The Bleak Walker

Chapter 198: The Masked Dance Part 2

The heavy-hearted comes walking to the surface. Oh, she thought that she could finally breathe the air that was outside, but in surprise, she saw the sun, and those that blocked it! Alas to her surprise she heard languages that weren’t familiar to her. There was fear in their voices as they rained down their spells upon her!

The air was sliced and cut! She took action immediately and dressed herself in the Astral Cloak! More magic came after her, and she stomped her legs! Lifting herself up, and cleaving the magic that came after her!

More magic rained on her, she grew an astral wing, lifted herself up and stared at the spells, gathering power, she was about to kill as her instincts told her, but she saw the people that surrounded the tower. Ciara held her power back and landed in front of the army that gathered in front of her.


She raised her hands in peace, however, four heavy blows made from mana came after her. She could feel the heaviness of those blows, she gritted her teeth, and did something in reflex! When someone throws something at, she returns it tenfold! For that is the instinct of war maiden that has fought many battles.

The four that appeared were blasted away by her strike. One of them lost both arms, the blond-haired woman lost a part of her leg, and there was a huge gash around her thigh. The two who carried their swords had their fingers broken, and the one standing was bleeding all over, he was forcing all of his limbs to stand up.

Another barrage of spells came after her. She looked at her enemy, her vision reddens, and yet days of walking on that tower has made her like a beast. Unable to sleep, keep on fighting, forcibly pushing her body to the limits. The lack of sleep and the constant battles had made snap. She wasn't allowed to surrender and that’s why she’s fighting.


She bolted awake from her madness. As she tries to raise her hands in surrender again, another blast came at her. This time, she saw a wild figure smiling, attacking, not letting her rest, and a woman whose winds were tearing apart the surroundings. Unlike the worlds she has seen, these people have accumulated both mana and have strengthened bodies. She raised her sword and used the flat of her blade to neutralize them. Like strings without puppet, they all fell without moving, and the last one who was trying to gather power strikes at her again. Ciara calmly grabbed the flat of that man’s blade and broke it. Upon twisting the blade, she delivered a kick that should have punctured the man’s stomach. The man fell, unmoving, she then heard the war screams of those who were surrounding her. There was an army that was after, and yet she only felt home in this kind of field. There was no use killing them, so she lashed out her fists and started beating them.

It was her non-lethal approach, but to the eyes of her enemy, she was a monster who had beaten her enemies with a single punch. Her strike pierced through armor and shattered their shields. Their magical shields were paper and it only took one strike for her. Those who had courage stood up to her, and yet handled them all like little children. Those who possessed magic, lasted about ten seconds before they were beaten. Many legions gathered, and yet they couldn’t stand up against Ciara who was used to fighting armies all by herself.

Not to mention that the army she was facing wasn’t willing to die here. They call came here to put earn the favor the tower. However, seeing all the legions groaning, gasping for air, begging for their lives to be saved, shattered the illusion of grandeur that they have coming here. None of them ran when there were tremors, yet when they saw the enemy who was clad in a skin that looked like the cosmos.

The legions started to scatter, yet, because of this, they became easy prey to Ciara. She was seeing red, and all she could think at that moment was to neutralize the enemy before her. She had tried surrendering, and there was a language barrier that prevented communication. Not to mention, that she could feel the last remnants of the tower directing at her. A barrier and a powerful magical energy were targeting her, beams of light came after her. She avoided the beams of light, parried some of them, and blocked them. However, a defensive tower was nothing new to her, and this alone made her act immediately without holding back.

Gathering energy, cladding her sword with astral and the elementals, she swung her sword against the tower. Shattering the magic barrier, the tower of nimrod that stood for thousands of year was cleaved by a single blow from Ciara. It had abandoned all defenses in hopes that it could catch her off-guard, was broken by a single strike. Those that stood in the battlefield widened their eyes, fear creeping in the realization that the enemy before them was something they could not possibly match. Ciara saw it, the despair and the fear in their eyes. She raised her sword and gathered energy, splitting apart the armies, and cleaving the outskirts of the cities of nimrod. It was a scene that they couldn’t understand. However, she saw an army desperately trying to attack her, they were on horseback yet she easily took them down with her first.

The one leading them had an air of royalty, and yet she didn’t dare to hold back on striking against this woman. Pulling her fists back, she thrusts it towards the woman only for her wrist to be grabbed, and she found her back smashed upon the ground. A boot was in front of her. Before it could land on her face, she blasted wind pressure out of her own body and strikes her sword to the enemy who threw her down.

Then, a loud clang sounded, and she saw the face of a young man covered in a ghostly aura.

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