The Bleak Walker

Chapter 196: Intermission – Those Who Protect the Tower

The Tower Cities experienced tremors that shook the foundations of the city. It was a strange sight when the once-bustling city became a city filled with shouts and screams. People are naturally afraid of the power of nature, for it cannot be stopped, and it could be barely contained. Einar sneered and looked at the camps that were panicking.

Then he saw the Band of Talus, a band that specializes in devastating archers and the use of heavy crossbows. They often rely on exotic animal mounts. They are famous for the antics of some of their commanders and their hunts. Each cohort contains 10 platoons of 160 soldiers. They have a very strict chain of command, with ranks their based on election by subordinates. At the moment, they are having trouble with their camps being shaken by the earthquake.

Along the barbican wall was another army, this time, it was an elven army known for their crafty Magus and the use of staves. They are, to a lesser extent, known for using reformed brigands as a part of their troops. The Rosen Thorn is famous for violating treaties and for their pride in battle. Each of their legions contains 20 lines of 190 soldiers. They were having the same problem as the Band of Talus.

Near the gates was a band of Professional Army, known for their fervor in the battle for their powerful infantry and the use of light crossbows. They also employ enchanted weapons. They are famous for their ruthlessness and for the antics of some of their commanders who are olden veterans that have lived to tell of their exploits. Their regiment contains 10 troops of 120 soldiers. They have a loose chain of command, with ranks based on family connections. They were holding their ground fairly, and their enchanted gear was helping them as the ground shakes.

Among these bands were the Band of the Elior Bors, and this band was composed of veterans that had tasted battle and had fought monsters and humans ever since their birth. They were a professional band, and not a single one of them was shaken by the tremors of the earth. Alongside this band, was the famed Black Dogs, the mercenaries that had fought everywhere in the world. Leading them was their Leader, Karl Von Harden, a man who sported a great sword that might as well be called a column of steel. Near the Commander of the Black Dogs was Rufus Farley, Claudia Nimrod, Vera Snow, Ruth Steele, and Leonardo Carney. Each one of them commanded a band of their combatants that were well-armed and ready to take on whatever evil was coming out of the tower.

Among them was Einar, and he had been unable to hide his sneer. His eyes was that of wolf and there was a trace of irritation as the band faces the tower, who was still standing tall despite the hard tremors. The tremor has been endlessly going on that many of them were unable to stand up properly.

What drew Einar’s attention was the tower that has lost its vigor. In front of Einar, the Tower of Nimrod grew silent, there was an odd silent the moment the magic circles that once stood proudly broke like mirrors in front of everyone. Before they could react, the ground shook, and the surrounding area became silent as a dead lake.

“The tower is broken,” Rufus said, mouth half-open as he stares at the tower. “What kind of monster could do such a thing?”

“I don’t know,” Einar tightened the belt around his waist, and made sure that his helmet was properly strapped. “Whatever that thing is, it looks like we are going to fight it. Are the Favored Children around?”

“No,” Rufus shook his head. “They are still coming, and they are on their Wyverns.”

“Would they even come?”

“They will, they are the favored children and they are people who were given the rights of power ever since their birth. What? Do they have a fear of fighting this monster that we are about to face??”

“I hope that they don’t, d it is a shame that Lady Rubina could not come. We have an army of spell masters yet I still feel like this isn’t enough. Einar, the tower itself was able to defend from floods that towered mountains, and flaming rocks that came from the sky. Yet what do I see now? The famous tower has been broken and there is nothing but silence. We were supposed to head inside and face this monster inside the labyrinth! But yet because of the scene before we us, we could only stand ground waiting, for an enemy that we might not be able to face.”

Fear was written all over Rufus’s face. Even the Heretical Princess, who doesn’t lack courage, could not utter a word at the sight of her family’s tower being silenced. The natural prism that surrounded the tower was gone, and the light that bent around the tower was gone as well, and the only thing left was the shadow of the tower casting upon the citizens of the city.

“Einar,” Claudia said. “Did they evacuate everyone around the perimeter?”

“They are still trying, and we can only hope that the enemy would come walking on the front door. If it breaks the tower then evacuating the surrounding area would have been no use. The Mages are trying to form a barrier the four cities, but we know that if that monster comes outs, then what’s the use of the barriers?”

“I see,” Claudia nodded. “Have everyone point their blade against anyone that might come out of the tower. Whoever comes out of the tower, fire without mercy, and slaughter the being. We must not allow such bloodthirsty being because if we do, then it would mean our end.”

Claudia’s voice was filled with worry. Einar understood her feeling, he was also sensing the pressure from the tremors. He had tagged here in hopes that he could help them with all that he’s got. But he knows that whatever monster was coming out of the tower’s door. He needs to strive hard to kill it. He couldn’t rely on the Deadman who had gone to slumber.

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