The Bleak Walker

Chapter 170: Einar, Chosen of the Unchosen One

Once upon a time, there was a fool who followed a war maiden. A powerless fool who had nothing other than his will and grit. This fool took many roads and yet, in the end, he could not reach such certain maiden despite all the will that he had. One day, the fool found himself in a loop that sends him back to the time where he was thrown into this world. He repeated many timelines, forgetting his memories, sparing it from breaking. He doesn’t know how long he has been repeating the endless loops.

This soul was just a Nobody who had once lived in a peaceful world. A fool that wanted to reach the war maiden that sat on top of a mountain. But how can a Nobody reach so far? He had strived to reach the war maiden but he couldn’t. Simply, he was just a fool who had been trapped in a cycle. Nonetheless, even the lesser of men can become something with repetition and endless desire. If it wasn’t for that desire then he wouldn’t have reached a state where he could engrave runes inside his body and cast them. He wouldn’t be able to do things that he could if it wasn’t for the endless repetition of practice that he had to do. Indeed, he was just a Nobody that had the hobby of climbing over things. In the end, he became someone who could reach something. Someone that stood before the woman who he loved the most, his beginning, his reason, his purpose, and at the same time, his end.

He saw how this man fought a war maiden that stood tall. It was a futile effort of a man who dared to defy those who are blessed. Einar saw the memories of a single man who stood before the unbreakable war maiden. The man who consumed the dragons flesh and became a ghost just to dance on the same stage as hers. It was a hopeless dance that he knew that he could never win. It was the last stand of the man who only wanted to have the woman who wouldn’t even turn her eyes away from her duty to face her. Even if it means burning his soul into cinders, the man wanted to stare at the face of the unreachable and uneatable while knowing no fear.

He lost and was thrown into the gateway that led this soul clinging to Einar. They were born inside the body but the soul of the man decided to give it to Einar. For, he had already seen and fought enough. Thus, he gave Einar everything that he knew. All that he had become his, and since the day Einar’s soul became conscious, the soul taught him everything he knew, suppressing his memories, allowing the soul of Einar to reside in harmony with the old soul that had fought too long.

“Be strong,” the soul said, “so that you could fight and claim your wants! “

And so Einar dances without holding back. The sword in his hand being clad in a surge of water that seems to cut through everything. The runes in his body calmly responding and harmonizing each attack.

The podium was surrounded by the monsters.

Einar became the gale as he swiftly rips and tears through the horde with his Sword of Alva. The jet-cutter sword that was handed to him by the soul that rested within him. The soul slumbers yet Einar could tell that the soul was happy.

“Hah, that’s my boy!” The soul said.

The soul never had children.

For he had dedicated his life to the woman who would then sacrifice the life of his unborn child for her duty.

That’s why the soul could never let this one be weak.

He would never Einar suffer the way he did.

It was his vow and promise that he would keep.

That by giving everything all that he had Einar would be strong.

He had made Einar strong so that he could protect himself. So that he could survive no matter what happens, and no matter what path Einar would take. There would be no one that would harm him.

The man who has nothing other than his experiences wanted to give everything to the soul that allowed him to live and find hope. He wanted to give everything to this soul who took him in and gave him the feeling of having a child. Even though he might not be needed now that he had given everything to Einar. It didn’t matter. He was happy with Einar being his living legacy.

That’s why despite Einar being surrounded by monsters. The soul that sleeps inside Einar still didn’t wake. Sleeping with a smile, he wasn’t afraid of what his living legacy would do in situations like these. For he had taught him to expect such scenarios.

No monster could approach the podium. Alice dances without worrying about the monsters that surrounded her. Einar cuts through the horde with his blade and easily tore through their fur and scales. A circle was formed around Einar, and the wards that were placed around the podium was untouched. The dance was not done. The monsters continued pouring in every direction.

Einar stood domineeringly in front of his enemies.

Alice dances gracefully, the blessings of the Goddess shining, her guardian protecting her from every possible, harm. No matter what, whether melee or range, none could reach her. For she had the protection of the man blessed by the unblessed.

It should not be mistaken.

Einar was born without any blessings from the Gods and Goddesses.

The efforts of his mother and father weren’t given to him

How he could be this strong was due to the soul who wasn’t blessed.

The soul who suffered the unfairness of the world has blessed him.

This was the blessing of power from the unblessed man.

Flesh and bones as strong as a half-dragon.

The knowledge of combat and arcane.

The experience of a man who marched through hells.

Einar Elior was the man blessed by the Unchosen One.

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