The Bleak Walker

Chapter 29: The Parting Ways

Nolan leaned on the counter of the bar with his elbows. He was staring at the pouch of talon coins he earned from clearing Da's mill from the monsters that made a nest over the area. He couldn't possibly kill them all alone so he had to use stealth and sneak attack tactics.

It worked since he was alive and he was able to earn enough coins to get the supplies he needed. Sleeping bags, tents, provisions, materials, and clothing were the things he needed. The items are not for him, however. He prioritized Ciara over himself because she could not possibly travel through the Outer lands and head for the place where the Three Fates are.

He was confident. He was really confident that he could travel to that place. But, he was worried that Ciara will have troubles. He was now staring at the leftover coins. He could use it to drink and wash some of his sorrows away but in the end, he only bought a cup of grape wine. He sought to be alone as he stares from the pouch of talon coins to the reflection of his in the cup of grape wine.

Behind him were the farmers and workers listening to the bard who wore a hat with a feather in it. He was rather suave and his lute rang through the bar with a rather melancholic tone that melted with the sober tone of the bar. They already knew that Da's Mill has been liberated. But, the destruction of the fields of rice berries gave the farmers and workers something to be sad about. Settlements are being raided and fathers are losing their sons over cruel monsters that treat them as food.

The bard crafted a lonely tune that soothed the heart of patrons of the bar. The Innkeeper wiped his cups while his ears were perked. The waitress who would talk to Nolan listened to the bard, captivated by his lonely tune. Nolan tilted his head at the bard and listened for a while. He sipped on his cup of grape wine until he had enough. He took the pouch and climbed up the stairs.

Opening the door, he found Ciara looking out the window. Outside, the raindrops dropped from the skies, creating pools of water along the roads. She was immersed in watching the rain that she didn't notice Nolan sliding inside the room, sitting cross-legged.

Only when she spotted him from the corner of her eye that she nodded at him. She wanted to open her mouth but she smelled blood over him. He was holding the pouch of talon coins and there was a trace of grape wine around his collar.

She was glad. She was worried that he might not use the rest of the coins for his own use. He already bought her the things she needed. He only had a sleeping bag and he would stand guard just like what he would always do when they are traveling.

"It is all set?" said Ciara. "Did you have a drink like I told you to?"

"Yes," he nodded. "I did what you wanted, Ciara."

"Not because I told you to?"

"Yes. I did it because I wanted a drink."

She smiled, "That's good. Nolan, you always say that you are used to all of it. But, even you should take pleasure in drinking a sweet grape wine, right?"

"I do," he replied with a slight smile.

When he brought the items they needed inside the room. She told Nolan that he needed time to drink or relax. Nolan wanted some rest so he took the chance to settle around the bar of the Inn for quite a while. Nolan naturally didn't want to spend the money yet she wasn't taking no as an answer.

He could understand her mindset. She was a prideful woman and even though she does not show it. He knew that she wants to appear as what she truly is. She was unbendable and even though she lost her legs. She grabbed on to the hope of restoring her legs, even clinging to his back. He knows that she thinks it was shameless. Yet, she still holds on so that she can repay him when she gets her legs back.

He could recall something from the future past. She as a War Maiden called him near a ridge. It was then that she glared at him with murderous eyes. The eyes were so cold that it confused Nolan on what she was done. He could still remember it clearly.

"Do you love me out of pity? Is that it?" she said.

Nolan at that time was confused. He wanted to speak but he was hurled with insults and curses.

"I don't want your pity! I am a War Maiden and if you are doing all of this foolishness because of this then let it go! I won't be merciful!" she shouted with her right hand on the hilt of her sword. She was so good at hiding it that Nolan didn't notice. "Please leave me alone."

Her tone was lonely and desolate. Nolan at that time didn't understand. But, he kowtowed in front of her and swore his love was not a lie. She wasn't convinced by his kowtowing so he carved a cross around his chest to prove that he was not lying.

Yet, that didn't convince her either. She left without saying a word and it only left Nolan into a mess. At that time a battle was taking a place. Nolan fought with all of his might and was struck down by a warrior. From his shoulder down to his waist he was slashed. He was down for the count and was unable to move. He was buried under the corpses of his comrades that it took them two days to recover him out of the battlefield.

It was then that even at the edge of death that Nolan proclaimed his love. She accepted finally yet it took years for her to accept. It was not easy for Nolan and through the years they've been together. He has known how she would think and how she hated being treated with pity. So he could understand why she wanted him to drink instead of spending all of his money on her.

