The Bleak Walker

Chapter 197: The Masked Dance Part 1

Ciara’s breathing stabilized as she ambled towards the upper floor. She was all alone dragging her sword, still alert, looking for anyone that might come after her. She saw the stairway leading to the floor, she on was the eleventh floor of the labyrinth, and the next one would be the tenth. So she trekked up the stairway and passed through a forest, the leaves underneath her were crunching.

There was a podium made of black iron. She approached the podium, rested her sword, and clenched her hand. Her astral cloak was not working properly, and she couldn’t control it properly unless she dresses herself with the astral cloak. Ciara turned her attention to the podium, there were writings on the podium she couldn’t read.

“There are people around, that’s good. I thought I’d be another world without humans. Ah, it was really hard to help those Aquatic Humans back then, they all spoke through the clicks of their tongue. Still,” she looked around, “looks like this tower has lost its energy.”

The forests that she passed through had orange leaves. The land itself had an orange and yellow hue around it. The fresh air that she has been inhaling changed and Ciara could feel the lukewarm wind on her skin. Brushing her hair, and clenching her hands. Ciara thought back to the forest that she once visited with the Light’s Army. It was the same color as the forest and it brought memories of a timeline.


She recalled her army walking to a forest to rest. The Elemental Heroes of that time camped near an open clearing, while the rest of the soldiers were huddling near the trees, setting up their camps. Among them, someone caught her attention, it was Nolan who had grown old fighting, and he was a strange man that aged like wine. He was a loyal soldier who had been with the army since the darkness fell on the lands. Though he was unskilled one, the battles have turned him into a warrior they could rely on.

Ciara recalled that it was when she was starting to accept. After all, thirty years of courtship, and surviving all terrible battles were clear enough that he was truly serious. She has been hesitant, and afraid at that time. She couldn’t understand why a decent man would fall in love with a woman whose half of her face was burnt.

He was taking a rest in the tree, and he was holding on tightly to his two-handed sword. He was looking at the leaves, there was a look of melancholy in his eyes. She recalled peeking a glance at him, although she was strong, she was rather awkward when it comes to the man who had been her admirer ever since they were young adults. She had hurt him and said words that shouldn’t be said. She felt like an asshole who punched a smiling man. It was clear to her that he adored her. Her glance was rather intense that he noticed her.

“Milady,” he said, standing up in a hurry. “May I ask what do you want?”

“Hmm? So you’ve finally grown bored of talking to me?” She said bitterly.

“Oh, I am happy that you would. I just worry about your health.”

Above them, the orange leaves started falling. Seeing this, he drew a rune prism that made the runes flew in a different direction. He was one of the many who were able to conjure the runes and their signs.

“Shouldn’t you be joining them?”

He looked at the others. “I should, but there are days I just want to be alone.

“Is that so?”

He nodded, and looked at Ciara, “Milady, do you hate me?”


“Do you hate me?”

“I don’t.”

“But you must be annoyed that I am chasing after you. I might be a blight who you can’t get rid. Must be vexing, isn’t it? Really, I’m aiming too high aren’t I?”

He said with a bitter smile.

“That’s not it,” she shook her head. “You are a fine man, and you’ve been with me since then. If I did hate you, then why haven’t I thrown you out of my life? I already told you my reasons.”

“You did,” he nodded. “Still, I can’t help but want to help you, Milady. I really do love you. You must be sick of me saying that. But that’s the truth. That’s the truth.”

“Nolan,’ she said sternly. “Come here.”


“Come here, you fool.”

She wrapped her arms around her and pressed his face on her chest, “I-I do appreciate you for loving me so, and I know that this is selfish of me and that this may be cruel to you.”

“What is it?”

“If we do save the world then would you willing be to spend the rest of your life with me?”

“Of course, in fact, I would be happy to do,” he said, tears swelling. “I, you are a cruel mistress, milady.”

“I’m sorry, I cannot prioritize you for the world. For that is my duty. Until that day, then please bear it.”

“Why now?”

“I was walking around the courts and you know what? Noble ladies have heard of a soldier who has courted the War Maiden for thirty years. Although he wasn’t a knight, he was still someone whose loyalty and battle-scarred appearance captured the hearts of many maidens. I was jealous. I don’t want you to give you away.”

His smile was that of relief. Ciara could recall that smile and think happily. However, that smile was replaced with a face filled with rage. The blade that protected her faithfully was pointed at her. Ciara lowered her head, smiling bitterly, knowing that their paths have strayed. She did not dare to regret the things that she has done. No, she does not regret doing her duty. However, the thought of having her companion for so many years leave just wasn’t the same. As she wasn’t an attachment to him, and he was not an attachment to her, it was clear that one day their paths would stray.

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