The Bleak Walker

Chapter 169: The Role of A Guardian

Einar was in a biome that resembled a chamber. The tenth floor of the labyrinth where the dance would be held. It was a serene place with little to none noise. The sun’s light pierced inside through a hole and it landed on a podium made from iron. Near the podium was Alice, preparing the wards that would help in keeping her safe. It was designed to alert the holder of the necklace connected to the ward.

Einar ambled to Alice. He folded his arms and placed his gaze on the wards. “I’ll do the rest, please don’t tire yourself out.”

She turned to him, “I may be dancing, but I am not a weak lady.”

“I know that,” Einar took the ward from her. “I rather not take chances when it comes to the safety of the dancing. I will do the hard labor while you do the role of being the dancer. Is that clear?”

“I see your point,” she shrugged her shoulder and started taking off the cloak that hides the risky outfit. “This is a lewd outfit, and I thought Goddess Ninon would be far more conservative.”

“The outfit was made to show the belly where the womb is. The part around your cleavage is where the ‘hearth fire’ is located. I heard that back in the days they made it so that the layers of cloth around the chest area were thinner. You saw the statues right?”

“Yes, and I thank thee the Goddess for that,” she looked at Einar. “You are not staring too much.”

“Do you prefer if I do?” Einar squared his shoulders.

“No, it does annoy me that you don’t look speechless. Guess that shows how much I look.”

Einar shook his head, “Oh, you do look beautiful in that outfit. Do not misunderstand.”

Alice’s lips curved, “You don’t look like it.”

“My face looks like this, I was born with it.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“So you want me to stare at you with lusty eyes?” Einar asked.

“You are a hard person to talk to. Compliment me or something.”

“I like your buttocks,” he stared at her. “And the way your thighs have a gap.”

Her eyes rounded, “Is that your compliment?”

“I admit that the way you look is stunning.” He lifted his lips.

Alice palmed her forehead, “I have no words to say.”

“Don’t worry, Alice,” he said. “You are still fifteen, and you shouldn’t worry about looking beautiful. Or are you older than me?”

Alice sauntered up to the stadium, stretched her limbs, and readied herself. Einar took the wards and placed them around the podium. After doing so, he went to position and black magical lines covered the entirety of his limbs. There was a faint glow around his body, and his eyes grew blood red, the sclera of his eyes turned yellowish red.

The glow came from the runes he scribed on his bones. The runes inside him nurtured his body and allowed it to be robust and stronger than the rest. He has also wrapped a part of his bones with a thin layer obsidian that would react upon impact. Einar’s body was blessed but the soul that clings to him had turned his body into a monstrosity. The faint glow around his body was the effect of the runes flickering as the magical energy passes through it.

Alice started her dance, she stretched her arms, and legs, twirling, making use of her foot. There was a chime that sounded out of nowhere. There were orange dots of lights that started coming out. Einar turned his eyes and saw how these lights started flying up and down. Einar heard the sound of conga drums and the tapping of bamboo rods.

Goddess Ninon is the goddess of the hearth and dance, blindingly beautiful, with ashen skin, long, white hair, and eyes the color of forest moss. She is tall and slim-shouldered and seldom frowns. She usually wears scant clothing, dyed dark bronze, and dark red. She is also associated with snow, desert, and the plains. She is often worshipped by dancers. Her shrines are the hearths and there are many myths involving her appearing before weary souls, dancing solely, allowing the weary wanderer to rest.

In the legends of old, she was the mysterious dancer that calmed the heart of Nimrod. She was the blinding beauty that soothed the monsters inside the tower. It was because of her dance that the monsters stopped their stampede. To honor her dance, Nimrod founded podiums dedicated to Ninon, allowing her to manifest her power through the maidens that would dance on her stead.

She was among the forty Gods that are worshiped in this world. She is the dancer of Val, the God of Life, and the Sister of Danna, the Goddess of Sex and Peace. It was said that she was among the purest of the Gods and yet she dances for those who are truly weary and has obtained the right to see her dance. The dance that Alice was doing was based on her dance, yet it is said that no matter how talented, there can be no one other than Goddess Ninon could perform her true dance.

However, even though the dance is performed to soothed the heart of monsters. It is not activated until the dance is complete. Only Goddess Ninon could soothe the hearts of the monsters while she dances, and those who imitate the dance shall have to finish it before Ninon would bless the dancer with her powers. So until then, there is a need for a guardian to protect the Dancer while the monsters attacks.

The monster roars as the dance comes. Einar readied his sword and shield and watched as the monsters who felt the dance came out of their hole. He had seen the dance and it was his first time being a guardian for the dancer. Nonetheless, the soul that he has was used to protecting others. Not to mention that he was far stronger than the soul who clings to him.

“Let’s do this,” Einar said, his sword ready to slice through the enemy.

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