The Bleak Walker

Chapter 18: The Readjusting Timeline

The bridge was made of stone that has lasted for years. Ancient, sturdy, robust, that was what the explorer's guild thought when they witnessed the bridge that seemed to goes on through a huge cavern covered in glowing stalagmites that stretches across the ceiling and walls. The stalagmites acted as the natural lighting of the place, giving the route a green-tinted look. A turret hastily built with stone and wood granted entryway to the route. Explores wore their Capote and cloaks as they study the speleology of the cave.

A rounded campsite with a campfire in the middle, filled with people of different profession gathered. Their diverse tents showed their status and what they are. A group of men in glasses studied a map while a few sharpened their swords and oil their crossbows. One particular group studied the cavern with sparkling eyes. Their gear made it obvious that they were quite new to the trade. Their lack of awareness was melancholic to the weary travelers.

Among the group is a young man. Sharp features, a scabbard with a rather rugged sword accompanied by a leather armor that seemed to be stitched personally by someone. He looked at the letter that was written to him by an acquaintance that he knew about. This acquaintance told him of the City in the Desert named Oasis. He was supposed to straight to the city and use the old route. But, a new alternative route that made his acquaintance surprised.

"An old route discovered by a Bleak Walker!" said the letter. "This old man has been studying the topography of the land yet there was no sign of it! I am no walker but this is unprecedented! I've studied the map that was copied by the guild. It is an interesting detailed map that I cannot imagine how the walker could not have done it if he didn't explore the place. Still, I am worried that this 'route' is not particularly secure. The Bleak Walker gave an outline of the route to the City of Oasis. Yet, my colleagues have told me that the ancient route has secrets. It is a dungeon as ancient as the bridge!"

The firelight shone as his face wrinkled. He relaxed his shoulders and looked at the letter.

It followed, "It is of ancient origins and I fear that I have to ask you to look at the site. I know that you still have troubles over your talents as the Hero that Governs the Element of Fire. Hope chooses you to bear the fearsome fire, and I pray that you shall not linger in your fears, young man."

He eyed the letter with misty eyes. His eyes traveled the ceiling, reflecting the countless stalagmites that light up the underground ancient route. An adventurer walked past him and gave him a nod. He rose from where he was sitting and kept the letter in his satchel. There was a route leading down a layer of the route. He bid his goodbye and waded through tents and started to scale down the layer.

The narrow edged path had quite the fall. He looked down at the bottomless abyss before pressing on. Warily, he navigated through the branching paths until he found himself in this ancient ruin with an altar and edifices that seems so foreign to him. His hand pressed on one of the walls. He felt the rough texture of the wall as the dust gathered on his gloves. He looked above the ceiling and saw cone-like objects.

There's an archway and a reservoir that seemed obsolete. A statue stood alone uncleaned and unguarded. A stair-shaped furniture was placed near the statue, which he assumed to be where the candles and offerings are placed. He studied the area before wading through a corridor filled with cobwebs and dried leaves. A place filled with faunas of different color and shapes. He heard water flow around the area. He followed the scent of fresh water and found an aqueduct that stretches over a place unlit by the stalagmites.

He leaped down the aqueduct and followed the trail until he reached the end where he had to jump to a patch of vine that grew on a wall. He scaled the roots until he was able to find a small hole where he was able to fit in and roll over. He landed down and produced sounds of leaves being crushed. He smoothed his leaves and tugged the fasteners of his leather armor before continuing on.

The pathway he was walking grew dimmer as he continued on trekking. He called for the blessing that was given to him. Sparks of ember sparked around him like fireflies as it follows him to the path he was walking. He roamed the dark path until he ambled upon a cavern with purple stalagmites. He heard a sound of a creature growling that instinctively he took cover.

The creature was peculiar. It was a humanoid with no eyes and it size was that of a child. It was bald and hairless and its skin resembled that of a lizard. He waited before treating lightly to the next area. The area was quiet and there were purple-colored vines with pinkie-finger sized thorns. To plod through the path he had to order the 'fireflies' following him to make a way. The fireflies did a good job eradicating the thorny vines but it gave him this feeling of wariness. Fire is a great tool but it uses can sometimes lead to horrendous consequences. The path that was burned made his face tightened badly. But, he stomped through the path and was led to a round chamber that leads to the lower level.

He prowled down and as he was about to step into an even path. He witnessed beasts with bull-like horns garbed in fur clothing. Each of these beasts has arms as thick as logs. He didn't want to alert the beasts so he slogs past them with cold sweat drenching his back. The beasts were nowhere to be seen as he continues to wander inside the dungeon. As he hikes down a slanted path he was able to spot a strange temple with beasts surrounding it. They all kowtowed to this temple as if fearing something.

The kowtowing beasts made him tremble. What was the purpose of these beasts worshipping an odd looking temple? He had to know what was happening so he crept near a cover with a good position and perked his ears. He heard three or four sounds that made his skin shudder. His blessing lit up and a figure of a feminine humanoid appeared in his peripheral vision.

