Fan Ye rushed to the secret room frantically.

Lin Yi was all curled up on the ground at the moment, his hands still clutching the shirt and the notes on his chest.

Her eyes were red, as if blood was about to seep out.

Fan Ye's footsteps stopped.

She remembered.

Although he kept hiding it, she still remembered it.

At this moment, self-blame and guilt swallowed and drowned Fan Ye like a flood.

He took a deep breath and walked gently towards Lin Yi. He walked to Lin Yi's side and knelt down on one leg. He stretched out his arms and hugged Lin Yi's whole body in his arms.

Lin Yi looked up at this face, and looked at this face that she was once very familiar with, but then forgot.


She was in his arms, sobbing hard, but he had wet eyes, smiled, and shook his head.

"My Lin Yi did nothing wrong, it was my fault, it was I who didn't protect you, it was me who made you, who had forgotten, come to mind again, it was me who insisted on making you fall in love with me again, and stay with me again. By my side, I created Ergouzi and set up the system. I thought that you would fall in love with me again while letting you obliterate my personalities, but I didn't expect those personalities to be obliterated, and my spiritual power became more and more powerful. more unstable.

It was I who brought you back to reality in advance, forced you to stay with me, and even restored the house we lived in when we were children, which reminded you of those bad memories.

I'm sorry, Lin Yi, it's my fault, please forgive me, okay? "

Lin Yi was speechless in pain, as if a hole had been gouged out in his heart.

She could only keep shaking her head, shaking her head again.

She stretched out her hands and grabbed Fan Ye's collar firmly.

She wanted to tell him that it wasn't him who was wrong!

He loves her, how could it be wrong?

From beginning to end, it was only her who was wrong.

But she was speechless.

Fan Ye's eyes were full of pain. He gently wiped the tears from Lin Yi's face with the pulp of his fingers, but the tears kept getting bigger and bigger, as if they couldn't be wiped clean at all.

He was anxious and bewildered.

Except when he first joined the organization as a child, he hadn't seen Lin Yi cry for a long time.

He even forgot that Lin Yi was also a crying girl.

He leaned down and kissed the tears on Lin Yi's face gently.

Lin Yi closed his eyes, his body was still shaking.

Lin Yi: "Why don't you blame me?"

Fan Ye smiled: "Why should I blame you? You are the person I love the most, no matter what you do, I will not blame you.

As long as you want, I will try my best to get it for you.

As long as you hate it, I will spare no effort to destroy it.

Even my life, as long as you want, as long as you are happy, I will give it with both hands. "

As Fan Ye spoke, he pinned Lin Yi's hair, which had been wet with tears, behind his ear with his fingers.

"Look, the organization is so powerful and so bad for you, haven't I wiped out their bases one by one?"

Lin Yi's pupils suddenly tightened upon hearing this.

She suddenly understood why Fan Ye always disappeared during this period of time, and why he was wounded when he came back.

She stared at Fan Ye, at his beautiful face with tears in his eyes, but still smiling when he faced her.

After a while, Lin Yi said slowly, "Fan Ye, I..."


Before Lin Yi could speak, a huge explosion sounded overhead.

The entire secret room swayed along with it, and countless dust fell down from the top of the head.

Fan Ye subconsciously hugged Lin Yi tightly under him, but his eyes were extremely cold.

"Sorry, they still came."

Although he wiped out the bases of one organization after another, the organization was still too large.

During this time, he strengthened the security of the villa and surrounding areas, just to prevent the counterattack of the Hell Organization.

And they still came.

The explosion stopped, and the sound of countless gunshots sounded outside.

Lin Yi knew what was going on. She raised her head suddenly, and her eyes fell on the gun left on the ground that had hit Fan Ye.

The next second, she picked up the gun without hesitation.

Fan Ye: "Lin Yi, you..."

"Fan Ye, like before, this time, let me protect you, this is what I owe you."

Fan Ye looked at Lin Yi's red but firm eyes and knew that no matter what he said, Lin Yi at this moment would not change his mind.

So after two seconds of silence, he suddenly squeezed Lin Yi's hand tightly: "I don't want to hide behind you anymore for your protection, and I don't want you to face danger alone.

If you want, I will fight with you.

Lin Yi, from now on, regardless of life or death, I will be by your side, holding your hand tightly, even if I go to hell, I will be with you. "

Lin Yi's eyes were like torches, staring at Fan Ye for a moment, then nodded vigorously.

They held hands like this and walked out of the secret room side by side.

This night is doomed to be restless.

At this moment, the villa has been bombed by rockets and has lost its original appearance, and there are complete or mutilated corpses lying on the ground.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder guns.

Fan Ye and Lin Yi were like Shura walking at night, fighting side by side, killing the opposing enemies one by one, and getting closer to the other side bit by bit.

As before, she was the female warrior who charged, and he was the strategist who made plans.

It is also different from the past. He is not only behind her, but by her side, resisting the danger from behind for her.

The organization is determined to kill Fan Ye and Lin Yi. They don't allow such failures as Fan Ye and Lin Yi, so they attack at night, and their artillery fire is fierce.

Soon, Lin Yi and Fan Ye were both seriously injured, and the people in the villa died and were injured.

The two retreated into the secret room again.

Fan Ye smiled: "Lin Yi, we are back again, what should we do, their artillery fire is too fierce, we can't beat it."

Lin Yi: "Are you prepared?"

He used to be like this. Before doing anything, he would consider all the possibilities that would happen in the future, and then make corresponding preparations.

So Lin Yi knew that Fan Ye would definitely be prepared for such a situation.

Fan Ye: "Yeah, I'm really ready, but I originally planned to wait for you to leave, and if the people from the organization attacked it, it would be used again if it was lost. Who knew that you suddenly discovered the secret room and interrupted it. I'll send your plan away."

Lin Yi frowned: "What are you going to do?"

Fan Ye frowned: "I buried explosives in and around this villa~"

Is he going to perish with the people of the organization?

Are you going to send her away?

Lin Yi was angry.

Fan Ye laughed even more arrogantly: "What are you thinking? How could I die by myself and leave you alone in this world? I made explosion-proof treatment for this secret room."

There are many bases in the organization, and it is difficult to wipe them out one by one.

It is the best way to push the organization to a desperate situation, and let the organization go out in full force in order to destroy them, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Lin Yi: "..."

Count him smart!

If he really dared to be great, then she would dig his grave!

A lot of footsteps sounded overhead, and gunshots sounded intermittently.

Lin Yi knew that people from the organization had already attacked.

Fan Ye took out the necklace on his chest, opened the pendant of the necklace, and there was a small, red button hidden inside.

Fan Ye picked up Lin Yi's hand, put their fingertips together, and moved closer to the small and red button.

From now on, Fan Ye knew that no one in this world could disturb them anymore.

From now on, Lin Yi knew that she would sleep with Fan Ye for the rest of her life because of the shot she fired at Fan Ye.

"When this matter is finished, let you sleep enough."

Fan Ye seemed to have heard Lin Yi's heart, and said something in a melodious tone, and then, with Lin Yi's finger, he pressed the button.

The explosions sounded one after another, and Lin Yi couldn't help but sighed silently in his heart amid the deafening sound and huge vibration.

At such a time, Fan Ye was the only one who could be arrogant.

A certain Fan Ye's personality rushed out——

No, no, no, I can be more sassy!

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