Lin Yi's eyes flickered, as if something was about to emerge in his mind.

She picked up the note that said two years old again, and the thing stuck under the note.

It was an ugly-faced doll. The doll was expressionless and looked fierce.

"My Lin Yi, happy second birthday. Look at this doll, doesn't it look as fierce as you? But my Lin Yi used to love to laugh."

Lin Yi endured the wild beating of his heart, and picked up other things and notes in the same way.

"My Lin Yi, happy eighth birthday, remember, we met in this year."

In an instant, two children appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes. Eight-year-old Lin Yi and eight-year-old Fan Ye were arrested by the International Killer Organization from Hell. Like many other children, they would be trained here as cold-blooded killers.

Eight-year-old Fan Ye said to eight-year-old Lin Yi: "Lin Yi, my name is Fan Ye, Fan Ye, I will protect you in the future when I am here."

The moment the memory emerged, Lin Yi was about to stand unsteady. She used her trembling hands like crazy to read other notes.

"My Lin Yi, happy sixteenth birthday. You said that from now on, you would never hurt me again. You did it, but why do I feel so distressed?"

That year, the organization gave them the ultimate test, as long as they killed the other children they grew up with and grew up with, they could complete the ultimate test of the organization and become the only killer of tissue culture.

On that day, she told the organization that Fan Ye must stay, otherwise she and Fan Ye would die together.

The organization has compromised, because they have been cultivated for many years, and they can't lose everything and leave no one behind.

It was also on that day that Lin Yi became a cold-blooded and ruthless demon who could attack those around him.

"My Lin Yi, happy seventeenth birthday, why did they let you go on a mission today?"

After becoming the organization's killer, she would always be sent out by the organization to complete various tasks. On her seventeenth birthday, she was sent to kill an underworld boss from Moses.

Fan Ye took her hand and told her that he would wait for her to come back.

But she didn't come back.

"My Lin Yi, happy eighteenth birthday, you haven't come back for a year, they said you were dead, I didn't believe it, so I killed them."

"My Lin Yi, happy nineteenth birthday, you still haven't come back, no one has said you are dead now, because everyone who said so was killed by me.

Didn't you say my hands are beautiful, don't you like my hands with blood?

So do you want to come back soon? I promise you, as long as you come back, I will stop killing people, okay? "

Everything is just a trap. Compared with Lin Yi, a cold-blooded killing machine, they value Fan Ye's super-high IQ and amazing hacking ability. In order to control Fan Ye, they set up a trap. They want to kill Lin Yi, but do not want Lin Yi Yi survived.

He survived, but lost his memory.

And Fan Ye, who was also controlled by the organization as he wished, became a demon and began to show signs of schizophrenia.

"My Lin Yi, you're back. On your twentieth birthday, you're finally back, but why don't you remember me?"

Lin Yi was hypnotized and tampered with memory by the organization, thinking that Fan Ye was the murderer who made her an orphan and her parents died.

On her birthday that year, she found Fan Ye and shot him without hesitation.

But memory can lie, her heart can't.

Her bullet missed, avoiding Fan Ye's vital position. She fainted due to a severe headache, and Fan Ye lost consciousness due to excessive blood loss.

"My Lin Yi, happy twenty-first birthday, they made you forget me, so I'll kill them all, okay?"

When she woke up again, Lin Yi had arrived in a strange city. She had lost all her memories, forgotten everything, and became the scavenger of the city's underground world - the city hunter.

But Fan Ye's schizophrenia is even more serious, he will split into all kinds of paranoid, morbid, and charming personalities. But those personalities have one thing in common—

They love Lin Yi deeply.

Fan Ye couldn't accept that Lin Yi belonged to him alone, not even his personality.

"My Lin Yi, happy 22nd birthday, look at this gun, it was the one that shot at me when you came back at the age of 20. You shoot at me with it, you must like it very much, So I saved it." M..


The pistol fell to the ground, because Lin Yi's trembling body and hands could no longer hold it.

She remembered!

She remembered it all!

She remembered the bloody, cruel, inhumane days when she was taken away by the organization for training, and the days when she was covered in bruises and blood dripping every day were all spent in this hut.

She remembered the eight years that she and Fan Ye met at the beginning, in a place where they would experience betrayal and obliteration at any time, but they trusted and supported each other for eight years.

She remembered that she had said to protect Fan Ye and not let him get hurt again.

She also remembered the one who shot Fan Ye.


The heart seemed to be cut bit by bit with a blunt knife, stirring, the blood was blurred, the flesh was dripping, but it was still alive and beating.

But the pain involved her internal organs and all her nerves.

She opened her mouth but couldn't breathe. Tears rolled down her eyes uncontrollably. She desperately hit her chest with her fists, but the pain still persisted.

is her!

The person who said he would protect Fan Ye forever, but he broke his oath and forgot everything between her and him.

She could even imagine how painful it would be when Fan Ye was hit by a bullet.

But at that moment, he suddenly laughed.

Just because the person he had been waiting for for four years finally came back.

Lin Yi finally understood why Fan Ye knew everything but refused to tell her the truth.

Because the man who did not hesitate to become a demon for her, to have blood on his hands, and even to be shot by her with a gun, almost killed, is deeply in love with her.

No matter what she did, he was deeply in love with her!

Lin Yi couldn't hold it any longer, and fell heavily to the ground, her left hand clutching the notes tightly, and her right hand clutching the clothes on her chest.

But she still hurts!

It was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

Not for herself, but for Fan Ye.

The person who loves her the most in this world.


The brokenness and pain that had been suppressed for a long time turned into a roar and burst through the throat at this moment.

At the same time, Fan Ye, who had already opened the secret passage, heard this painful roar, and his heart twitched violently.

The next second, he flew directly into the secret passage.

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