The Bleak Walker

Chapter 19: The Troublesome Meeting

The Tower of Oasis had the shape of a hammer with a crest of the sun on it. They say that the tower was supposed to be the foundation of a statue but, the construction work had to be stopped. The Old Ruler who wanted the statue turned it into a symbol of the hammer of light. 'Bring forth the Hammer of Light upon Thy Enemies' was carved at the bottom of the tower. Although it is called a Tower the building is obsolete and just stands as a symbol of Oasis City.

The Tower had nooks and cranny and there were gaps that made the tower look ill-maintained. Nolan scaled the tower and sat unseen on top. His cloak billowed slightly, his hawk-like eyes scanning the army of men marching with their prized plated armor and a great helm. Their sword was in their scabbards and their shields strapped around their arms.

They carried a banner of the Salt Passing. In front of the marching army was the General of Crusaders. Gaius of Salt Passing, the right hand of Rufus of the Crusaders of Salt passing. He led his men with a rugged and scratch all over plated armor. It was maintained and there was runic carving around the armor to prevent it from falling apart. It was a gear that many would covet. Yet it cannot be easily taken for it was given by the King of Talons, the one that rules over the Inner Lands. The Salt Passing is managed by its Crusaders and they have autonomy over the land while keeping loyalty to the Talon King.

Although they are farthest from the City of Oasis, they have come to the city to fulfill the pact that was made by Pontifex during the darkest times. The Knights of Talon, the Wizards of the Inner Lands, and the Crusaders of the Salt Passing came to fulfill the oath.

General Gaius led his men to the district where the castle is. They waded through the streets and marched inside the district where they met up with one of the Commanders of the Throes District and the Sword Maidens of Throes. Nolan calmly observed them from afar with his telescope. He couldn't hear them naturally. All he could make out was that they were getting ready to prepare for the incoming army of trekkers.

Nolan continued observing until they all moved to the interior of the castle. The Crusaders stood their ground with disciple and waited in the streets. The Sword Maiden of Throes kept their column along with the Guardsmen of Throes as a sign of unity. They will be fighting for the defense of this city. If they cannot even stand and wait while the leaders talk then how will they fare on the battlefield?

Among the Sword Maiden of Throes was a familiar figure. He naturally eyed her for a moment before shaking his head. Ciara was going to join the battle and even he could not intervene. Doing so would cause her nothing more than harm.

"I guess I should go?" muttered Nolan. He reached out for the coil of rope inside his saddlebag and rappelled down the tower silently. After reaching halfway of the tower, he pulled the knot that ties the rope and slid down by using his climbing gauntlets to grab hold of the edges. He descended down the tower and created a cloud of dust.

He made his way through the restless crowd. Ignoring the stall sellers that kept on shouting at him to come over and look at their goods. Travel-stained travelers and adventurers littered the street. The place had rugs, cloaks, spices, and salty fishes and goods they can browse.

Nolan took a turn to the right and sauntered along the hovel-lined street. He slogs the lane and found himself in a rather open street where usually the new arrival would enter. Melting in the crowd he observed the road with an impassive countenance.

"There you are," said Nolan. He saw a familiar figure invigorating with a fiery aura around him. Although he didn't have the same aura that makes men cower in front of him. Nolan could still recognize the Hero that governs the Elemental Fire.

Ryle of Little Red Village, a person who was chosen by the Fire Spirit to be the vessel of the Holy Elemental Fire. In Nolan's memory, he was a person who led the charge against the Overlord of the Barren Lands. Among the six Heroes, he was the leader. He led them through the dark times and through the power given to him he was able to keep the fire alive around the cities of the inner lands.

Hero Ryle was still weak at this point in time. Nolan recalled that he was one of the many participants when it came to fighting the trekkers. It was at this time that he was able to find the will to continue the path of being the Hero of Fire. He once mentioned it when the Light's Army feared to go to the barren lands. How the despair around the time Oasis was attacked that made him strong.

Hero Ryle was lost in thought as he walks along the street. Nolan shadowed behind him as he plods through the teeming crowd without paying attention to where he should be going. Nolan kept watchful eyes to Hero Ryle as he saunters through the labyrinth mazes of the City.

The street they were in was rather few of people. The windows were ill-repaired, the gutters smelled of excrement, the walls were torn down, and there was debris around the area that it was hard not to notice it. Hero Ryle stood in the middle and turned his eyes to the barely visible sun.

Embers seem to come out of Hero Ryle as he just stands there without moving. Nolan observed Hero Ryle with his eyes knitting together as time passes. Hero Ryle continued ambling around the street and prowled inside this round clearing where abandoned stalls are found.

There were cloth lines around the place and the shabby houses made the place seem so desolate. Hero Ryle turned and looked at the direction where Nolan was hiding. His eyes sparked with fire as he gazes intensely with wariness and confusion.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" his words rang out around the open.


There was no reply. Ryle's heart thumped hard. The Fire Woman has told him of the presence only after the entered a new alley. The Fire Woman was surprised that someone was able to observe them even with her presence awareness that is beyond any humans.

