sofa. Gu Zhiang poured a glass of water for Lin Man, but Lin Man didn't mean to be calm at all. He took the glass and put it on the table. .

She cried as she recounted her experience.

Su Chen was her college classmate, and the two were also model couples who were envied by their classmates and used to believe in love.

Everything seemed to be developing in a good direction, but after graduation, Su Chen suddenly chose to be a firefighter.

At that time, Su Chen was very busy, and the two of them didn't have much time to date. They were often dating each other. After a phone call, Su Chen would leave immediately.

Although Lin Man has grievances in his heart and worries about her boyfriend's safety, but because he loves him, he is willing to support his decision.

As Lin Man spoke, his eyes suddenly became distant and painful.

"The weather that day was as good as today, we finally had a meal together, but just halfway through the meal, his call came.

Like every time, he said sorry to me and left in a hurry.

But I don't know why, I just felt very uneasy that day. I wanted to stop him, but he walked in a hurry and didn't hear my voice at all.

I drove the car and followed him all the way to the fire scene.

That was the first time I saw a fire. The fire and the billowing smoke engulfed the whole building, but Su Chen and other firefighters rushed to the center of the fire.

They rushed in again and again, and rescued the trapped people again and again.

I watched those who were rescued crying and thanking them, and I couldn't help feeling proud in the bottom of my heart.

Finally, the fire was about to end, and Su Chen finally saw me.

He smiled at me from a distance, and was about to run towards me when someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

It turned out that a child was trapped inside and had not come out.

Su Chen just glanced at me from a distance, then rushed into the fire again without looking back.

But that time, he didn't come out..."

Lin Man couldn't speak anymore, she closed her eyes tightly, but still couldn't stop the tears from falling wanton on her face.

The atmosphere in the room was depressing.

Lin Yi couldn't accept a woman crying in front of her because she didn't know how to coax her.

But at this moment, looking at Lin Man's tears, Lin Yi's heart was filled with unexplainable heaviness and sourness.

People are dying all the time in this world.

It's just that some people live as if they're dead, and some people die, but they seem to be alive.

Just like Su Chen to Lin Man.

But what if she died in the real world?

At this moment, a big warm hand quietly covered the back of her hand.

Lin Yi turned his eyes and met Gu Zhiang's eyes.

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