The rain stopped falling the next day. Nolan carried Ciara on his back yet again and left the Inn silently. They went out of the settlement and headed straight to this forest of towering trees. The roots of the trees were overgrown. Nolan carried Ciara and carefully treaded over the roots.

The sky cleared up. Streaks of lights passed through the leaves. Faunas of different colors were everywhere around the forest. Nolan was looking around the forest carefully while Ciara was digesting the sight before her. She hasn't explored much of the world so this was her first time seeing such sights.

Nolan marched through the forest. He scaled giant overgrown roots and breathes heavily when he reaches the tops. The forest was rather slippery due to the rain. Yet, it didn't stop Nolan from continued his journey along the forest.

The forest itself stretches miles. There could be giant monsters or dangerous enemies. He was not afraid of facing these monsters that, he was worried about the safety of Ciara. They would rest under a tree husk and light up fire carefully. He would rest two hours and watch over her. There are times where he was forced to do what Ciara wanted. He was told to rest and sleep. He was occasionally reminded by Ciara to stop and take a break.

Nolan has become a single-minded one track mind person due to his experiences. He was restless. He was paranoid. His focus was outright obsessive. He wasn't a smart person. He wasn't much of a thinker so he had to focus on what is in front of him to do what he could.

Ciara has noticed this so he had to reprimand him. That was all he could to Nolan who was carrying her. She didn't want him to endanger his own self. He was her lifeline and the thought of him being hurt because of her would churn Ciara's heart

"He's too nice," she thought. "I don't really deserve such a man."

While that thought ran wild inside Ciara's head. Nolan, who didn't mind Ciara's concerns, thought, "Even in this timeline, she worries too much. I guess she's still her no matter how down she is." He climbed a tree and pulled himself up the top.

"I should be able to give her legs back. Hah, maybe she'll be happier if she finds out what taking her to the Three fates would mean," he thought.

Nolan knew of doctors who could possibly heal her legs. But, he instead has chosen to take her to the three fates where she would receive their blessing and be born anew. She would regain her lost beauty and her body would be reborn.

In the past life, Ciara wasn't blessed by the Three Fates. The Three Fates were killed off and she has to fight an entire war between light and darkness with an incomplete blessing. In the past life, she would tell Nolan of this regret. So he had to at least do this for her. "Once she gets her true powers and beauty...I guess she won't need some walker. Having someone like me at her side would be no good. She deserves better than some fool who would let her die in front of him."

His thoughts ran wild as he crossed a lumber-sized branch and cross another tree. He descended down a thick coil of vines and touched the feet with his ground. He wove through the giant trees and arrived in this round pond where he was able to refill his canteen. They rested around the pool for a while before continuing on.


Ciara found herself sweating as she looks down. She was clinging to Nolan who was slowly climbing the walls of the mountain in the middle of the night with only the moon's light to guide him. She was shaking to her core. She wasn't able to enjoy the climb. All she could hear after all was the chippings of the mountain walls and Nolan's rag breathing. She felt her skin prickled and her breathing turning into a cloud. Her eyelids were covered in cold sweat.

Nolan has already climbed high enough for her to see the clouds below them. She didn't know why they were climbing but as someone who could not complain all she could do was to keep her silence. Nolan rested on the piton while trying to adjust his breathing. It took him minutes till he could continue climbing the mountaintop.

Nolan and Ciara reached the top of the mountain. It was not cold surprisingly and this surprised Ciara. Nolan placed her away from the edges of the mountain and started a fire. The place started to become warm. Ciara was about to play with the fire when she saw the myriad of stars, galaxies, planets, and the cosmos clear within her sight.

Her vision was filled with stars that looked like they were droppings of milk. She could not understand but the sight of the magnificence of the skies soothed and calmed her down. She stood unmoving. Nolan watched her with a smile as he applied ointment for his hands.

Ciara was stunned. She felt small and unneeded yet seeing the wonders changed something inside her. She stared at the stars lightly. Nolan offered her food which she accepted. She ate the food that was given to her. While Nolan sat by her side and watched the stars.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" asked Nolan.

"Yes,' she said. "It is really beautiful. I am sorry that you've to carry me above this beautiful place."

"It was my pleasure to do so." He nodded his head. He continued watching the stars while eating the food that he took out from his bag. It was odd. It made Ciara thought of many things. It also made Nolan recall how he liked the view of the stars and the galaxies. There was no pollution in this world and thus everything could be seen. It has been years since he has seen the stars. When the world darkened the view of the stars disappeared for they were covered by the darkness.

He was able to see the stars again with Ciara. He was rather happy about sharing this moment but he knew that such good times never truly last. He would have to do what he needed to do after taking her to the Three Fates. It was time for the parting glass.

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