"No reaction?" said Ryle. He clenched his fist and eyed the area. There was no single soul other than the dust and worn clothes that seems to curve into a ball. Ryle continued observing the area yet none entered his peripheral vision.

"My Hero...the person that we face is..." she said with worrying tone.

"Cold...It's like being stalked by a Ghost." He chanted words of power. The fireflies appeared around the area and started to scour for anything that moves. Ryle found a presence that was hiding in the shadows. He took control of the fireflies and dragged the person out in the open.

He was clad in a cloak and under it was a leather vest modified with satchels and bandoliers. His face was covered by a scarf and his eyes were shadowed by the hood he was wearing. Ryle observed the person that has been tailing him.

"What do you want?" said Ryle.

The person didn't speak. Ryle furrowed his brows and put his palm in front. "Why are you following me?"

He didn't answer. He only lowered his waist and kept his foot forward. Ryle frowned and emitted fire from his palms to try and intimidate the enemy. The person didn't even flinch nor react to the power that he was seeing. The Fire Woman appeared before Ryle.

"He's unfazed by your power." The Fire Woman glanced at the person. "Wait...perhaps can you see me?"

Ryle widened his eyes. He saw the person calmly nodding in the direction where the Fire Woman is. The Fire Woman nodded back at the person. "You possessed the Inner Vision...Are you perhaps an Heir to the Lonesome Revenant?"

The person didn't reply. He was calmly looking around the area. The Fire Woman frowned at this behavior. She was a respected spirit yet the person only gave her the common courtesy. She could not understand how a person could stay calm after seeing an eternal spirit of the elementals.

"What is your purpose, Ghost?" said the fire woman.

He kept his silence. Ryle shared a look with the fire woman. "What should we do? It looks like he is just waiting for us to act."

"Catch him," said the fire woman. "I do not know but I want to confirm his intentions. This man has evaded my presence and there are so little humans that have done so. I am sure that you can sense the ghostly aura of this person. I do not know why but my heart aches to see this man if his soul has endured so many punishments."

"What do you want me to do?" said Ryle in confusion.

"Please try to take him unharmed. I want to see what his intentions are for trying to follow us." She instructed calmly. Ryle nodded.

He conjured a rope of fire and tried to lasso it around the person. The person produced a shell-like object and threw it on the rope. It burned and fizzled and exploded into messy goo. The goo wrapped around Ryle. The person sprinted away from Ryle.

"Don't run!" shouted Ryle. He bursts the flames around his body and dashes as well. He followed the person and they scaled the roofs of the city. They were sprinting across the rooftops of the city, vaulting, and leaping the gaps between houses.

The person was fast and well-practiced. Ryle had the abilities but the man was a step ahead of him. He threw his items that were able to stop Ryle from his tracks. Ryle was able to close the gap between them but the person suddenly vaulted down and sped through a narrow alley.

Ryle felt frustrated that he unleashed a bit of his power. The firewoman shouted in distress but the person who they were chasing took out a modified crossbow that has two reels and a hook. He attached the hook on his belt and used the reel of the crossbow to pull himself up the rooftop with ease. The grappling hook allowed the man to dodge the attack and climb back to the roof.

"He's well prepared!" commented the fire woman. Ryle turned his body into flames and rushed to the rooftop. He charged the man and intended to capture him. The person spun and took a horse stance, he grabs Ryle's collar and using his back he threw Ryle into the ground.

"Ah!" Ryle grunted as he hit the ground with his back. He rolled over and turned and looked at the man who was scurrying away. He combusted again and charged. This time he went in for a tackle and apologized to the Fire Woman. But, the man lit up a Rune and engraved it on the bomb. He threw it at Ryle and when it exploded the water-like bomb wetted Ryle and he felt his entire body electrocuted by the bomb.

Ryle crash landed and leaned his elbows to look at the man that was being swallowed up by the horizon. The Fire woman tried to keep awake but the lightning rune made him faint. It took Ryle to squeeze his eyes open. He looked at the sky and saw that it was afternoon.

"I fainted for too long?" He sat cross-legged.

"Yes," said the Fire woman, who was giving her a lap pillow. "The man was skilled. He was able to escape us and neutralize you...I am afraid that we've underestimated the man. I should have known not to do when it comes to the heirs of the Lonesome Revenant."

"This Lonesome Revenant...what is it?" said Ryle.

"They are people who walked the Bleak Path. I believe that the one we faced is a Bleak Walker. They are called that these days instead of beings Heirs of the Lonesome Revenant." She told him. "The Lonesome Revenant was a poor man who wanted to take revenge. He walked the earth not knowing he was dead and by the time he was done in taking revenge. He became a Wanderer that brought for a Mark that curses the Bleak Walkers to walk the land unaware of that their hearts have already grown cold."

"I see," said Ryle. "Do you think that we can meet that guy again?"

"I hope," said the Fire Woman. She looked at the afternoon light. "So he might explain to us why...he ghosted us."

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