Gu Zhiang's eyes are always deep and mysterious, with a faint dull light, looking at Lin Yi at the moment, but seems to be able to enter her heart and see through all her heaviness.

After a pause, Gu Zhiang said to Lin Man, "Your boyfriend is a hero."

Lin Man slowly opened his eyes: "Yes, he is the hero of the firefighters who rescued the people, but he is not my hero.

But, I love him, and I can't accept his departure, so I chose Kahn Group to make a robot exactly like him, and even transmitted all his experiences and memories before his death into the robot body.

Sure enough, my Su Chen came back.

But the firefighter hero in people's hearts has also returned.

He will still leave me again and again, just as he left me, as you see today. "

Saying that, Lin Man suddenly turned to Lin Yi, "I can't bear it again, even though he is a robot, to me, he is Su Chen, even if he is a robot, he can't take his entire body in the face of the fire. and retreat.

If it happens again...I can't take it anymore.

I don't think I'll be able to live anymore.

But I want to live, and I want him to live, too, to live with me for a long time.

So cousin, I beg you, help me.

I've heard that when the Kahn Group recycles robots, they unseal their memories, reminding them that they are robots.

So is it possible to just unlock his memory instead of being recycled and destroyed?

That way he can stop being a firefighter and continue to be with me.

Cousin, please help me! "

Seeing Lin Man's tearful prayer, Lin Yi did not speak.

It's not that she is afraid of breaking the rules. After all, she violated a lot of rules.


"Cousin? Cousin, I know you are very embarrassed. If you have any requirements, you can mention it. Even if I go bankrupt and do everything I can, I will do it.

I just ask you to..."

"You beg me?"

Finally, after Lin Man's repeated pleas, Lin Yi finally spoke up.

"You begged me, are you sure that Su Chen also wanted it?"

Lin Man was startled by Lin Yi's sudden question.

Lin Man: "What?"

"You want to ask me to unlock his memory and make him realize that he is a robot and can accompany you in the future, but he will no longer be a firefighter. Is this what he also wants?"

Lin Man looked at Lin Yi fixedly, as if he understood what she meant, but he didn't seem to understand.

But Gu Zhiang, who was on the side, looked at Lin Yi, and his eyes gradually deepened.

Lin Man: "He's just a robot..."

"Go back."

Lin Yi suddenly lowered his face, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Lin Man was anxious: "Cousin, how can you help me?"

Lin Yi paused for a while, but did not look back, but turned his back to Lin Man, and said lightly: "To you, he is just a robot, a substitute for Su Chen, and his existence must be according to your wishes.

But to me, he is him, he is Su Chen, and he can have his own will.

If he were to beg me today, I would help without hesitation, free of charge.

But you have no right to make any choices for him, even if he is just a robot to you. "After speaking, Lin Yi picked up his steps again and quickly entered the bedroom, leaving only Gu Zhiang and Lin Man in the living room.

Lin Man looked at Lin Yi's back in disbelief, but what she just said kept popping up in his mind.

Gu Zhiang stood aside, staring at the tightly closed door of the bedroom, his body was shaking like an electric current pouring out.

Even if Lin Yi once said something similar to him, it was only for him.

He originally thought that Lin Yi was willing to treat him differently just because he loved him, but he didn't expect that in Lin Yi's eyes, robots were originally the same as humans.

It turns out that in Lin Yi's world, robots can also have their own wishes and rights, instead of being chosen by others.

Thinking of this, the corners of Gu Zhiang's mouth could not help but bend.

This is his Lin Yi.

He is different, out of tune with this world, yet so bright, Lin Yi.


Lin Yi was really annoyed.

Sitting alone on the sofa by the bedroom window, his face was sullen.

Lin Man did not know when he left.

The sky was getting darker and darker. When Gu Zhiang opened the door, the room was dark, with only a little afterglow of the sunset, hitting Lin Yi's face and body through the window, coating her whole body with a layer of light. A touch of orange, like a fine oil painting, delicate and charming.

Gu Zhiang raised his footsteps and approached Lin Yi step by step, until he came to her, he slowly crouched down, raised his head slightly and looked at her.

Lin Yi looked at Gu Zhiang: "If it were you, what would you choose?"

Gu Zhiang paused.

Lin Yi: "If you were Su Chen, the moment you learned that you were a robot, you would choose to give up being a firefighter, give up being a hero, and be with Lin Man because of what you owed.

Or will you continue to choose the same path? "

That's what she asked.

Gu Zhiang smiled, took Lin Yi's hand with both hands, and gently rubbed the back of Lin Yi's hand with his fingertips.

Gu Zhiang: "Lin Yi, disasters happen every moment in this world, and every moment there are people who become heroes in disasters.

I admire and admire those heroes. When I heard Lin Man tell Su Chen's story just now, I also quietly asked myself, if it were me, what choice would I make.

But after thinking about it, I realized that I am a selfish robot.

It's not that Su Chen doesn't love Lin Man, it's just that for me, if the price of being a hero is to leave you, then I can't do it.

Lin Yi, I don't want to be a hero for all mankind, I just want to be Gu Zhiang for you alone. "

Lin Yi was a little surprised by Gu Zhiang's answer.

Lin Yi: "Why... what?"

Gu Zhiang stood up and bent down to look at Lin Yi, letting the orange light of the sunset hit him, and bathed in a warm orange with Lin Yi.

If Lin Yi is an oil painting, he is willing to be the only foil in that painting.

Gu Zhiang looked at Lin Yi, his eyes were burning, but his tone was solemn.

"Because you are the only Lin Yi in this world."

He is so selfish.

Even if he will be reviled by everyone and rejected by everyone, when faced with a choice, he will definitely choose Lin Yi instead of being a hero.

Gu Zhiang: "If I didn't know you, I would choose to be a hero like Su Chen.

But there is no if in this world, you are already here, Lin Yi.

No one is more important to me than you, including myself. "

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