"Calm down," said the fire woman. "What you face is the Chaos of the Overlord. A Warden of the Barren Land is here. Without the other five carriers of elemental lights then you cannot possibly take him on. You are still sadly weak."

He could only nod his head in agreement. He stayed still and blended in the cover while the fire woman that appeared in his vision regulated the heat of his body. The beats that kowtowed near the temple started chanting words that he could not understand. The fire woman didn't respond as she watches the ritual proceed.

Then, a surge of ominous aura enveloped the whole area. The heavy energy almost drowned him. The fire woman saved him before he could lose all his presence of mind. He peeked. A pale humanoid with two jet-black horns strides towards the temple accompanied by two seductive women with wings that of devils. Their presence made the beasts feel lost in an allure. The two's seductive body made the male beasts manhood's stand up. If it wasn't for the fire woman protecting him he would have been lost in their charm.

"Lord Awl," said the devilish woman. "This is an unexpected find."

"Yes," The humanoid nodded with a grimace. "An evil being lurks inside this temple, older than the sages of the barren lands. The Overlord will be pleased that in our journey to take the city we would have met a being that would allow us to strike further in the inner lands." He guffawed.

The other devilish woman laughs sultrily. "The fools of the fertile lands have given us a great gift! Although we lost the scouts we sent to the city. We've uncovered a secret that we wouldn't have found! Isn't foolish that they would allow us to have something as grand as this?"

Lord Awl gestured with his hand. "They must have been eager to use such ancient route that they haven't searched for such fellow ally?" He eyed the beasts of the temple and spread his hands. "All of these lost fools that once rule this desert shall be added to our army!"

The devilish woman laughed gleefully as she leans her elbow on Lord Awl. "Awl, one of the many Wardens of the Barren will soon become the next lord now truly!"

He smiled devilishly. "Yes, they will have no choice but to accept me if I conquer the oasis that prevents us from attacking the inner lands. An army of shadow trekkers, the ancient bull-devils and finally...the creature that sleeps under this Temple!" He stomped his foot hard. Cracks appeared around the Temple spreading like roots.

"We must escape!" shouted the fire woman. "We cannot fight the enemy!"

"My Lord!" shouted the devilish woman who suddenly turned into one. "I smell the holy elemental fire!" She produced a two pair of obsidian blades as she unleashes a shockwave around Lord Awl. He bit his lip and let his soul roar in return, defending himself from the attack. His body roared in flames as he stood up face the devils.

Lord Awl glanced at him. "Ah yes, the Hero that controls the Elemental Fire. I should have known that they would have already awakened. I would like to play but I have a monster to control!" He palmed him and he was blown away. The devilish woman appeared before him and tried to stab him. He turned into fire and countered with a kick in the stomach.

"Tania of Obsidian Flower," said the fire woman.

"So the fire spirit whore accompanies the Hero of Elemental Fire." Her grin reached up her ears. "It matters not! I shall slay the Hero and bring forth his head to the Overlord!"

The Fire Woman snorted. "That shall not happen, devil." The fire woman conjured a tongue of fire. Tania tumbled and evaded the attack with ease. He retreated fifteen steps back and drew his sword. The fire woman blocked him and shook her head. "You shall not fight her. She is too strong in this area. It is my duty to guide you but letting you die is out of the question!" She stomped the ground. A magic circle made purely of blue fire appeared under his foot.

"Escaping?" the devilish woman sneered. "Looks like the Heroes are still weak." She backed away from the magic circle. She guarded Lord Awl with her obsidian swords. The Fire Woman clicked her fiery tongue as her burning reddish flames turned blue. His eyes that roared of fire merged with the fire woman and before long he turned into fireflies.

Tania of the Obsidian Flower laughed heartily as the Hero of Elemental Fire and the Fire Woman escaped. Lord Awl who was tampering with the temple spared a single glance at the woman before turning his focus back to the temple. "Tell all our forces to be ready. As Summer arrives we shall bring forth our army and claim the City of Oasis for the Barren Lands!"

"As you wish, Lord Awl," said Tania. "Should I guard you, my lord?"

"Leave your other half." He ordered.

"What about the Hero of Fire?" Tania folded her arms, lifting her perky breasts up.

"Do you think a mere brat who could not even control the full potential of the Elemental Fire can stop us? I can see that the other Heroes are still not fully awakened either. Without the War Maiden and the Holy City's interference then we can take the city of Oasis even if they bring their allies!" He scowled. His horns shone with eerie light.


The Campfire slowly turned into a human. He inhaled loudly as his body turned back to normal. The roaring flames turned into white smoke as he sat cross-legged on the ground. He breathed heavily as he felt his body as heavy as a boulder. The fire woman manifested out of his body and spun to look at him who was exhausted.

"They've found an Ancient One...I fear that this does not bode well for Oasis City." She looked at the ancient bridge. "They've uncovered a route not knowing of the evil that they awaken...We must Hero."

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