The Bleak Walker

Chapter 157: Conundrum For Fools

“Hmm, looks like everyone is stressed,” Einar said.

He was sitting without paying attention to the five. Einar had no concern about their agendas or that they could interest him other than who he needed to kill. That was the relationship between the noble fix and Einar Elior.

“Princess Claudia Nimrod, first daughter of the Queen, and the person who’ll be likely to be crowned Queen Regnant of Nimrod if her support with the military continues. She’s a person who in our first meeting tried to take my neck out of suspicion that I was after her life. Not knowing who she was, I brought her down, and knocked her out.”

He turned to the seat of Vera.

“Vera Snow, sworn sister of the Princess, the highly able bodyguard that is proficient in fighting against assassins and enemies. She’s built like a one-man army and has a troupe that is sworn under the banner of the Princess. She’s a great swordsman and if I didn’t have my abilities as a time wraith; I doubt that I could have done her in easily. She’s a Snow, a woman from the clan of warriors that worships the Goddess of Winter.”

Einar recalled their meeting.

“I thought I was being attacked by lunatics. I should have known better that no one could possibly own an armor like Claudia is wearing. Hmm, I thought Vera was the Princess since she had little armor, but it seems that Claudia’s is in the fight for the throne. And there is a lot of people that want the throne of the Ruler of the Tower of Nimrod, the wealthiest unified city in the world.”

Einar looked at the woman in cloth.

“Ruth of House Steele, a cleric who was part of the entourage when they were attacked. I remember her killing people with that staff hers, and even though she’s a cleric. She has spells that almost killed me twice. She’s someone that has the smile of an angel and the prowess of a devil. Not that it matters when we are comrades.”

The two men that were listening to the Princess focused on her words.

“Leonardo Carney, a compassionate master artisan, who by any right shouldn’t be as a good as Vera when it comes to fighting. When they mistook me for an enemy he was the one who was the one controlling the situation. He protected Ruth, and did his best, but since I thought they were killing me. I bodied him two times and knocked him out first. And finally…”

Einar eyed the one who brought him here to this place. The one who was able to reason out to Claudia and how they could come to an understanding. He was also the reason why he was their hidden blade. If Rufus wasn’t around when they were attacked. Einar knew it well that he would have beheaded the future queen.

“Rufus Farley, the scholar who throws lavish parties, and the most sociable of all of us here. When we fought, he was the one who I thought he was the most dangerous with how calm he was. I targeted him, punch his lights out yet he was able to recover after a minute. He somehow convinced them to stand down. No, he was convincing me to sheath my blade. I had them at my mercy and yet here I am.”

Einar thought how things proceeded. He could still remember the look on their faces as he sheathed his dagger.

Rufus was the one who gave the biggest sigh. “I thank you, and sincerely, I am glad that you stood down.”

“Not like I have any choice in that matter,” Einar thought back. “The moment I heard the title ‘future queen’ the path of mine was sealed. It was time to compromise.”

Einar recalled the day Rufus brought him in this club.

“Rufus!” Claudia shouted, sword drawn. “You! You betrayed me! To think that you brought the man who would have killed me here! Traitor!”

Claudia’s words were filled with distress. It took Rufus an hour to convince Claudia to stand down with the help of Vera. Einar wasn’t bothered by their looks and at their first meeting, he demanded.

“Apologies,” Einar said.

Einar received apologies and went to occupy the plainest seat in the round table of six. Claudia wasn’t fond of Einar, no, everyone other than Rufus avoided Einar. It was only when Einar got to know everyone that they calmed down. Not to mention that Einar has pointed his blade for them. He had made people disappear for the sake of having these people in debt to him.

It was a mutual exchange of being used. Of course, Einar was not seated here just like a hidden blade for the noble five. He was a neutral voice that did not meddle with the sides that these nobles wanted to support. Of course, he was also the apparent heir of House Elior, Son of Lionel, and Knight of Wind, Selina. The House of Zia and the House of Elior has been allied for years and has a warband of experienced adventurers and knights waiting for their banners to ride the wind. It was Rufus who suggested having the company of the Heir of Elior to this noble five.

“Einar?” Rufus said. “You look dazed, and Lady Claudia is getting scared.”

“Rufus!” Claudia protested. “Don’t speak slander!”

“That’s right, Rufus, that’s rude of you!”

It was a voice unfamiliar to everyone here. The noble five acted but Einar was faster than them. The silhouette who was dashing to the table was grab by the wrist and was slammed down on the table. Einar locked the person’s joints and pulled out his dagger, placing the flat of the blade on the person’s neck.

“Enough!” Claudia said. “Stand down, Einar!” She looked at the person who was pinned down. “And you! I told you to come here without making any commotion! Wendy! Where is your sister?”

Another figure rushed in. Blade pointed to Einar, she went for Einar’s neck. Einar however, grabbed hold of Wendy, and use her as a shield. The woman stopped mid-air, flipping backward to avoid stabbing her sister. Einar went in, swept her feet, and threw her on the table using his shoulder. He took the woman’s hands and locked it alongside her sister’s hand.

“You are going to break my arm!”

“Okay, calm down, Einar,” Rufus said. “Don’t break the arms of the Grand Duke’s daughters!”

Einar pointed his eyes at Claudia. “Who are they?”

Claudia palmed her forehead. “They are my cousins, and they are the daughters of the Grand Duke of House Vidsa, let them go.”

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