The Bleak Walker

Chapter 156: The Five Nobles

Walking the market street had Einar bumping a lot of shoulders. The market was filled with peddlers and merchants lurking customers to their stalls. Einar noticed the lamps hung on the l-beams of their stalls. They were shaped like a gourd. He turned his eyes to the streets, the various races were doing their browsing. He could smell the roasted meat that was being sold along with the stalls.

This place was the Crafter’s district where the bazaar is located. The market was supposedly wasn’t like this when there were only a few people around, he thought. But the change of circumstances has turned the city into a bazaar that barely sleeps. In the morning the adventurers, mercenaries, and students are busy adventuring.

Einar came upon a large fountain. It was one of the many fountains that were built around the bazaar. Einar was about to move to a different direction when he saw a swaggering scholar whose chin was lifted to the point that he looks like he was looking up. Einar didn’t want to talk to anyone and wanted to avoid him.

“Comrade!” The Scholar said. “I see that you are here for our daily meets!”

“Rufus of House Farley,” Einar bowed his head. “What brings you here?”

“I am showering my comrades with attention! You, of House Elior, has been missing our meetings. And, please, seriously, my comrade, I want you to contain the royal that has been tearing our ears apart by her conspiracies!”

He raised his cape and did exaggerated gestures. “So follow me, and free us from the tyrant.”

Einar followed Rufus to the alleyways. He entered through a series of complex turns and finally found himself standing in an entrance. Rufus pushed a block and they were lowered down to a passage. Rufus grabbed the lamp hanging next to the elevator and wended his way through the tunnel. Einar calmly strides, his eyes half-open.

“Are they all inside?”

“The Festival of Ninon is around, comrade. They are taking measures to make this festival a success, but alas, you should know that our lady royal cannot sleep so soundly with her enemies hiding in the shadows.”

Rufus had a complicated expression as he pushes the door open. It was a chamber decorated like a clubhouse. In the middle of this chamber was a round table where the one with the highest standing was sitting in a throne-like chair. She was regal, and her reddish hair was braided skillfully. Beside her was a woman who carried a long sword, she wore armor, and yet the one in the throne was more armored than her. The person who was smiling watched Einar and Rufus carry on. He wore a coat, and he carried a short sword around his waist and he sported a gauntlet on his left hand. Next to him was a woman in cloth, she carried a staff adorned with a gem. She was calm compared to the one whose eyes were that of suspicion.

“So the Son of Elior returns to our fray,” the woman in the throne said. “Done fraternizing with your schemers?”

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Princess Claudia,” Einar bowed. “It has been a while.”

“Is that so?” She snorted. “Looks like you have been fraternizing to others. Or does coming to this place displeases you, Einar of House Elior?”

“I am doing important work,” Einar said.

“Is that so?” She said with her hands locked together. “I understand that you are supportive of the child from the House of Zia. However, your absence is making it hard to believe that you aren’t one of my enemies. Did you save me to get closer? Your gallant defense a mere ploy? Tell me, Einar of House Elior, are you my enemy?”

“I’m glad you’re healthy as well,” Einar turned to another. “Miss Vera. I trust that you are handling her highness’s physical worries?”

“I am her sword and shield, there is no problem.”

Claudia kept staring at Einar. He ignored the eccentric princess and turned his attention to the rest of the people sitting. “Leonardo, Lady Ruth, it seems like you have been assisting her majesty well?”

“Indeed we are, though as you can see she’s like this,” Leonardo said.

“Our lady has worries, and it is understandable, but I doubt that our hidden blade would turn against its wrist. So my lady, please excuse him for he has done nothing.”

“Tsk, you are protective of him, Ruth,” Claudia said. “It seems you are part of his schemes-“

Einar squared his shoulders and placed his hands on the table. He looked Claudia right in the eye with his eyebrows narrowed, and mouth frowned. Everyone turned serious, their eyes focused on Einar.

“I believe that I have done nothing wrong. I understand that your highness has overcome many dangers, but this little trust on us who you trialed is making us believe that there is no need for us here. I’ve been absent but I am still a part of this club that you said it yourself, a place where only those who you truly trust. Am I wrong?”

“Forgive me,” Claudia’s eyes calmed. The flare on her eyes was gone. “There are problems with the church and the likes; I can’t believe that they are trying to take the military officials out of consideration! The priests know how to preach but can they point their swords at the true enemy! “

Einar slide to his chair. He knows it too well that the Princess would start her hour-long rants again. Rufus, who dragged Einar smiled thinly, while the others listened to the Princess. This was the chamber where those who hold power meet. Einar held no power, he wasn’t interested in the prospect of power as well, but having friends in high places was something that he would benefit. It didn’t matter if he was being used as their hidden blade. But if it meant that he could be hidden from sight and at the same time have the protection of those higher than him. He was fine being their blade hidden in the darkness.

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